CUSU Council Easter I Agenda
7pm, Monday 2nd May, Location TBC


  1. Objections to the order of items on the agenda
  2. Corrections to the minutes of the last Council Meeting
  3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last Council Meeting
  4. Date, time and venue of upcoming Council Meetings:
  5. Monday 16th May, 7pm, location TBC
  6. Announcements by Committees, Campaign Teams and the Executive
  7. Questions to Committees, Campaign Teams and the Executive
  8. Announcements by the Council
  9. Discussionsand Presentations
  10. Returning Officers’ Report (CUSU Elections 2016)
  11. The CUSU Budget 2016-17
  12. Motions to be Ratified
  13. Ratification of the CUSU Budget 2016-17
  14. Ordinary motions
  15. Opening Nominations for the CUSU Disabled Students’ Officer
  16. Re-Opening Nominations for the CUSU Coordinator
  17. Approve the Sabbatical Officer Contracts for 2016-17
  18. Student Trustee Selection Group
  19. Ensuring Fair, Equitable Rent Negotiations and Prices within Collegiate Cambridge
  20. Enact a Referendum on Disaffiliation from the National Union of Students
  21. Assisting the Islamic Society in the provision of a venue for Friday Prayers
  22. Motion for Rational and Consultative Budgeting for 2016-17
  23. Any other business

Announcements by Committees, Campaign Teams and the Executive

Priscilla Mensah – CUSU President

-Liaising with University Equality and Diversity (E&D) department and Education Student Policy (ESP) department on Handbook on Racial and Sexual Harassment. Handbook now published and to be disseminated to all Senior Tutors in light of Welfare and Finance Committee

-Secured unconscious bias training for porters, meeting with E&D to discuss best provider to the deliver the training and timeline

-Planned, invited and scheduled first ‘Prevent Taskforce’ of term to discuss with range of College reps how the Prevent Legislation will operate within University and Colleges; all reps are encouraged to attend.

-Presented the Handbook on Racial and Sexual Harassment at Welfare and Finance on the 25th of April, asking Senior Tutors to disseminate to their support staff and begin dialogue with CUSU on how best they can support students who report racial harassment, sexual harassment or the intersection of both

-Met with Senior Tutor and pastoral support of Hughes Hall to plan a workshop session CUSU Women’s officer and I will run on supporting students reporting on racial harassment. Workshop to take place on 2nd May. Workshops at three other Colleges to follow.

-Phone calls with 3 senior tutors in light of discussion about academic parity at the Senior Tutors’ Committee in Lent Term; I have 6 more calls to line up before the next STC

-Liaised with, and attended meeting with members of CamCORS committee on how the functionality of CamCORS can be improved to ensure better collection of supervision data (for the purposes of monitoring academic parity more closely).

-Liaising with Nick Wilson, on financial modelling on international student fees

-Met with Cambridge Trust to discuss strategies for increasing Cambridge’s funding for international students

-Attending NUS Conference ex officio as lead delegate

Jemma Stewart – CUSU Coordinator

-Conducting the General Manager Annual Review

-Completed the CUSU Policy Document, to be updated following each CUSU Council

-Written the Returning Officers’ Report for the 2016 CUSU/GU Elections

-Presenting motions on the election of the Disabled Students’ Officer and deferral of the Coordinator election

-Working with the General Manager on the Budget for 2016/17

-Put together the agenda for CUSU Council

-Supporting the Islamic Society to find prayer space within the University, including seconding a motion for CUSU Council

-Took part in the Learning and Teaching Review for Clinical Science (Graduates)

-Taking part in the Learning and Teaching Review for Genetics

-Attended two meetings of the CUSU Board of Trustees

-Stewarded the CUSU WomCam Reclaim The Night March

-Provided training to NUS Delegates

-Wrote the bulletin for last week

-Began organising the CUSU Freshers’ Fair plans with staff, including a meeting with Skanska to discuss infrastructure

-Getting started on Affiliation Fee invoicing

-Voter Registration Drive held on King’s College lawn in conjunction with KCSU, KCGS and the City Council

-Planning the handover period with staff

-Assisting with the handover of TCS email addresses

-Part of a new committee – the Registration and Compliance Sub-Committee of the Sports Committee, which will first take place on Thursday 28th April

