NDUS AP: Accounts Payable
Created on 11/22/2013 3:58:00 PM
/ Training GuideNDUS AP: Accounts Payable
Table of Contents
NDUS AP: Accounts Payable 1
NDUS AP: Vouchers 1
NDUS AP: Using SpeedCharts 1
Page iii/ Training Guide
NDUS AP: Accounts Payable
NDUS AP: Accounts Payable
NDUS AP: Vouchers
NDUS AP: Using SpeedCharts
SpeedCharts are a PeopleSoft feature in procurement that populate ChartField data into distribution lines of vouchers, purchase orders, and in procurement card processing. Their purpose is to allow a specific user, permission list, or all users to select predefined chartfields as set up on a speed chart; thus decreasing keystroke entry on purchase orders and/or vouchers. A speed chart is set up to include any part of a ChartField, i.e. fund, department, PC BU, Project, and Activity ID. The ChartField account field is not usually included in a speed chart as the account selected depends on the item ordered or paid.
To inactivate a SpeedChart, use the Status field shown in the following tutorial. Updates to SpeedCharts already created is accomplished by using Correct History on the SpeedChart.
Note: Access to setup SpeedCharts is only available to users with the NDU_D_Admin or NDU_C_AcctsPay role. Contact your Campus Access Control Officer to request security access.
The following tutorial will demonstrate how to add a SpeedChart to be used in vouchers, purchase orders, and PCards.
Step / Action /1. / Begin by navigating to the SpeedChart page.
Click the Main Menu button.
2. / Click the Scroll Down button.
3. / Click the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain menu.
4. / Click the Product Related menu.
5. / Click the Procurement Options menu.
6. / Click the Management menu.
7. / Click the SpeedChart menu.
Step / Action /
8. / The Find an Existing Value tab can be used to search for existing SpeedCharts and make edits or inactivate them.
Click the Add a New Value tab.
Step / Action /
9. / The SetID of "SHARE" will default and will be replaced. SpeedCharts are specific to the business units they are entered on.
Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to select the desired text.
10. / Enter the desired business unit into the SetID field.
Enter the desired information into the SetID field. Enter "SITS1".
11. / The SpeedChart Key field is used to enter a short, descriptive name to identify the SpeedChart.
The SpeedChart Key must follow the following criteria:
-The key must be entered continuous, without any spaces or use of special characters.
-The key can total 10 numbers, letters, and/or dashes or underscores.
Suggestions of a Speedchart Key can be a fund number, a name or any identifier common to the specific ChartField(s). If the SpeedChart is being set up for multiple users, ensure that an easily identifiable name is used.
Click in the SpeedChart Key field.
12. / Enter the desired information into the SpeedChart Key field. Enter "BOOKS".
13. / The User ID, Primary Permission List, and Effective Date fields are not required to add a SpeedChart and can be entered at a user's discretion.
14. / Adding the User ID is useful to identify who created SpeedCharts.
Click in the User ID field.
15. / Enter the desired information into the User ID field. Enter "cole.laber".
Step / Action /
16. / Click the Add button.
Step / Action /
17. / Click in the Description field.
18. / Enter an appropriate description to make identifying the SpeedChart during voucher entry easier.
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Books Speedchart UPK".
19. / Click the Status list.
Step / Action /
20. / The *Status field is used to make a SpeedChart active or inactive. Inactivating a SpeedChart will prevent its use in entering purchase orders, vouchers, and procurement cards.
21. / Three options exist under the Security Option section to assign SpeedCharts to specific users, if desired.
Universal (All Users) - This option will make the SpeedChart available to all users within the specified business unit. If the SpeedChart is to be used for PCard ChartFields, this field must be selected.
One User - Selecting One User will allow the SpeedChart to be used only by the user entering it.
Permission - Using the permission option allows a user to select a specific permission list of SpeedChart use.
22. / Click in the Description field.
23. / Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Speedchart set up to demonstrate.".
Step / Action /
24. / The Percent field corresponds to the percentage assigned to each distribution line the SpeedChart is used on. The value will typically remain at 100%.
If two or more ChartFields are commonly used together, a new row may be added to the SpeedChart with each row being weighted at a different percentage.
25. / Click in the GL Unit field.
26. / The GL Unit corresponds to the business unit entering the voucher.
Enter the desired information into the GL Unit field. Enter "SITS1".
Step / Action /
27. / Click the SITS1 object.
28. / Users can utilize any combination of the available ChartFields to enter the desired SpeedChart information. Not all of the fields are required.
29. / The Account field is rarely entered on SpeedCharts and should be avoided. Due to the large amount of accounts available, users should select the appropriate account based on the voucher rather than defaulting the value in with a SpeedChart.
30. / Click in the Fund field.
31. / Enter the desired information into the Fund field. Enter "3".
Step / Action /
32. / Click the 31400 object.
33. / Click in the Dept field.
34. / Enter the desired information into the Dept field. Enter "0".
Step / Action /
35. / Click the 0110 object.
Step / Action /
36. / Click the Save button.
37. / Click the Home link.
Step / Action /
38. / Navigate to the Query Viewer to verify the query has been successfully added using the NDU_AP06 Query.
Click the Main Menu button.
39. / Click the Scroll Down button.
40. / Click the Reporting Tools menu.
41. / Click the Query menu.
42. / Click the Query Viewer menu.
Step / Action /
43. / Click in the Search By Required field.
44. / The query used to identify available SpeedCharts by business unit is NDU_AP06.
Enter the desired information into the Search By Required field. Enter "NDU_AP06".
45. / Click the Search button.
Step / Action /
46. / Click the HTML link.
Step / Action /
47. / Enter the desired business unit using the SpeedChart in the SetID field.
Enter the desired information into the SetID field. Enter "SITS1".
48. / Click in the Status like (A,I or % for ALL) field.
49. / Enter the desired status in the Status like field. Statuses include A(active), I (inactive), and % to return all SpeedCharts for a BU.
Enter the desired information into the Status like (A,I or % for ALL) field. Enter "%".
50. / Click the View Results button.
Step / Action /
51. / Notice that the "BOOKS" SpeedChart is listed as created. The NDU_AP06 query is useful in identifying the available active and inactive SpeedCharts used within a business unit.
End of Procedure.
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