PHYS 351Augustana CollegeWinter 2010-2011
Observation and Determination of the Wavelengths of a Diode Laser and Sodium D lines
Derick Peterson, AugustanaCollege, Rock Island, Illinois, USA
This paper presents a utilization[P1] of the Michelson Interferometer in determining the wavelengths of a diode laser and sodium D lines. The distance between a repeat in fringe patterns (d) was measured for a diode laser and sodium D-lines, and this was used to calculate the wavelengths of each light source (667.5+/- 6.79%nm and 633.8 +/- 8.39%, respectively). The distance between adjacent visibility maxima in the sodium source was also recorded and was used to calculate the wavelengths of each individual wavelength of the 2 components of the sodium D-lines (633.4+/- 8.40% and 634.2 +/- 8.39%).
The interferometer is a device which can measure changes in length at great accuracy by observation of interference fringes. In 1887 Michelson and Morley used a highly-accurate interferometer with 11-meter paths to test for the existence of the luminiferous ether, and again in 1907, when Michelson was able to show conclusively that the standard meter is equal to 1553163.5 wavelengths of a certain monochromatic red light. In this experiment we will be using the interferometer to find the wavelengths of certain kinds of light.
The basic Michelson Interferometer is shown in figure 1. The incoming light beam hits the beam splitter and half of the light is transmitted through to M1 through the compensator plate and the other half reflected toward M2. M1 and M2 reflect the light back to the beam splitter, and half of each beam reaches the detector while the other half is pointed at the source and lost. The position of M2 can be altered using a precision micrometer, and in this way the path length of that light beam can be altered. By placing a lens in front of the laser source an interference pattern[P2]. This interference is due to the phase difference between the two highly coorelated[P3] beams, which is due to the different optical paths each beam travels. Since the beam has to travel to and from each mirror, moving M2 by a distance d would increase the path length D by D = 2d. If the fringes change in a way that is sinusoidal[P4], the fringes should repeat their pattern when the path length changes by λ, so using these two relationships we can get λ = 2d.
The sodium D lines are most easily seen as a single wavelength, but in truth they are made up of two individual wavelengths spaced close together. When both of the lines are in phase then the fringes are most clear, and if you scroll through them you can find other visibility maxima. Over the distance between adjacent visibility maxima (D), each wavelength of light should give rise to an integer number of fringes since they both repeat their behavior, so we can write
D = m1λ = m2λ(1)
The shorter wavelength should contain more wavelengths since the distance is equal for both, specifically 1 more wavelength (m2 = m1 + 1). Usuing[P5] this and equation 1 we can therefore find that the difference between the 2 sodium D-line wavelengths is
λ2– λ1=( λ2λ1)/2D(2)
We can use this relationship to calculate λ2, λ1, and Δλ.
In order to properly utilize the interferometer, it first had to be aligned. The PASCO scientific OS-9255A Precision Interferometer was setup as shown below in figure 1. The laser beam was adjusted so that it was parallel with the base in such a way that it struck the center of the movable mirror (M1) and reflected back into the laser aperture. The beam-splitter was placed as shown so that the beam reflected to the center of the adjustable mirror (M2). The compensator plate was positioned as seen at a 45o[P6] angle, so that the beam hit the plate near the center. The viewing screen was not used, so two sets of bright red dots were seen on the far wall of the room, where they could be easily seen. The beam splitter was adjusted so that the two [P7]dots were relatively close, then the two thumbscrews on the back of M2 were used to fine-tune the dot’s[P8] position until they overlapped.
To obtain the wavelength of the diode laser, a converging lens was placed as shown above in figure 1, and the position of M2 (the only mirror adjusted after this point) was adjusted until a point was found where circular fringes in the diverging beam could be clearly seen. The mirror was then further adjusted in order to determine the average distance that you move it in order to get a repeat in fringes. Rather than observing the fringes on the viewing screen, we projected the fringes onto the far wall in order to get a more accurate reading by comparing the relatively larger fringes with markings made on the wall. The mirror was adjusted so that ten repeating fringes passed, and the distance moved, d, was recorded. This distance was then used to calculate the wavelength of the light of the diode laser.
To obtain the wavelength of the sodium D lines, the same setup as that of the diode laser was used, but the converging lens was removed. Instead, the converging lens of the human eye was used by looking directly into the instrument to observe the fringes. In a similar fashion as with the diode laser, the mirror was adjusted so as to get a repeat in the pattern of fringes. The distance, d, between ten fringes was recorded, and this was used to calculate the wavelength of the sodium line, which is the average value of the two sodium D lines.
To obtain the wavelength difference between the two close lines that comprise the sodium D line, we used the average wavelength and observations of the visibility of the fringes. The same setup as in finding the wavelength of the sodium D lines was used. The mirror was adjusted across a very wide range, and the changes in the fringe patterns from sharply visible to ‘washed out’ were observed. It was noted roughly where two visibility maxima were, and the distance between these points was recorded. This value was used to calculate the difference between the two sodium D line wavelengths, and each individual wavelength.
Table 1 lists the experimentally determined average values for the wavelengths of the light from the diode laser and the Sodium D lines. The values for each wavelength were computed using the formula
λ = 2d(3)
where d is the distance that the mirror was moved to get a repeat in the pattern of fringes. The smallest reading on the precision Interferometer is 1 µm, so we assigned an uncertainty to these measurements of .5µm. These wavelength data were compared against their standard values, and the percent difference was computed. The error in each experimental value is given as a percentage, [P9]and is computed using the standard propagation of error technique.
λ (nm) / Standard val. (nm) / % diffDiode laser (λD) / 667.5+/- 6.79[P10]% / 650 / 2.69%
Sodium D lines(λA) / 633.8 +/- 8.39% / 559.3 / 7.56%
Table 1. Experimental and Standard wavelengths for Diode laser and Sodium D lines.
Table 2 shows the experimentally determined average values for the wavelengths of the light from each individual Sodium D line (λ1,λ2), as well as that of the difference between the two (Δλ). The wavelengths were computed using the formulas
λ2=( -(4D-2λA ) + sqrt ( (4D-2λA)2 – 4(-4λAD) ) )/2 (4)
λ1=λA- λ2(5)
Δλ=λ2- λ1(6)
where D is the distance between the visibility maxima and λA is the average wavelength of the sodium D lines, seen in table 1.These data were compared against their standard values, and the percent difference was computed. The error in each experimental value is given as a percentage, and is computed using the standard propagation of error technique.
λ1(nm) / λ2(nm) / Δλ(nm)Experimental value / 633.4+/- 8.40% / 634.2 +/- 8.39% / 0.8153+/- 14.52%
Standard value / 589.00 / 589.6 / 0.5974
% difference / 7.55% / 7.57% / 36.48%
Table 1. Experimental and Standard wavelengths for Diode laser and Sodium D lines.
The percent difference between our experimentally determined values of the wavelengths of light and their standard values were 2.69%for the diode laser (λD) and 7.56% for the average of the Sodium D lines (λD), compared to the propagated error of 6.79% and 8.39%, respectively. Thus, both of these data fell within computed error of the standard. Additionally, the percent difference between the experimental values of λ1,λ1, and Δλand their standards were 7.55%, 7.57%, and 36.48%compared to the propagated error of 8.40%, 8.39% and 36.48%, respectively. Therefore λ1 and λ1[P11], fall within computed error of the standard, but Δλ did not. This larger percent error is likely due to the fact that Δλ is a very small value (<1nm) and our interferometer has a measurement uncertainty of .5µm, so even taking[P12] using very large measurements to calculateλ2and thusΔλ as we did (D was equal to 286.383µm) will not eliminate this source of error. It is likely that a large part of the error in Δλ arose from human error in observing [P13]the sodium fringes with the naked eye. The sodium fringes proved extremely difficult to focus on, and this may have resulted in miss-readings[P14]. We could improve the accuracy of this experiment by using a higher-precision interferometer and using a computerized device to observe the fringes of the sodium band, thus minimizing human error.
We have determined the wavelengths of a diode laser, the average of the sodium D lines and the wavelength of each individual line in the sodium D lines.
- [P15]An Introduction to Error Analysis, John R. Taylor, 2nd Ed. (1997).
[P1]I don’t like this word - it’s not actually wrong, but most of the time “use“ is better
[P2]was there more to this sentence?
[P4]light wave is sinusoidal
[P6]superscript or write out “degree”
[P7]pairs of
[P9]if you give your error as a value in nm, it is easier for the reader to see if you are within error of the standard (or of their experiment or whatever)
[P10]round error to one sig fig, and round the value, so it doesn’t include insignificant figures (ones you can claim, because they are uncertain) For example 630 +/-50
[P13]this should be included in your propagated error
[P15]reference for your discussion of Michelson?