P09451 Detailed Design Review

Notes from Review:

·  Thermocouple groove analysis

o  What is the average temperature within the groove?

o  Boundary conditions inside the groove?

o  Dissimilar Material

o  Temperature may be exaggerated by square corners

o  Why show a FEA model that contradicts your experimental results

·  Data Collection/Feasibility

o  There are more sophisticated tools in Labview that can automatically generate reports –Professor Wellin

o  Could implement a separate routine to check validity of measurements/ display error messages

o  Reasons for variability?

§  Measurement uncertainty alone?

§  Thermocouple accuracy?

§  Variability in finding peak power?

o  Could test thermocouples under simpler conditions to determine their variability

·  Power Unit

o  Flexiforce sensors too far into centerline of unit

o  Verify if flexiforce sensors will cause uneven loading on modules (sensors are only 0.008” thick)

o  Tolerances between zones could cause uneven loading

o  Timeline- machining may take longer than estimated

o  Modules could be breaking due to plates not being solid(such as in previous leafblower design) vs the current design with zones

o  High temperature thermal pads do exist and could help mitigate uneven loading –Emil

o  Alignment pins could be used to guarantee the unit is flat

o  Assembly could be completed on granite block to ensure flatness

o  There may be different amounts of expansion in the lateral direction

o  Could have shorter thermocouple grooves on one side and longer grooves going to the centerline on other side

o  May need to look into surface finish to check and make sure it is smooth

o  Could use an assembly jig for assembly between tests

o  Alternate fins could be found from Niagra thermal products

·  Piping

o  Has there been a comparison between the experimental head loss and the calculated head loss for the current setup – No, current experimental data was used to estimate the loss across the power unit

o  Could use pressure transducers to find actual head loss

o  Could use an air flow switch hooked to the relay that turns on/off the heater as a fail safe for the no flow condition

§  Inline IC power of flow switch

o  Complete cost analysis of custom header vs. piping

o  Could thicker modules cause misalignment in piping?

§  Can add slop or oblong holes at attachment points

o  Could use flex pipe, pvc or flex pvc for this flexibility

o  PVC may take higher temperatures than rated, rating is for blowout at a given temperature/pressure situation not necessarily for breakdown of pvc itself

·  Electrical/Peak Power control system

o  Could change derivative search to search up the curve

o  Could add range restrictions to avoid singularity

o  Could use different algorithm for peak power similar to the root finding bisection method

o  Smaller MOSFET? 30-35W?

o  Plan to use op-amp to bump voltage? You can only get out of an op-amp as much as you put in

o  Use DC-DC converter?

o  Power supply specifications still needed

o  Could we use the voltage from the DAQ instead of a power supply?

·  Other

o  Plan for how to not break modules?

o  Give and take between module breakage and assembly time

o  Bring together and document risks in single document

o  In depth discussion of Labview user interface tabled until early next quarter- still in early stages, a review of the system would be much more beneficial at a later date when it is more fully developed