Small Purchase Quote Waiver

To ensure reasonable competition (pursuant to Section 4.2020 of the IL Administrative Rules) the University of Illinois requires the submission of multiple quotes for requisitions that are considered a small purchase over $10,000. In certain scenarios, the University may not be able to obtain multiple quotes from vendors that meet the needs of the University. In the event a requisition is submitted without multiple quotes, this Small Purchase Quotation Waiver may be submitted in lieu of multiple quotes.

Small Purchase Other Than Lowest-Price Waiver

To ensure reasonable competition (pursuant to Section 4.2020 of the IL Administrative Rules) the University of Illinois requires the submission of multiple quotes for requisitions that are considered a small purchase over $10,000. In certain scenarios, the lowest-priced quote may not meet the needs of the University. In the event a requisition is submitted requesting a purchase to a vendor other than the lowest-priced quote, this Small Purchase Other Than Lowest-Price Waiver must be submitted.

Check All That Apply:

The supply or service is only available from a single vendor

There is a need for a brand name product that is not available from multiple vendors

There is an urgent need for the supply or service that does not allow time to obtain multiple quotes

There is not a supply base that can meet the regional or geographic requirements for the product or service

The supply or service quoted by the lowest-quote vendor was not compatible with the needs of the University

The supply or services quoted was not able to be provided in the time required by the University

Other (Provide Additional Information Below)

Additional Information (Required):______

Brief Description of Purchase:______

Estimated Dollar Amount: $______Requisition Number:______


Requisitioner’s DepartmentRequisitioner’s E-mail AddressRequisitioner’s Phone Number

I understand that:

  • The information provided in this waiver must be a truthful and an accurate representation of the small purchase referenced
  • It is normally in the best interest of the University to obtain multiple quotes
  • A new waiver must be completed for a new/subsequent purchase
  • It is a shared responsibility to consider Business Enterprise Program (BEP) certified and Small Businesses when making a small purchase (for more information visit


Requisitioner’s NameRequisitioner’sTitleRequisitioner’s Signature



 2016 University of Illinois – Office of Business and Financial Services. All rights reserved.Version 1.0