Objective 4.07 Content Outline


Understands the concepts and processes needed to obtain, develop, maintain, and improve a product or service mix in response to market opportunities

Performance Indicators

Identify company’s unique selling proposition (PM:272)

Select business location (PM:132)


  1. Explain the purpose of a business’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
  2. Discuss the importance of always fulfilling a business’s USP.
  3. List questions to ask to facilitate creation of a business’s USP.
  4. Explain ways that a business can integrate its USP into its marketing efforts.
  5. Demonstrate procedures for identifying a business’s USP.
  6. Explain the significance of business location to the success of some businesses.
  7. Identify factors that should influence the choice of business location.
  8. Discuss legal constraints in business location.
  9. Identify resources that can assist in selecting a business location.
  10. Demonstrate procedures for selecting a business location.

Resources/Software Online

Business Owner’s Toolkit. (1995-2011). Your unique selling proposition. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

DeMenter, S. (n.d.). The abcs of usps. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

DiFrisco, M.G. (2009). Your unique selling proposition. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

Housley, S. (n.d.). Unique selling proposition. Retrieved April 15, 2011, from

Interactive Marketing Inc. (2002-2010). How to create your "unique selling proposition" (USP) that makes your marketing generate more results. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from proposition.html

Lim, L. (2000-2011). Unique selling proposition (usp)—your competitive advantage. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from articles/unique-selling-proposition.html

Marketing Education Resource Center. (2008). Stand Out (Unique Selling Proposition) [LAP: PM-016: Presentation Software]. Columbus, OH: Author.

Meisenheimer, J. (n.d.). Unique selling proposition. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

Putnam, J.W. (2010, September 12). Why your company needs a unique selling proposition. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from selling-proposition/

The Economist. (2009, November 18). Unique selling proposition. Retrieved April 15, 2011, from

AllBusiness.com (1999-2011). Tips on choosing the best business location. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from real-estate-office-leasing/11153-1.html

Allen, S. (n.d.). Choosing a location for your business. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

Business Owner’s Toolkit. (1995-2011). Choosing the geographic location. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

Diverse Strategies. (2011). Selecting the right location for your business. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

Helium.com (2002-2011). Where to locate your business: Factors to consider. Retrieved April 18, 1011, from to-locate-your-business-factors-to-consider

MBFinancial Bank. (2010). Determine where to locate your business. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from

Pishko, L.S. (n.d.). How to determine where to locate your business. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from business.html

Tozzi, J. (2008, December 29). Where to locate your business. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from
