/ School District 58 • (Nicola-Similkameen)
Enhancing LearningPlan 2016-2019

Goal 1

Goal statements help to focus priorities for improving student learning.

Objectives help to focus goals into more specific areas of attention.

/ Goal # 1: To improve student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy.
Objective 1: To have all students make gains in literacy and numeracy.
Objective 2: To identify students in need of additional supports through Literacy and Numeracy screening assessments.
Objective 3: To improve student success through increased numeracy and literacysupports (staff, technology,and programs).


Programs and services put into place to ensure goals and objectives are met. /
  1. Utilize the Enhanced Learning Leader position to be more thorough with our front line assessments (staff training and support).
  2. Increase staff capacity and implement the RTI model to make sure we are closing all gaps and thus student’s deficits.
  3. Students will have access to online educational resources (RAZ Kids, Reflex Math, Educational Apps, etc.).
  4. Use of Assessment for Learning (AFL) strategies – Focus on Descriptive (informative feedback – ties into PITW)
  5. Increase our differentiation implementation in class using our school assessments to guide our instruction.
  6. Implement math diagnostic assessments.
  7. One to One reading program.
  8. Scheduled reading timefor the entire school.
  9. Implement Play is The Way Curriculum as a tool to ensure kids are self-regulating so they can persevere academically.

Goal 2

Goal statements help to focus priorities for improving student learning.

Objectives help to focus goals into more specific areas of attention.

/ Goal # 2: To increase the ability of our students to be in control of their emotions when presented with challenges both academically and socially.
Objective #1: To help the staff, students and parents of our school create a safe learning environment in which students train to be independent, self-regulating, self-motivated learners who are in pursuit of their personal best and are able to get along with each other.
Objective #2: To help develop students of strong character and decency with the social emotional competencies to live and learn well.
Objective #3: To foster empathetic students, considerate of themselves, each other and the world in which they live with sound and good reasons for the things they say or do.


Programs and services put into place to ensure goals and objectives are met.

  1. Train all staff in PITW at August Professional Development.
  2. Full implementation of the PITW program school wide.
  3. Behaviour Education blocks scheduled into teachers’ timetables 3-5 times per week with a focus on Life Raft Activities (also possibly: Mind-up, Friends, Second Step, How Does your Engine Run).
  4. PITW games scheduled 3 times per week.
  5. Multi-gradeschool games once a week to reinforce the 6 key concepts as well as the Self-Mastery Checklist.
  6. Use of common language for PITW.
  7. Signage of the key concepts and Self-Mastery Checklist in classes and around the school.
  8. At least one Parent session of PITW per year.
  9. Language signage available for parents.
  10. Inform parents when multi-age PITW happening.
  11. Have PITW information or access to it on the school website.
  12. Track behaviour referrals.

Goal 3

Goal statements help to focus priorities for improving student learning.

Objectives help to focus goals into more specific areas of attention.

/ Goal #3: To increase the students’ understanding of First Nations Cultureand its influence on our community.
Objective 1:To increase the number of classroom based (in and out of class) cultural activities.
Objective 2: To increase the number of students participating in our drumming and craft activities.


Programs and services put into place to ensure goals and objectives are met.

  1. Continue with cultural field trips (pick bitter-root, Pow Wow, etc.) and having guest speakers into the classroom.
  2. Continue with crafts at lunch and bring them into classrooms during art or integrated into lessons in classes.
  3. Continue with our drum group and incorporate it into classroom music lessons.
  4. Open the drum group to lower age students.
  5. Continue with bringing role models and elders in for targeted lessons about First Nations history, beliefs and other cultural aspects.


A rationale is a thorough and connected set of reasons, based on evidence, for the selection of goals and objectives.

/ It was determined after identifying through an analysis of standardized assessments and an evaluation of the social emotional positioning of our students that they can improve…
•In writing output
•In comprehension
•In motivation
•In student organization
•In writing process (Form and Style)
•In the fundamentals of numeracy
•Inbeing empathetic

Performance Indicators/Evidence

Performance Indicators are measures used to indicate progress towards attainment of goals and objectives.

/ Indicators will include:
  1. Literacy Assessments including: PM Bench Marks, GB+
  2. Diagnostic Math Assessment
  3. Number of students entering and leaving Tier 3 interventions
  4. Behavioural Referrals
  5. Core Competency Goals/Assessments

Performance Targets(Expected Results)

Targets are clearly articulated expectations for short-term and long-term results andsupportschool planning for enhanced student performance.

/ -Improved assessment results in the area of writing
-Improved assessment results in the area of numeracy
-Improved Diagnostic Math results
-Increases in reading and comprehension confidence
-An increase in students in grade 6 and 7 volunteering to be involved with leadership initiatives at the school
-Decreased office referrals
*A part of year 1 will be to create baselines from which we can track changes

Linking of Evidence to Actions

This is a description of achievement evidence and progress towards achievement targets.

From this evidence, actions are developed to address specific achievement issues.

  1. Assessment tracking spreadsheet
  2. Behavioural Referrals tracking spreadsheet
  3. Tracking of First Nations Cultural activities – Fluid Surveys