

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Understand classification system
2 / 1.1.1 / 1.The student will define taxonomy / ESS
4 / 1.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the contributions of Aristotle and Linnaeus to taxonomy / ESS
6 / 1.1.3 / 3.The student will apply the rules of the binomial nomenclature system / ESS
8 / 1.1.4 / 4.The student will create and apply dichotomous keys / ESS
10 / 1.1.5 / 5.The student will identify the seven main levels of the biological hierarchy of classification in order from Kingdom to species / ESS
12 / 1.1.6 / 6.The student will describe the classification of human beings from Kingdom to species / ESS
14 / 1.1.7 / 7.The student will explain general terms used in invertebrate classification (protostome, deuterstome, dorsal/ventral, anterior/posterior, planes of symmetry) / EXP

Standard 2: PROTISTA

Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Understand animal-like protists
16 / 2.1.1 / 1.The student will define the characteristics of the Kingdom Protista / EXP
18 / 2.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the characteristics of the four major groups of Protozoa (Ciliophora, Mastigophora, Sarcodina and Sporozoa) / EXP


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among three major types of sponges
20 / 3.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of the phylum Porifera (i.e., multicellular, symmetry, aquatic, pores, sessile) / ESS
22 / 3.1.2 / 2.The student will identify the form and function of a sponge (choanocyte, archeocyte, porocyte, pinacocyte, ostia, osculum, spongocoel, spicules) / ESS
24 / 3.1.3 / 3.The student will identify the three types of canal systems of the sponge (asconoid, syconoid, and leuconoid) / ESS
26 / 3.1.4 / 4.The student will recognize the four classes of sponges (Calcarea, Hexactinellida, Demospongiae, and Sclerospongiae) / EXP


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among four major classes of Cnidaria
28 / 4.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of the phylum Cnidaria (i.e., radial symmetry, nematocysts, 2 true germ layers, nerve net, acoelomate, gastrolvascular cavity) / ESS
30 / 4.1.2 / 2.The student will identify the form and function of Cnidarians (i.e., polyp and medusa) / ESS
32 / 4.1.3 / 3.The student will recognize that digestion in Cnidaria is both extracellular and intracellular / EXP
34 / 4.1.4 / 4.The student will recognize and describe the four classes of Cnidaria (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Anthozoa) / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among four major classes of Platyhelminthes
36 / 5.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of the phylum Platyhelminthes (i.e., triploblastic, bilateral symmetry, flame cells, dorso-ventrally flattened, acoelomate) / ESS
38 / 5.1.2 / 2.The student will recognize characteristics of the class Turbellaria (i.e., free living, monoecious, eyespots) / ESS
40 / 5.1.3 / 3.The student will recognize characteristics of the class Monogenea (i.e., ectoparaasitic, single descent, live primarily on the gills of fish) / ESS
42 / 5.1.4 / 4.The student will recognize characteristics of the class Trematoda (i.e., endoparasitic flukes, tegument, penetration glands) / ESS
44 / 5.1.5 / 5.The student will identify diseases caused by Trematodes (i.e., Schistosoma, Clonorchis) and describe the life cycles of these organisms / ESS
46 / 5.1.6 / 6.The student will recognize characteristics of the class Cestoda (i.e., no mouth or digestive tract, scolex, proglottids, strobila) / ESS
48 / 5.1.7 / 7.The student will identify diseases caused by Cestodes (tapeworm) and describe the life cycle / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Recognize features of the phylum Rotifera
50 / 6.1.1 / 1.The student will recognize characteristics of the phylum Rotifera (i.e., corona and mastax, freshwater, dioecious, parthenogenic reproduction) / EXT


