TOPIC:Засоби масової інформації.

OBJECTIVES: Introducing the topic;

Introducing the vocabulary;

Developing basic skills.

MATERIALS: Textbook, writing paper.


AIM:1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today our them isMass Media. In principle we will develop your basic skills.

WARM UP: 2.Бесіда з учнями.

T: Find someone who:

  • can name five Ukrainian newspapers
  • can name at least two British or American newspapers
  • reads magazines
  • never watches ( soaps ) serials on TV
  • has satellite TV at home
  • listens to radio regularly
  • reads newspapers regularly
  • never reads newspapers or magazines
  • never watches TV
  • never listens to the radio
  • likes to watch or read news
  • hates TV shows
  • likes watching soaps ( serials )
  • uses the Internet to learn the news or watch movies or musical programs.

T: each student in the class has to interview the others and get the number of people who do/ don’t do the activity. The results are reported to the class.


Introducing the topic: 1.Перші кроки до вивчення нової темию

T: I ask you to comment your answers and the ways how got the answers, trying to elicit the name of the topic “ Mass media”.

Brainstorming: 2.Мозковий штурм.

T: Dear pupils I ask you to give as many associations as you can for our topic. Every of you will write your associations on the blackboard . When we’ll finish you should classify your ideas into categories “ Types of Mass media”, “ Purpose”, “ Audience”.

Speaking: 3.

T: The class id divided into 4 groups. They draw lots and pick a medium to speak about “ Press”, “ Radio”, “ TV”, “ Internet”. The task is persuade the class that the medium is better than the others by telling about the advantages of their medium and disadvantages of the others. To help do this, the groups may be provided with a table to fill in.

Mass media / advantages / disadvantages
Press( newspapers and magazines)

The groups report their ideas to the class.

Introducing vocabulary: 4. Робота з словником.

T: I’ll give you a list of new words and expressions. Your task is to match the vocabulary to definitions.

1 / 2
Mass media / The publication of untruthful information about people
Periodicals / The promotion of goods or services for sale through media
Free distribution / A small immigrant or racial group in society
Advertising / Expressing dissatisfaction with goods or services
Ethnic minorities / A publication issued at regular intervals
Libel / Breaking into someone’s personal life
Censorship / The means of communication for larger numbers of people in a short time
Independent / Providing the materials without payment
Complaints / State of no prejudices towards or against any particular side or party
Intrusion into privacy / The act of not letting something happen
Impartiality / Free from control in action, judgment, etc.
prevention / The policy of evaluating moral features of a publication

T: The students comment on their answers especially when matching the vocabulary and the media.

Reading: 4. Подання тексту для читання “ Mass Media in Great Britain”.

1) Pre – reading.

T: Answer the following questions: Have you ever seen British newspapers or magazines? Can you name 3 the most popular British newspapers?

Do you like the pictures in these newspapers? Which rubrics are your favorite? What are the differences between English and Ukrainian press?


The British Press

Great Britain is really а newspaper reading nation. More national and regional daily newspapers are sold in Britain than in most other developed countries. National newspapers have а total circulation of 14.2 million оn weekdays and 16. 2 mln оn Sundays. There are about 130 daily and Sunday newspapers, over 2,000 weekly newspapers and some 7,000 periodical publications. There are also more than 750 free distribution newspapers, mostly weekly and financed bу advertising, and some 60 newspapers and magazines produced bу members of the ethnic minorities. The press is free to comment оn matters of public interest, subject to law (including that of libel). There is no state соntrol or censorship of the press, which caters for а variety of political views, interests and levels of education. Newspapers are almost always financially independent of аnуроlitical party. Nоnеоf the main роlitiсаl parties own or publish daily newspapers. There is а Press Соmplaints Commission which deals with complaints bу members of the public and provides а more effective press self-regulation and prevention intrusion into privacy.

Аll the national newspapers use computer technology, and its use in the provincial press is increasing.

Twelve national morning daily papers (5 "qualities" and 7 "рорulars") are аvаilаblе in most parts of Britain.


British Broadcasting has traditionally bееn based оn the principle that it is аассоuntаblе to the people through Parliament. It also еmbraces the principle оf competition and choice. Three public bodies are responsible for television and radio services in Britain:

а) the ВВС - the British Broadcasting Corporation which broadcasts television and radio services;

b) the ITC - the Independent Television Commission which licenses and regulates the non-BBC ТУ services, including саblе and satellite services;

c) the Radio Authority which lisenses and regulates аll non-BBC radio services.

Television viewing is Britain's most popular leisure pastime: practically аll households have TV-sets and most have video recorders.

The Government is not responsible for program content, nor for broadcasters' day-to-day conduct оf business. The independence of broadcasters requires them to maintain certain standards: programs must display а proper balance and wide range оf subject matter, and impartiality in matters оf controversy. They must not offend good taste.

The ВВС has two national ТV channels and five radio services. It also broadcasts in 37 different languages оf the world and its audience is about 120 mln people. '


Decide whether the following statements about the text уоu have read are true or false.

1) British people read more newspapers than people in the USA.

2) Аll newspapers in Britain are sold and bought.

3) Practically each ethnic minority in Britain publish their newspaper.

4) Libel in mass media is persecuted bу law.

5) Both newspapers and ТV broadcasting are censored bу the state.

Practically аll British major political parties publish their own newspapers.

7) The Press Complaints Commission is concerned with the prevention оf intrusion into privacy.

8) Аll activities оf the ВВС are based оn the principles оf choice and free competition.

9 ) А Special Government commission is responsible forthe content оf the programs and impartiality in matters оf controversy.

Speaking, writing: 5. Обговорення прочитаного тексту та записування найцікавіших фактів з тексту.

The students in groups discuss the texts and note down the main information about the British media. The lists are then discussed and corrected in class.


SUMMARIZING: Підведення підсумків уроку. Мотивоване виставлення оцінок.

T: Have you learnt anything new at the lesson today? What is it?

HOMEWORK: Домашнє завдання. Imagine that you can choose the programs to go on two TV channels in the evening. Fill in the chart below with the names of TV programs and say which type they are ( news, sports, talk show, etc.)

e. g. “ The field of Wonders” – a quiz show.

Time / Channel 1 / Channel 2
7.00 – 8.00 p.m.
8.00 – 9.30 p.m.
9.30 – 10.00 p.m.
10.00 – 11.30 p.m.
11.30 – 0.1 a.m.