ONCC Rules and Regulations
Table of Contents
Administrative Fees
Fine Schedule
Lawn Bowling Green
Pickleball Court
Tennis Courts
Management at the Center is responsible for
interpretation of the following rules, subject to
appeal to the Center Board of Directors.
a)Center: Oaks North Community Center, Inc. (ONCC)
b)Member(s): The owner(s) of a separate interest residence in Oaks North
c)Tenant: A non-owner who enters into a lawful rental agreement with a member for exclusive use of the residence and Community Center privileges. All Center rules for members apply equally to tenants.
d) Guest: Any invited guest of a member or tenant.
e)Resident: A non-owner living with a member.
a)The Center is available for use by members and their invited guests at their own risk.
b)The owner(s) of a rented unit may not use the Center. A tenant authorization form must be on file with the office.
c)Key fobs are an integral part of the Center’s security system. A maximum of two (2) fobs will be issued to each home, and care must be taken to prevent their loss or misuse. All fobs reported lost or stolen will be deactivated immediately, prior to activation of a replacement. Fobs belong only to the person to whom they were issued and may not be passed on to a tenant orgiven to any other individual. If it is determined that there has been unauthorized use of a fob, it will be deactivated. There will be a charge for replacement of a lost or stolen fob.
d)Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to use the Center. Access will be provided to visitors under the age of 18 only when accompanied by an adult during a tour of the Center or as an invited guest at a member-hosted event in accordance with the Facility Rental rules.
e)The Center is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. A “Lost and Found” area is maintained by Center office staff.
f)Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Center property, including parking lots.
g)Alcoholic beverages are not allowed unless approved by management or the Board of Directors.
h)Members and guests must adhere to all rules including those posted throughout the Center. Members are responsible for the actions of their tenants and invited guests. Members and guests should be prepared to identify themselves at any time while at the Center. Such a request is intended to preserve the facilities for use by members.
i)Gambling, boisterous conduct, personal assault, and use of loud or profane language is prohibited. In addition, solicitations or other personal activities that tend to alter or distract from the purpose of the Center are prohibited.
j)Animals other than service animals are not permitted inside the gates of the Center. Dogs must be on leash at all times while on Center property and all animals must be underthe control of their owner. Owners must clean up after their pets immediately.
Members who wish to bring a guest may do so with the following restrictions:
a)A maximum of four (4) guests are permitted at any one time.
b)Guests must be accompanied to the Center by the host member. If this is not possible, the member must call or come by the office in advancewiththe names of the guest(s) and the date of the visit. A member MAY NOT loan the guest a key fob to enter the Center gates. As noted in Section 2, guests and members should be prepared to identify themselves at any time if requested by management.
Clubs and groups are distinguished from each other in the following ways:
A club----
- has a governing body such as a board of directors which holds regular meetings open to club members and keeps minutes of the business transacted;
- has a set of rules adopted by its board that govern member activities;
- collects dues to purchase supplies or other expenses for member use only.
A group----
- is an unstructured organization that does not collect dues, hold regular business meetings or keep minutes;
- may havesupplies (not to exceed $25 per fiscal year) purchased by the Center at the discretion of the Board. Such items willalso be available for use by other ONCC members.
- must pay an administration fee of $15 per calendar year.
a)A new club or group wishing to establish itself under the auspices of the Center, use Center facilities for meetings, advertise in the newsletter, etc. mustcomplete an application and be recognized and approved by the Board. The Board has final say as to the type of activity and conduct of each club/group. Activities or purposes deemed inappropriate will not be allowed.
b)A club or group wishing to advertise an upcoming event may post notice on the bulletin board, in the newsletter, or on the Oaks North Community website. Notice may not be posted on a social media website (such as “Next Door”) unless it specifically states that the event is only for Oaks North residents and their invited guests.
c)One contact person must be appointed by the group/club. This person or a designee must be available to ONCC members and management when necessary. Any change to the contact person must be communicated to management as soon as possible.
d)Regularly scheduled meetings of clubs or groups may be moved or rescheduled at the discretion of the Board or management at any time. While every effort will be made to maintain the regular schedule of clubs/groups, events sponsored by the Center have first priority for meeting times and locations.
e)Participation must be open to all ONCC members and noted in the Courier.
f)No more than 30% of the group/club may be comprised of non-ONCC members. ONCC members must be given priority over non-members.
g)Groups/clubs that require a specific number of participants (e.g., card or board games) must either keep a “wait list” of interested members that exceed the maximum number of players, and let them participate when the game allows or rotate them into the game.
h)Member rosters must be submitted to management upon application of a new group/club, and thereafter annually on January 1 to verify membership requirements arebeing met.
i)Room setup requests are due on January 1. Groups or clubs that fail to turn in setup plans will not have rooms reserved.
j)Items purchased by the group/club and stored at the Center are the sole responsibility of the group or club. Items stolen or missing must be replaced at the sole expense of the group/club.
k)Any notice of meeting cancellation must be given to management at least 12 hours before the reservation time. Any group or club that fails to meet the cancellation notice requirements on more than three (3) occasions within a calendar year will no longer be recognized by the Center and will not be allowed to use the facilities.
l)The Board reserves the right to discontinue recognition of a group/club at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, failure to adhere to rules and safety guidelines, damage to Center property or equipment, abuse of staff or other persons using the Center.
m)All equipment or supplies provided by the Center will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of the Board or management. The group/club is responsible for damage to Center-owned equipment in its care, but repair or replacement of said equipment first requires approval of the Board.
a)From time to time the Center may allow independent service providersto conduct classes that are of interest to members, such as exercise, dance, art, etc.
b)ONLY Oaks North residents may participate in such classes.
c)The class instructor will be hired by ONCC. He or she may charge a fee, either per class or per series, and may have input on the size of the classes to be conducted.
d)The Board will have the final say on all matters relating to classes offered, including day, time, location and size.
a)No food or beverage is allowed in the immediate pool area. Food and beverages are allowed at the patio tables and lounge chairs.
b)No glass containers of any kind are allowed in the pool or patio area.
c)The individual use of radios, CDs, or other portable audio equipment, etc. is allowed only if ear buds are used so as not to disturb others.
d)All furniture must be protected with a towel or other appropriate cover before use.
e)Do not block walkways with patio furniture. These must remain clear for emergency use.
a)Pool and spa hours will be in accordance with posted signs within the community.
b)Elderly persons, pregnant women and those with health conditions requiring medical care should consult a physician before entering the pool or spa.
c)No lifeguard is on duty.
d)Shower and remove any lotions or oils before using the pool or spa.
e)Do not use the pool or spa while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
f)Unnecessary noise is not permitted at any time.
g)Long exposure in any spa may result in nausea, dizziness, fainting or other symptoms that could potentially result in medical problems.
h)No diving or jumping is allowed.
i)Play equipment is not allowed in the pool area. Swim aids are allowed if they do not interfere with another swimmer.
j)Members and guests must immediately exit the pool and/or spa when instructed to do so by Center staff.
a)Be observant of others and do not walk in front of lap swimmers.
b)The lane closest to the steps is for ‘walkers and talkers.” Other lanes are for lap swimming, which is limited to 30 minutes when another swimmer is waiting.
c)Those attending any Center-sanctioned pool event or class should enter the pool just before the scheduled time of the event so that lap swimmers may finish before the class starts. When the class ends, participants should let other swimmers enter
a)Locker room hours are as posted.
b)Do not leave clothes in dressing room stalls while in shower, sauna, or swimming pool. Clothes should be left in your locker.
c)For sanitary purposes, place a towel on the benches before sitting down.
d)To prevent accidents caused by wet floors, hang swimsuits on the hooks provided on the wall near the showers.
e)Do not wring swimsuits on the floor. Use the shower or sink.
f)Use of chemical hair remover, shaving or dying of hair is prohibited.
g)Members and guests must immediately exit the locker room when instructed to do so by Center staff.
a)Caution: Temperatures exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Consult your physician before using the dry sauna. Use of the sauna should not exceed 15 minutes at any one time without a cooling-off period. Excessive exposure may be harmful to one’s health.
b)Placing items (clothing, towels, etc.) on the heater is a fire hazard and is strictly prohibited. Members found to be in violation of this rule will be fined $50 on the first offense.
c)This is a dry sauna. Do not put water on the rocks. Members found to be in violation of this rule will be fined $50 on the first offense.
d)Keep the sauna door shut.
e)Turn off the light when leaving the sauna.
f)Procedures for use of the sauna are as posted.
g)Members and guests must immediately exit the sauna when instructed to do so by Center staff.
a)The fitness center is for the use of members only.
b)Thisfacility is unsupervised and usage is at one’s own risk. Your physician should be consulted before you usethe equipment.
c)Do not enter with wet clothes or wet feet.
d)Shirts and appropriate gym shoes must be worn at all times.
e)Do not slam or bump the weight stacks, and do not drop the weights on the floor.
f)Weights must be replaced in the rack when finished.
g)Use of all exercise equipment is limited to 20 minutes when others are waiting. Time starts when you begin to utilize the exercise equipment.
h)After use,please wipe equipment handles/seats down withsanitary wipes provided.
i)The fitness room will be closed periodically for maintenance and for orientation classes. A notice will be posted 24 hours beforehand.
j)Report broken or inoperable equipment to Center staff immediately.
k)Members must immediately exit the room when instructed to do so by Center staff.
a)The library is open during Center hours. Librarians are on duty 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
b)All hardback books must be signed out. New books with a red label and yellow dot are limited to one per person for 14 days. Other hardback books with a white label are limited to 28 days. In the large checkout book, fill out information on the item (book, CD/DVD or puzzle) you are taking. You may also take a nearby bookmark to list the page and line number of the checkout book so you can easily find the right page when you check the book in.
c)Paperback books need not be signed out, but are returned on the honor system.
d)Magazines need not be signed out. They may be read in the library or taken outside to the pool area and returned on the honor system. Donations of magazines not older than three (3) months are welcome.
e)Large donations of books mustbe approved and arranged through the librarian. Coffee-table books are not accepted.
f)Newspapers should be read in the library and returned to the table where they are kept.
g)No personal or club notices of any kind may be posted on library walls or shelves.
a)Generally, users of the ceramics room must be current members of the Ceramics Club. Non-club members may use the ceramics room under the supervision of a Ceramics Club officer after payment of a training and supply fee.
b)Operation of the kiln is by authorized personnel only.
c)Use of the ceramics room must follow current Ceramics Club rules.
All members wishing to use the woodshop must first attend an orientation and must sign a facility use agreement. Visit the office for information on these requirements.
a)Oaks North clubs and groups may use the facilities for events at no cost provided that use is for club members and invited guests only. Members will be charged for the use of the auditorium (with or without kitchen use) and for the small rooms. Please inquire at the business office for the rental rate of the various rooms available. There will be no charge for a service or reception in memory of a deceased member. The rooms available for rental are:
Auditorium, with or without attached kitchen
Los Robles Room
La Piñata Room
Card Room
La Vista Room
Rental of these rooms does not include any other part of the Center and guests at the event are not permitted in other areasexcept restrooms.
b)Commercial use of the facilities will not be allowed. Members may not charge a fee for admission and the sale of goods or services is not permitted. Members are only allowed to host events for invited guests; the general public is not permitted to attend. Any event found to violate these provisions after approval will be cancelled immediately by the Center. The Center will not be responsible for any financial damages to the member as a result of such a cancellation.
c) Member cancellation of facility rental must be made in writing at least 10 days prior to the scheduled activity. Otherwise, there will be a cancellation fee of $35.00.
d)The facilities are not to be used for any purpose in violation of applicable laws or Center rules.
e)The facilities shall be used by the member, club or group indicated on the Facility Rental form or by their guests. The member or a representative of the club/group must be present at all times, and a gate monitor must remain at the gate to allow access for non-members. The gate must not be left propped open.
f)Center personnel are responsible for moving any furniture or equipment needed for set-up of the room. Other individuals SHOULD NOT attempt to move any furniture or equipment.
g)A fully completed set-up form must be submitted to the office at least seven (7) days prior to the event. Additional charges will be assessed ifthere are changesmade that result in adding,movingor eliminating furniture after set-up is complete.
h)All clubs, groups or individuals using a caterer must provide the Center with a certificate of insurance for the caterer showing general liability insurance of a least $1,000,000 naming the Center as an additional insured, and, if applicable, a certificate showing worker’s compensation insurance.