-Assisting with the move to our new downstairs office

Robert Cashman – CUSU Education Officer

-Have been organising the 2016 CUSU Student-Led Teaching Awards (SLTAs). At the time of writing more than 650 nominations have been made, and preparations are underway for the celebration event on 5th May. The panel will choose the winners on Friday, 22nd April

-Have been working with Priscilla and Poppy on the CUSU 'Welfare Grid'

-Held a meeting of the CUSU Education Team

-Was a member of the judging panel for the SLTAs at Anglia Ruskin University

-Took part in the whole-day Learning and Teaching Review of the Faculty of Law

-Attended two meetings of CUSU's Board of Trustees, one of which I chaired

-Attended three meetings of the CamSIS upgrade steering committee

-Attended two meetings of the General Board Education Committee

-Attended a meeting of the Board of Examinations

-Attended a meeting of the Information Services Committee

-Attended a meeting of the University Research Ethics Committee

-Attended a meeting of the General Board

-Co-presented, along with Poppy, on our work on inclusive teaching and learning practice at the National Association of Disability Practitioners Spring Conferences

-Attended the University'sinaugural Teaching Forum. I also presented on the CUSU SLTAs at the Teaching Forum

-Met with the Student Registry to discuss information provided to students in advance of exams

-Met with, alongside Poppy, the Secretary of the Applications Committee and the Secretary of the Board of Examinations to discuss how the University supports students who experience delays in diagnosis

-Organised and facilitated a student focus group to help shape the University's Digital Education Strategy

-Attended a Rent Workshop at Wolfson College

-Attended the Students' Unions' Advice Service (SUAS) roadshow at West Cambridge

-Attended the SUAS away-day, and have been supporting the preparation of paperwork for the Advice Quality Standard

-Met with staff at University Information Services (UIS), including a Deputy Director, to discuss how they engage with and support students.

-Ran two days of Student Support Officer training with Poppy

-Attended a meeting of the Planning and Resources Committee

-Attended a meeting of the Exam Review Working Group

-Attended another meeting of the Information Services Committee

-Met with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

-Attended a meeting of the Oversight Group for Teaching, Learning and Examination Space

-Attended another meeting of the General Board

Poppy Ellis Logan – CUSU/GU Welfare and Rights officer

-I submitted my paper on the inadequate state of storage facilities for many students (particularly international/EU students) to the Welfare and Finance Committee

-Worked with Streetbite to get EAT to give all their leftover food to Streetbite (been working on this since Michaelmas and it's finally been confirmed so a BIG WIN)

-Finished the Student Welfare Guide, a comprehensive guide to all welfare matters, available to all students in the University

-Completed the Student Support Officer Handbook and provided to officers at training

-Held Welfare App focus groups

-Spoke at two national conferences about my work on Inclusive Teaching & Learning, and on the Inclusive Education Pledge

-Went to watch Rob at Teaching Forum

-Planning animal welfare events for Girton MCR, John's MCR, MEdwards, Newnham, Emma, Selwyn, Girton and St Cat's

-Organised and hosted two full days of weekend welfare training right at the start of Easter Term so Support Officers aren't burdened with training throughout the term

-Organising the Big Chill

-Planning SUAS Destress Fests

-Working on Welfare Grid

-Met with Daniel Zeichner to discuss NHS delays and lack of bike parking provision at the North West Cambridge site

Helena Blair – CUSU Access and Funding Officer

-Oxford Cambridge Student Conferences (two week UK tour of information events for prospective applicants) delivered presentations to 1000s of sixth-form students

-Advised CUDAR on Welcome to Cambridge events (regional events for incoming students)

-Worked on CUSU Alternative Prospectus website - almost ready to go. Over 200 student contributors for webpages on Courses, Colleges, Cambridge as a city, Students Life and Diversity

-Worked with Priscilla (CUSU President) on paper addressing College rent prices and 'squeezed middle students'

-Developed and added questions to Big Cambridge Survey on bursary and grant support

-Collected testimonies from every College Access Officer on the value of bursaries - this and above has been fed into University's 2015/16 Access Agreement

-Committees: Admissions Forum, Outreach Steering Group, Access Agreement Working Group, Information and Publications Sub-Group, Undergraduate Admissions Committee

-Target Scheme training session - training students to do presentations in schools

-Met with several newly elected JCR Access Officers.

