Thursday, June 19th 2013

9hWelcoming Participants

9h30Introduction to the 5th Development Conference of the GREThA

10h1st plenary session (Room 2N)

Augustin K. Fosu

University of Ghana – ISSER / UNU-WIDER

“The role of the State in economic development: An African perspective”

11h-11h30 Coffee break

11h30Parallel sessions 1, 2, 3

Session 1: Migration and Remittances (Room 1F)

Chair: Thomas Vendryes

-Remittances and Child Labor in Africa: Evidence from Burkina Faso

Delphine Boutin (Lille Catholic University) with Olivier Bargain

-Remittances, corruption and channels of transmission: a simultaneous equations analysis

Nicolas Yol(GREThA, University of Bordeaux)

-How Do Consumption Patterns of Migrant Remittance Recipients And Non Recipients Compare? Evidence from Pakistan

Ahmed Junaid (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Georg-August Universität Göttingen) with Mazhar Mughal

Session 2: Child labour and education (Room 1K)

Chair: Jérôme Ballet

-Child Labor and Market Access: Identifying Excluded Households

Samia Badji(University of Cergy-Pontoise and ESSEC Business School)

-Koranic Schools in Senegal: A real barrier to formal education?

Jean-Luc Demonsant (CEPS / INSTEAD, Luxembourg) with Pierre André

-Education Langage choice and youth entrepreneurship in Chad

Thierry Yogo(CERDI, University of Auvergne, France) with Douzounet Mallaye, Blandine Nan-Guer Koulké, Benjamen Fomba Kamaga and Eurydice Tormal Gosngar

Session 3 (in French): Information asymmetries and governance (Room 1L)

Chair: Eric Berr

-L'analyse des offsets dans l'optique de la théorie de négociation

Cristina Buga(CREG, University Pierre Mendes-France, Grenoble) with Pierre Berthaud

-Asymétries d'information, qualité et marché de la certification: la nécessité d'une intervention institutionnelle

Alain Herscovici (Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brazil)

-La Micro-assurance agricole à base d'indices : raisons et conditions d'exercice au Niger

Ahamadou Maichanou(GREThA, University of Bordeaux)

13h00- 14h30Lunch

14h30-16h15Parallel sessions 4, 5, 6

Session 4: Labour migrations (Room 1J)

Chair: François Combarnous

-Labour mobility and the informal sector in Algeria: a cross-sectional comparison (2007-2012)

YoughourtaBellache(ERUDITE and University of Bejaia, Algeria) with Philippe Adair

-Internal Migration and Rural Development in China: A case study using the 2001 Hukou system reform

ThomasVendryes(Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne, ENS Cachan) with Marc Gurgand and Yue Ximing

-How US Migration Policies are Impacting Migration Flows: Lessons from the Mexico-USBorder

Maëlys De la Rupelle (Thema, University of Cergy-Pontoise) with Isabelle Chort

Session 5: Macroeconomic policies (Room 1K)

Chair: Augustin Fosu

-Multilateral Supervision Rules and Pro-cyclicality of the Fiscal Policy in CEMAC Zone

Jacques L. Bikai(Central Bank of Central Africa)

-Monetary Policy and the Impact of Sustainable Microfinance

Daniel Mueller(University of Basel and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

-Impact of government spending on inflation in Asian emerging economies: evidence from India, Vietnam and Indonesia

Tai Nguyen (Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University)

-The sustainability of fiscal policy: evidence from a panel of Central and Latin American Countries

Matthieu Llorca(LEDi, University of Burgundy, France) with Christophe Ehrhart and Bio Elegbede

Session 6: Inequality (Room 1F)

Chair: Olivier Bargain

-Top Income mobility in Ecuador: New evidence from income tax data and household survey

Liliana Cano(LEREPS, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole)

-Religious Conflicts in India: does income inequality matter?

Victoire Girard (CES, University Paris 1 Sorbonne)

-Effect of inequality on growth with concern for relative deprivation

Ünay Tamgaç(TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey)

16h15-16h30Coffee break

16h30-18h00Parallel sessions 7, 8, 9

Session 7: Inequality and social inclusion (Room 1F)

Chair: Liam Wren-Lewis

-The political economy of inclusive rural growth

John Morrow(CEP, London School of Economics) with Michael L. Carter

-Moderate prosperity: An adaptation of middle class concept in Malagasy rural area

Tsiry Andrianampiarivo(GREThA, University of Bordeaux)

-Microfinance intensity's in reducing poverty and inequality in Africa: Is there something with good governance?

Komivi Afawubo(University of Lorraine)

Session 8: Industrialization policies (Room 1J)

Chair: Eric Rougier

-Reviving the industrial sector to sustain long term growth in Algeria : The need for a "catalytic" state

Baya Arhab(Faculty of Economics, University of Bejaïa)

-The pace of privatization in manufacturing sector, employment reallocation and job content of private sector expansion in Egypt

Mohamed Hassan(Department of Economics, Cairo University)

-Is small so beautiful? How smallness rots Algeria's economy

Mokhtar Kheladi(Faculty of Economics, University of Bejaïa)

Session 9 (in French): Natural resources and development (Room 1L)

Chair: André Meunié

-Décentralisation dans la gestion des déchets ménagers au Cameroun : cas de la ville de Bertoua

Thérèse F. Azeng(FSEG, University of Yaoundé) avec Essinga Sapok Alice Diane)

-Inequality in the access to water and sanitation services in Brazil : some empirical evidences from POF 2008/2009

Alexandre Berthe (GREThA, University of Bordeaux)

-Croissance, consommation d'électricité et émissions de CO2 dans le bassin méditerranéen

Fethi Ayachi(FSEG, SESAME University)with Maha Harbaoui Zrelli

Friday, June 20th 2013

9h30Parallel sessions 10, 11, 12

Session 10: Health and nutrition (Room 1F)

Chair: Claire Gondard-Delcroix

-Social class and body weight among Chinese urban adults: The role of the middle classes in the nutrition transition

Céline Bonnefond(GREThA, University of Bordeaux) with Matthieu Clément

-Birth weight and long-term outcomes in a developing country

Marie Baguet(THEMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise) with Christelle Dumas

-The causal effect of socioeconomic status on overnutrition: Evidence from urban Mexican adults

Pierre Levasseur (GREThA, University of Bordeaux and University of Grenada)

Session 11: Information and coordination (Room 1J)

Chair: John Morrow

-The credit behavior of households: A behavioral approach

Florian Wendelspiess Chávez Juárez (Department of Economics, University of Geneva)

-Relational Contracts and Corruption

Liam Wren-Lewis(Paris School of Economics, INRA; ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles) with Martha Troya-Martinez

-Peer effects in the adoption of property rights: experimental evidence from urban Tanzania

Matthew Collin(Center for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford)

Session 12 (in French): Socio-economic inequality (Room 1L)

Chair: Matthieu Clément

-Marché du travail et inégalités régionales au Brésil

Yves-André Fauré (IRD and Federal University of Ceara) with Cécilia Lustosa and François Combarnous

-Promotion des capacités dans le cadre des politiques économiques et sociales publiques

Jacques Poirot(BETA, University of Strasbourg) with Hubert Gérardin

-Ressources extractives et développement socio-économique du Niger : une analyse en équilibre général calculable

YoussoufouHamadou Daouda and Sangaré Alkassoum Saadatou (Université de Tahoua, Niger) with Mamane Boukari

11h-11h30Coffee break

11h302nd plenary session (Room 2N)

Rick van der Ploeg

Oxford University, OXCARRE

“Natural resources and economic development”


14h-16hParallel sessions 13, 14, 15, 16

Session 13: Household resource allocation (Room 1F)

Chair: Maëlys de la Rupelle

-Does child labor hurt parents? Evidence from Mexico

Olivier Bargain (Aix-Marseille University; Aix-Marseille School of Economics; EHESS; IZA) with Delphine Boutin

-The anticipation of polygyny in the household economy

Isabelle Chort(LEDa, DIAL, University of Paris Dauphine) with Marie Boltz-Laemmel

-Do cows have negative returns: The evidence revisited

Esther Gehrke(University of Passau; German Development Institute) with Michael Grimm

-Estimating the willingness to pay for environmental resources in the Chilean Patagonia

Juan-Pedro Garces-Voisenat (Durham University) with Zinnia Mukherjee

Session 14: Agricultural issues (Room 1J)

Chair: Tanguy Bernard

-Agricultural supply chains and farmers constraints: Welfare impacts in ECOWAS countries

NicolasDepetris Chauvin(ACET and CEPII) with Guido Porto

-Short and long run effects and earthquakes on farm businesses in Indonesia

Jérémy Gignoux(Paris School of Economics) with Martha Menendez

-Strengthening producer organizations to unleash productive potential of smallholder farmers in Uganda

MarkusOlapade(International Initiative for Impact Evaluation) with Markus Frölich, Ruth Hill-Vargasand Eduardo Maruyama

Session 15: Democracy and development (Room 1K)

Chair: Rick van der Ploeg

-Missing values and distribution assumption: the two overlooked central issues in the nonexistent relationship between income and democracy

Rajius Idzalika(Faculty of Economic Sciences, Georg-August Universität Göttingen)

-The nexus democracy and good governance: A cross-national analysis in a non-linear framework

SahaShrabani (Lincoln Business School, UK) with Yashar Tarverdi Mamaghani

-Why do some oil-producing countries succeed in democracy while others fail?

Luc D. Omgba (EconomiX, University of Paris-Ouest)

Session 16 (in French): Diversification and the state (Room 1L)

Chair: Alain Piveteau

-Subsidies, patent and International technology diffusion in a duopoly

Julien Berthoumieu(LARefi, University of Bordeaux)

-Le modèle des Etats développeurs d'Asie en perspective historique

Marc Lautier(CEPN, Université Paris XIII) with Jean-Raphael Chaponnière

-What’s behind the diversification: An empirical analysis of developing countries’ export and output structures

Pauline Lectard (GREThA, Université de Bordeaux)