It is essential that ALL ITEMS of clothing are clearly named, including shoes and P.E. bag.



Grey trousers

Navy blue or White Polo Shirt

School Sweatshirt

Grey socks


Navy Blue or White Polo Shirt

Grey Shorts/trousers



Grey Skirt or Pinafore Dress or Trousers

Navy Blue or White Polo Shirt

School Sweatshirt/Cardigan

Grey or white socks or tights

Summer Summer dress - blue or green check/stripe

We would request that children wear black shoes and not trainers to school.

Reversible fleece jackets for boys and girls, bearing the school logo, are also available.

Your child will also need a school book bag. These are strong, durable bags, printed with the school logo, and are needed by the children to carry their reading books, home school diaries etc., backwards and forwards from home.

·  Please note: The school prefers the document book bags bearing the school logo
so they fit in your child’s class tray.

It would also be most helpful if children could be provided with spare pants and socks/tights, to be kept in their PE bag in case of need.

PARENTS OF FOUNDATION STAGE CHILDREN: Should you wish to send your child to school in navy blue jogging bottoms, for their warmth and comfort in the first year at school, you are very welcome to do so.




PE drawstring bag (any type or colour) containing:

·  Light trainers (preferably velcro fastening) [From Spring term onward.] [NOT plimsolls/pumps]

·  Navy T-shirt and navy shorts

·  A track-suit or joggers/sweatshirt for outdoor activities (weather permitting).

Children must wear suitable clothing for PE to keep the risk of accidents to a minimum. Children with long hair should have hair accessories to enable hair to be worn tied back.

The children are encouraged to do PE in bare feet although trainers will be required for outside activities. (See above.)



·  Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts, all bearing the school logo, are available through two school outfitters; ‘Emblazon’ on Tower Street or ‘Rawcliffes’ on East Parade. Other local stores all sell school uniform which is perfectly suitable. Children may wear polo shirts with or without the school logo.