-Met with newly appointed Mature Outreach Officer (staff member) to discuss ideas

-Began planning PGCE Access training session

-Communication with CUSU Shadowing Scheme 2016 participants

-Began writing CUSU Shadowing Scheme 2016 Report

Charlie Chorley – CUSU Women’s Officer

-Ran a Women's Officer training day for JCR/MCR Women's Officers and Welfare Officers

-Led the Reclaim the Night march across Cambridge, and held the RTN vigil

-Organised a Women's Campaign event for International Women's Day, in collaboration with Movement for Justice, looking at detention centres and immigration

-Co-authored a handbook on 'Racial and Sexual Harassment' with CUSU President, Priscilla.

-Planned initial training sessions to deliver training on dealing with sexual and racial harassment to stakeholders with pastoral duties of care

-Attended NUS Women's Conference

-Ran a consent workshop for JCR/MCR Welfare Officers as part of a Welfare Training Day

-Volunteered at Cambridge Rape Crisis and Cambridge Women's Aid

-Attended an Away Day for the Student's Unions' Advice Service

-Met with stakeholders to discuss plans for Intercultural Awareness training for BME Officers, to be delivered during Freshers' Week

-Contacted Autonomous Campaigns about joining the student-led PREVENT taskforce, and began working with CUSU President, Priscilla, to plan its first session

-Co-ran the first Forum of term, looking at issues that specifically affect mature women and graduate students

Opening Nominations for the CUSU Disabled Students’ Officer

Proposed by Jemma Stewart (CUSU Coordinator, Returning Officer), seconded by Charlotte Chorley (CUSU Women’s Officer, CUSU Elections Committee)

CUSU Notes:

  1. That on 3rd February 2016, 19.6% of Cambridge University students voted for a full-time Disabled Students’ Officer to join the full-time elected officer team;
  2. That the CUSU Board of Trustees has met to approve the funding of the post, which is present in the proposed budget;
  3. That in preparation for the presentation of this motion to Council, the CUSU Coordinator (acting as Returning Officer for the CUSU Elections Committee) has the proposed timeline for election:

2nd May / Motion to open nominations for the DSO passes
9am 3rd May (9am) / Nominations open
12pm 9th May / Nominations close
9th May / Ballot set up
Electoral roll available for checking
4pm 11th May / Electoral roll checking closes
5.30pm 11th May / Candidates’ Briefing
9am 12th May / Campaigning period opens
12am 16th May / Voting opens
7pm 18th May / Voting closes
23rd May / Results confirmed

CUSU Believes:

  1. That the mandate of students to have a full-time Disabled Students’ Officer is sufficiently large to ensure that the post is filled by the next academic year.
  2. That it is possible to elect a Disabled Students’ Officer in the timeline outlined above to start the year with the rest of the CUSU Sabbatical Team.

CUSU Resolves:

  1. That an Extraordinary Elections Committee, comprised of the CUSU President, CUSU Coordinator and CUSU Chair, along with two members co-opted by this group, will be formed;
  2. To open nominations for the CUSU Disabled Students’ Officer as soon as possible, with the proposed timetable;
  3. To mandate the Extraordinary Elections Committee to seek guidance from the CUSU Disabled Students’ Campaign to ensure that the election is conducted in a manner that is in line with the DSC Constitution.

Defering the Election of the CUSU Coordinator

Proposed by Jemma Stewart (CUSU Coordinator, Returning Officer), seconded by Charlotte Chorley (CUSU Women’s Officer, CUSU Elections Committee)

CUSU Notes:

  1. That the CUSU Coordinator position is currently unfilled, owing to the absence of candidates in the Lent 2016 Elections;
  2. That Article J.12 of the CUSU Constitution states that “In the event of a Sabbatical vacancy arising for which no nominations are submitted, the Council shall be empowered to mandate the Sabbatical officers to temporarily employ a member of staff to carry out the non-representational elements of the post.”;
  3. That CUSU is in the process of undergoing Constitutional review;
  4. That, over the past three years, various attempts have been made to redesign or evaluate the effectiveness of the Coordinator role.