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Recognize features of the phylum Nematoda
52 / 7.1.1 / 1.The student will recognize characteristics of the phylum Nematoda (i.e., pseudocoelomate, complete digestive tyract, hydrostatic skeleton, eutely, mostly free living but include harmful parasites) / ESS
Goal 2: Recognize five important parasitic Nematodes
54 / 7.2.1 / 1.The student will describe characteristics of the disease caused by the hookworm (Necator) (habitat, prevention, pathology) / ESS
56 / 7.2.2 / 2.The student will describe characteristics of the disease caused by the pinworm (Enterobius) (habitat, prevention, pathology) / ESS
58 / 7.2.3 / 3.The student will describe characteristics of the disease caused by Ascaris (habitat, prevention, pathology) / ESS
60 / 7.2.4 / 4.The student will describe characteristics of the disease caused by Trichina (habitat, prevention, pathology) / ESS
62 / 7.2.5 / 5.The student will describe characteristics of the disease caused by Filaria (habitat, prevention, pathology) / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the six major classes of Mollusca
64 / 8.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of the phylum Mollusca (i.e., most bilateral symmetry, eucoelomate, true organ systems, three part body plan, most with a shell, radula and mantle / ESS
66 / 8.1.2 / 2.The student will describe the form and function of Mollusca (i.e., respiration by ciliated gills in the mantle cavity; circyulation with three chambered heart and open circulatory system; excretion using nephridia) / ESS
68 / 8.1.3 / 3.The student will describe general characteristics of class Monoplacophora (i.e., one shell) / EXP
70 / 8.1.4 / 4.The student will describe general characteristics of the class polyplacophora (i.e., shell consists of 8 valves) Ex. Chitons / EXP
72 / 8.1.5 / 5.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Scaphopoda (i.e., sedentary, marine, conical shell that is open at both ends) Ex. Tooth shells and tusk shells / EXP
74 / 8.1.6 / 6.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Gastropoda (i.e., torsion, radula, foot for motion, 3 forms of respiration [gills, primitive lung, skin]) Ex. Snail, slug, nudibranchs) / ESS
76 / 8.1.7 / 7.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Bivalvia (Pelecypoda) (i.e., filter feeders, 2 shells, gills for respiration and capturing food, siphons strong adductor muscles) / ESS
78 / 8.1.8 / 8.The student will describe the mantle and the 3 parts of the bivalve shell (periostracum, prismatic layer, nacreous layer) / EXP
80 / 8.1.9 / 9.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Cephalopoda (i.e., jet propulsion, beaks, tentacles, intelligence, chromatophores, ink, closed circulatory system) Ex. Squid, octopus, nautilus, cuttlefish) / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the three major classes of Annelida
82 / 9.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of the phylum Annelida (i.e., metamerism, eucoelomate, closed circulatory system, complete digestsive system, exterhal bristles, respiration through skin) / ESS
84 / 9.1.2 / 2.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Polychaeta (i.e., marine, parapodia, cephalization, bilateral symmetry) Ex. Marine worms / ESS
86 / 9.1.3 / 3.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Oligochaeta (i.e., complete digestive system, setae, monoecious, burtrowing, clitellum, no distinct head) Ex. earthworm / ESS
88 / 9.1.4 / 4.The student will describe general characteristics of the class Hirudinea (i.e., flat body, no bristles, fixed number of body segments (34), suckers, most ectoparasitic) Ex. leech / ESS


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among the three major classes of Annelida
90 / 10.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda (i.e., segmented body, exoskeleton, jointed appendages, 3 body parts) Ex. Spiders, insects and crustaceans / ESS
92 / 10.1.2 / 2.The student will describe general characteristics of the crustaceans (i.e., mainly aquatic, 2 pair of branched antennae, specialized mouth parts, open circulatory system, hard exoskeleton) Ex. Crab, lobster, crayfish, shrimp / ESS
94 / 10.1.3 / 3.The student will describe general characteristics of insects (i.e., 3 pair legs, wings, 3 body parts, complete, incomplete or gradual metamorphosis, specialized mouth parts) Ex. Grasshopper, bee, butterfly, fly, beetle / ESS
96 / 10.1.4 / 4.The student will describe the social behaviors of insects and their adaptive value / ESS
98 / 10.1.5 / 5.The student will describe general characteristics of arachnids (i.e., 4 pair of walking legs, 2 body parts, many with poison glands, web spinning habits, book lungs) Ex. Spiders, mites and ticks, scorpions, harvestmen (Daddy-long-legs) / ESS
100 / 10.1.6 / 6.The student will recognize and identify organisms belonging to the four orders of Arachnids (Araneae [spider], Scorpionida [scorpion], Opiliones [harvestmen], and Acarina [ticks and mites] / EXP


Abacus # / Std/ Goal/
Obj # /


/ Criti-cality
Goal 1: Distinguish among major classes of Echinodermata
102 / 11.1.1 / 1.The student will describe general characteristics of Echinoderms (i.e., marine, five-part radial symmetry, endoskeleton, water vascular system [tube feet, ring canal, radial canal], first deuterstome) Ex. Starfish, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumber / ESS

ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.)

EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.)

EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.)

©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002