Mrs. Landrum’s Rules, Requirements and Expectations

Biology 2014- 2015

1. Be respectful – I expect you to conduct yourself like young adults. Do not talk out of line, use abusive language, or misbehave for a substitute or guest.

2. Be prepared– come to class every day with a good attitude and ready to learn.

3. Be prompt – in your seat and quiet when the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.

Objectives: We will be covering many topics throughout the year. You may like some more than others, but you will develop a better understanding of a variety of biological processes. You will develop critical thinking skills that will help you relate the science you are learning to the world around you. You will also become prepared for future scientific endeavors, whether you choose to take more advanced science classes or a career as a scientist!

Attendance: Your success in this class is very dependent on your presence. I promise I will do my best to make this class interesting. My job is to make this class a place where you enjoy learning. Your job is to come to class. If you are absent it is your responsibility to get materials missed and make-up any work assigned.

Procedures: I expect you to be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Likewise, I will dismiss you from the room, not the bell. There is NO GUM CHEWING,DRINKING, OR EATING allowed. You will follow all safety rules and precautions as instructed. NO HORSEPLAY WILL BE TOLERATED IN ANY LAB - some of our lab equipment is very expensive … some is very sharp! Appropriate lab attire is close-toed shoes, pants, no baggie or loose clothing, and long hair tied back.

Discussions are an important and necessary part of a science classroom. They must however, be carried out in a civilized manner. ASK QUESTIONS!!! If you do not grasp a concept, do not be afraid to ask questions! The goal is to understand all different sorts of concepts and ideas – some will come easy and some will not. So, ASK QUESTIONS!!!

Materials Needed: It is your job to bring the necessary materials to class or to take them home with you at night. It is all part of learning to be responsible. Once you are in the classroom, you will not be permitted to leave to go get things from your locker that you forgot to bring to class. You will need to bring the following to class everyday:

Without these materials it will be difficult to keep up in this class

  • Pencils, blue or black pens
  • 100 page composition notebook
  • Three ring Binder(minimum 1½ inch)

You are required to maintain a notebook binder in this class. It will be organized and neat, requiring absolutely no explanation during quarterly notebook checks.

Homework: You will not have homework every single night, but whenyou do have it is your job to do it – by yourself! It is good for you to share ideas and get help from your friends, but cheating and/or plagiarism is unacceptable and will not be tolerated! Some homework will be checked for effort while other assignments will be graded for accuracy. Either way make sure to complete every assignment fully and accurately. Homework is due on the assigned date.

Grading: Your grade will be determined as follows: TOTAL POINTS EARNED / TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS. The point values for assignments will be made clear ahead of time. If you feel that you need additional help in studying my classroom will always be available before and after school.

Lab grades are yours for the taking. It is possible to retrieve a sample of pond water and find absolutely nothing in it, and as long as you have followed the prescribed procedure, you will earn your lab points. Major point deductions are taken for non-participation and a zero will be given for horseplay. If you spend the time, complete the work correctly and study for tests, there is no reason that you should not get a good grade in this class. Just remember, your grade is up to you!

Grading Scale: A: 100-90 B: 89-80C: 79-70 D: 69-60F: 59-0

***Note: End Of Course Assessment will count for 30% of your overall grade in this course.

Late assignments are not acceptableand will receive maximum half credit. No assignments will be given credit after the chapter test has been taken. However, in order to retake a test all assignments must be turned in. Refer to test retake policy.

Discipline: You are responsible for your own behavior, and choose your own actions and consequences in this classroom. This science class is a great opportunity to learn new things through lots of fun and exciting activities. However, if you choose to act inappropriately and not follow class rules during activities, you will loose this privilege. Any behavior that is not conductive to a good learning environment will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with immediately.

Dear Students,

I sincerely look forward to getting to know you and helping you to develop a love of science and a respect toward all scientific processes as well as yourself and each other. We will have a fun year. Here’s to the start of an exciting year!!!


Mrs. Landrum

(740) 490-0798ext. 798

Make sure to regularly check my website for updates and pictures of what we are doing in class!

Discipline Contract: I have read and understand the rules, requirements and expectations for Mrs. Landrum’s class. This will remain in my binder to refer to throughout the year if questions arise.Returned signed for your first grade (10pts).

Name of Student

Signature of Student

Parent/Guardian Initials: ______