Oak Harbor Garry Oak Society

Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2015

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm by President Laura Renninger. Meeting held at the Whidbey Presbyterian Church.

Members present:

President Laura Renninger

Secretary Brian Giles

Alma Clark (Welcome to OHGOS!)

Jim Clark (Welcome to OHGOS!)

GrocFyrree (Welcome to OHGOS!)

Morgan Fyrree (Welcome to OHGOS!)

Ellen Giles

Brad Gluth

Ron Hancock

Joan Klope

Matt Klope

Rudy Knaack

Kyle Renninger

Reading of Agenda

●Summary of short and long term goals for OHGOS

●Centennial Grove update

●Smith Park Signage/City of Oak Harbor Parks Dept. Ad Hoc Group

●Garry Oaks at Post Office

●OHGOS printed brochure

●OHGOS website development update; Woodworking

●Link to OHGOS from City of Oak Harbor website

●Letter to NASWI CO re: permission for planting

●Acorn collection/planting update

●Ideas from OHHS students

●Nominations for unfilled Treasurer position?

Approval of Minutes


●Operating procedures discussed briefly; adoption in abeyance until quorum with active Treasurer is present.

Short-term goals:

1. Informational brochure about OHHS. Joan displayed a template modeled on our website…it will include a picture of a Garry Oak photographed during all four seasons. Very nicely done!

2. Oak Inventory: This will be posted on our website for education. OHGOS data will be merged with DNR study and all data will be mapped out. Thanks to Kathy, Duncan and Scott.

3. Video documentary on Garry Oaks: many OHGOS members enjoyed the excellent Oregon video. A video showcasing Oak Harbor oaks will ultimately be placed on our website for outreach. Brian reports video from the Ad Hoc group will be available soon. It was produced by City of Oak Harbor, moderated by Hank Nydam. Three ladies who grew up here in the twenties were allowed to reminisce about the past with prompting by old photographs.

4. Oak Harbor website build. Up and running thanks to Kyle; more content is welcome.

5. Acorn and/or Tree planting. OHGOS members have seedlings safely tucked away until locations for planting are identified. Seedlings will be available for anyone wanting an oak tree. Availability of NASWI propertyfor planting is being actively explored.

6. Invasive ivy removal. Ongoing education and assistance with ivy removal is available; Laura is proactively pursuing target (at risk) homeowners with education and offers of help if necessary.

7. Encourage Youth Participation: proposals to visit OHHS Ecology club at guest speaker(s). Solicit youth help with planting, etc. Continue connection with Hillcrest Elementary School and Jr. Gardeners. Jillian Pape will talk at the Jan. meeting about possible involvement of OH High.

8. Oak Tree Protection Code revision: New language will be added to prohibit ivy invasion and encourage smart planting by owners.

Long-term goals:

  1. Ongoing presentations to civic groups: outreach for OHGOS involvement, potential membership and donations.
  2. Formal meeting with OHPS (formerly OHSD). Springtime in Smith Park—invite Superintendent and School Board members. Discuss school plantings and the integration of GO education into science curriculum.
  3. Form a relationship with nursery. Approach a local nursery to explore mutually beneficial relationship. OHGOS to supply acorns or seedlings and nursery grows and sells…
  4. Bridge to local Native Peoples. Outreach possibility for OHGOS involvement. Restoration of Garry Oak ecosystem on tribal land in Oak Harbor?
  5. Develop and “Adopt-a-Tree” program. Conservation program to encourage planting of OHGOS-supplied seedlings.
  6. Pursue non-profit status? Discussed fund raising ideas: throws, Oak Items, oak-related stamps for wood or leather, note cards with GO photos, pedigree seedlings…?

●Centennial Grove Update: Brad reports that trees are doing well and were watered on Thanksgiving. 48 trees were planted on Friday and approx. 52 on Saturday. There are approx. 170 seedlings onsite as well. Discussed the possibility of sponsored trees to encourage ownership. This is a done deal! Congratulations to OHGOS and City of Oak Harbor.

●Smith Park Signage/City of Oak Harbor Parks Department Ad Hoc Group. Brian reports Hank Nydam has overall understanding of what OHGOS is looking for and has sample signage models in mind. The idea of “QR” ports for incorporation was brought up and needs to be demonstrated for those of us unfamiliar with the concept. This is an excellent idea to augment physical signage with web content. Thanks Ron! Brian will meet with Hank again at the next Parks meeting.

●OHGOS printed brochure. As discussed under short-term goals, Joan has addressed this and goes above and beyond with the Four Season Oak concept. Incorporate QR port as well?

●OHGOS website content development update. Photographs of Rudy’s wood turning projects will be loaded onto site. Still in need of more content. Kyle reports Wikipedia has been updated to reflect Oak Harbor’s connection with Garry Oaks. Thank you both.

●Link to OHGOS from City of Oak Harbor website. The permission process has begun.

●Letter to NASWI CO concerning permission for planting. Matt reports that he has received a reply to partnership letter. John Phillips who oversees Navy property will meet with Brad to identify areas in common with Navy plan. Thank you Matt.

●Ideas from OHHS students. Jillian Pape could not make this meeting. We did discuss the possibility of an OHHS-produced video…

●Nominations for position of Treasurer. We need You.

●Guest speakers are needed from OHGOS and to OHGOS. Please suggest your ideas. Also, Morgan suggests the use of Channel 10 (City of Oak Harbor) for Special Events. Laura will fill in the Community Calendar at the Whidbey News times as needed. A radio station exists in Coupeville? Names suggested were: Robert Pelant (Pacific Rim Institute) in Feb; Hank Nydam, City of OH Parks Department in March; Navy personnel; CacKamak; Mayor-elect Bob Severnsof Oak Harbor and his wife, Rhonda.

●Ivy removal. Brad reports code revisions are envisioned but not yet in progress to require invasive species control. Laura has sent letter to owner of Little Britches Academy and one other home, a rental. We are awaiting the response.

●Arbor Day Planning. The idea to purchase larger Garry oak saplings, available at Clarks Nursery for a reasonable price, was brought up. Show of hands from the group was robust in support of this. Logistics will be discussed more in-depth at Jan. mtg. People can put in their order and Brad has a flat-bed truck he can use to pick them up with. Members can then “gift” trees to a recipient of choice or use for planting in our own yards.

Next meeting will be Tuesday January 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm at the Oak Harbor Library Meeting Room. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.