CUSU Believes:

  1. That the role of CUSU Coordinator is outdated and unnecessary in the current climate of CUSU, with a strong staff support team to carry out the administration of the Union;
  2. That the role is not attractive to potential election candidates, as demonstrated by the lack of candidates in both the 2014 Main Elections and the 2016 Main Elections;
  3. That it causes unnecessary difficulties evaluating the effecteness of a role within CUSU whilst there is a person in that role;
  4. That there are few representational elements of the post of the Coordinator, save the presence on the University’s Sports Committee and Societies’ Syndicate (and various bodies beneath these);
  5. That having the Coordinator position remain vacant whilst the Constitutional Review is undertaken would allow for a more honest and meticulous evaluation of the role without having to be concerned about the emotional wellbeing of a person in the role.

CUSU Resolves:

  1. To defer the election of the CUSU Coordinator;
  2. To transfer the mandated work of the CUSU Coordinator to relevant bodies:
  3. To distribute the administrative work within the CUSU Staff Team;
  4. To distribute the representative work within the CUSU Sabbatical Officer Team
  5. To utilise the Constitutional Review being undertaken as an opportunity to critically evaluate the structure of the CUSU Sabbatical Team, most specifically with regards to improving the position of the Coordinator.

Approving the Sabbatical Officer Contracts 2016-17

Proposed by Jemma Stewart (CUSU Coordinator), seconded by Priscilla Mensah (CUSU President)

CUSU Resolves:

  1. To adopt the new Sabbatical Officer contracts and make them available to the newly elected sabbatical officers, as well as advertise to any prospective candidates for unfilled positions.

Appointment of the Student Trustee Selection Group

CUSU Notes:

  1. It is a requirement of the CUSU Standing Orders that the two student members of CUSU’s Board of Trustees are appointed by CUSU Council, following the recommendation of a selection group which will review applications for these roles;
  2. A selection group with this purpose has not yet been established;
  3. Volunteers were sought for the selection group at CUSU Council Lent III.

CUSU Believes:

  1. Student members of CUSU’s Board of Trustees play an incredibly important role in the governance of the Union;
  2. It is important that the selection group and the Board of Trustees are committed to reflecting diversity in their membership;
  3. It is important that student trustees be appointed as soon as is practically possible.

CUSU Resolves:

  1. To establish a selection group consisting of the following:
  2. At least two voting members of CUSU Council:
  3. Charlie Chorley (CUSU Women’s Officer)
  4. Ruth Taylor (HUS JCR President)
  5. At least two sabbatical officers:
  6. Priscilla Mensah (CUSU President, and Chair of the Board of Trustees) (Chair of the Selection Group)
  7. Robert Cashman (CUSU Education Officer, and Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees)
  8. At least two designated members of the CUSU Part-Time Executive:
  9. Brendan Mahon (CUSU Chair)
  10. Audrey Sebatindira (Coordinator, FLY)
  11. Cornelius Roemer (Union Development Team)
  12. For the selection group to prepare and issue information about the roles of student Trustees, and to open applications from the membership for these roles, as soon as is practically possible;
  13. To approve extending the term of office of the current student Trustees until such time that the new student Trustees are in office.

Ensuring Fair, Equitable Rent Negotiations and Prices within Collegiate Cambridge

Proposed by Priscilla Mensah (CUSU President) and Eleni Courea ()

CUSU Notes:

  1. That the cost of rents within the Cambridge Colleges, and within the city of Cambridge are high (and in some cases considered economically unattainable) for Cambridge students;
  2. Of those students who responded to the 2015 Big Cambridge Survey, 86% lived within College accommodation, and of these just over half (51%) were satisfied with value for money;
  3. Of those students who responded to the 2015 Big Cambridge Survey, 45% of students said that finances had some impact on their time at University;
  4. Mature and graduate Colleges express the most concern about finances, according to the 2015 Big Cambridge Survey;
  5. During the Lent Term of 2015, the CUSU President undertook a series of rent workshops across Collegiate Cambridge. These sought to provide cross-Collegiate advice and tools for rent negotiations, so that negotiations take a long view of rent price trajectories, keeping all student groups and how they will be affected in mind;
  6. The CUSU President 2015-2016 created a Rent Guide for College Representatives;
  7. The CUSU President 2015-2016 created a template Equality Impact Assessment for College rent price increases (see attached template) which seeks to ensure Colleges explicitly address how a rent increase will affect the different economic situations of students within their College.

CUSU Believes: