

Headteacher: Mrs S Boulton B Ed (Hons)
Morecambe Avenue, SCUNTHORPE, Nth Lincs, DN16 3JF
Tel: 01724 842246 Fax: 01724 278657
E-Mail: School Website:

29th January 2014

Dear Parents/Carers

‘Design A House for the Future’ competition: - On Monday, TG Sowerby Developments Ltd came into school to present the KS1 & KS2 winners for this competition. The winners were:

  • KS1 Winner: Ellie Dent
  • KS1 Runners up: Lily Murray / Lily Scott
  • KS2 Winner: Ruby Land
  • KS2 Runners up: Erin Sidaway / Renee Mayberry

All the children received a voucher for Toys R Us.

Mr Sowerby was very impressed with the entries and kindly decided to award all of the children who entered a Toys R Us voucher! Well done to everyone!! In addition we were given an extra £100 and this will be spent on a large ‘Connect 4’ game to be shared amongst all the children at playtimes.

I would like to thank TG Sowerby Developments Ltd for their generosity.

School Roof: - We have had ongoing difficulties with our leaking roof, and after many meetings it is now being re-done. The work will take place from February and should not affect the children during this time. However, the site office will be based in the Staff Car Park and as a result will take up several of our spaces. This may result in there being no accommodation for any other cars during the day for this period of time.

Car Park: - Can I once again please ask parents NOT to park in the staff car park unless an authorised pass has been issued by the school. After watching CCTV footage of the car park on Monday afternoon this week we observed EIGHT unauthorised cars in the car park with parents collecting their children from school.

PE: - Could I remind parents that children with earrings must remove these before all PE sessions for Health & Safety reasons.

Friends of Oakfield: - We will be holding a Friends of Oakfield meeting on Tuesday 4th February at 2.15pm to discuss events for this term. All parents are welcome.

Science Afternoon: - On Monday 3rd February we will be holding a Science afternoon for years 1 -> 6. Children and their grown ups will be able to have a go at lots of Science investigations around the school. Children will need to be signed out from the classroom but must not be taken out of school before 3.00pm. We hope you will enjoy this afternoon.

Yours sincerely

S Boulton
