
El 28de febrero


Capítulo 1A


I. José Martí

Students will learn about José Martí from Cuba

José Martí

Realidades 2 Página 25

José JuliánMartí Pérez(January 28, 1853 – May 19, 1895) was aCuban national heroand important figure inLatin American literature. During his life, he was apoet,essayist,journalist,revolutionaryphilosopher,translator,professor,publisher,Freemason,political theorist, and supporter ofHenry George's economic reforms.[1][2]Through his writings and political activity, he became a symbol for Cuba's bid forindependenceagainstSpainin the 19th century, and is referred to as the "Apostle of Cuban Independence."[3]He also wrote about the threat of Spanish andUS expansionismintoCuba. From adolescence, he dedicated his life to the promotion ofliberty, political independence for Cuba, and intellectual independence for allSpanish Americans; his death was used as a cry for Cuban independence from Spain by both the Cuban revolutionaries and thoseCubanspreviously reluctant to start a revolt.

Born inHavana, Martí began his political activism at an early age. He traveled extensively in Spain,Latin America, and the United States, raising awareness and support for the cause of Cuban independence. His unification of the Cubanémigrécommunity, particularly inFlorida, was crucial to the success of theCuban War of Independenceagainst Spain. He was a key figure in the planning and execution of this war, as well as the designer of the Cuban Revolutionary Party and its ideology. He died in military action during theBattle of Dos Ríoson May 19, 1895.

Martí is considered one of the great turn-of-the-century Latin American intellectuals. His written works include a series of poems, essays,letters, lectures, novel, and achildren's magazine. He wrote for numerous Latin American andAmerican newspapers; he also founded a number of newspapers. His newspaperPatriawas an important instrument in his campaign for Cuban independence. After his death, one of his poems from the book,"Versos Sencillos" (Simple Verses)was adapted to the song "Guantanamera", which has become the definitivepatriotic songof Cuba.

The concepts offreedom, liberty, anddemocracyare prominent themes in all of his works, which were influential on theNicaraguanpoetRubén Daríoand theChileanpoetGabriela Mistral.[4]


Martílogróllevarseconsigo a suesposa e hijo el 3 de marzo de 1880.Permanecenjuntos hasta el 21 de octubre, en que Carmen y José Francisco regresan a Cuba.Unasemanadespuésresultóelecto vocal del ComitéRevolucionarioCubano, del cualasumió la presidencia al sustituir a García, quienhabíapartidohacia Cuba paraincorporarse a la fallida Guerra Chiquita.

Entre 1880 y 1890 Martíalcanzaríarenombre en laAméricaa través de artículos y crónicasqueenviabadesde Nueva York a importantesperiódicos:La OpiniónNacional, deCaracas,Venezuela;La Nación, deBuenos Aires,Argentina, yEl Partido Liberal, de México. Posteriormente decide buscarmejoracomodo enVenezuela, a dondellega el 20 deenero de 1881. En Caracas fundó laRevistaVenezolana, de la quepudoeditar solo dos números. En el segundonúmeroMartí, escribeun notableensayosobre el destacadointelectualCecilio Acostaquedisgusta al presidenteGuzmán Blancomotivosuficienteparaserexpulsado del país. En Nueva York trabajópara la casa editorial Appleton como editor ytraductor.1

A mediados de 1882 reinició la labor de reorganizar a los revolucionarios (los partidarios de la independencia total de Cuba de la metrópoliespañola), comunicándoselomediantecartas aMáximo Gómez BáezyAntonio Maceo. El 2 de octubre de 1884 se reúneporvezprimera con ambos líderes y comienza a colaborar en un plan insurreccionaldiseñado y dirigidopor los generales Gómez y Maceo. Luego se separó del movimientoporestar en desacuerdo con los métodos de direcciónempleados y lasconsecuenciasquetendríansobre la futurarepúblicacubana, segúnmanifestó.

El 30 de noviembre de 1887 fundóunaComisiónEjecutiva, de la cualfueelegidopresidente, encargada de dirigirlasactividadesorganizativas de los revolucionarios. En enero de 1892 redactólas Bases y los Estatutos del PartidoRevolucionarioCubano. El 8 de abril de 1892 resultóelectoDelegado de esaorganización, cuyaconstituciónfueproclamada dos díasdespués, el 10 de abril de 1892. El 14 de esemesfundó el periódicoPatria, órganooficial del Partido. Entre 1887 y 1892, Martí se desempeñócomocónsul deUruguayen Nueva York.2


¿Quéhizo José Martí?





Tenerque + infinitiveis one way to express obligation or necessity. This expression can be translated as “someone has to do something.” Tener is conjugated according to the subject of the sentence.

Tengoque comer lasverduras.
I have to eat the vegetables.

Ángeltieneque leer el periódico.
Ángel has to read the newspaper.

They have to buy a magazine.

Hay que + infinitiveis used to express the idea of “one must do something” or, “it is necessary to do something.” It is a more general expression and since there is no subject, the verb form hay is always used.

Hay quetomarun taxi.
It is necessary to take a taxi.

Hay queestudiar mucho.
One must study a lot.

These examples illustrate the contrasting uses of these two expressions:

Maríatieneunexamen el lunes. Ellatienequeestudiar.
María has a test on Monday. She has to study.

No esfácilaprender el español.Hay quepracticar mucho.
It isn’t easy to learn Spanish. It is necessary to practice a lot.

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