The ISU for gr. 10 Canadian history requires you to write a persuasive essay that is 600-700 words in length. You will select a controversial topic from the 20th century and choose a side to support. Your challenge is to research the topic and find evidence that supports your argument. This evidence will need to be properly cited using APA style citations. There are two stages in the ISU: a properly formatted outline, and a formal thesis essay submission. The final thesis essay will be worth 5% of your mark in this course.

ISU Topics:

o  Was conscription during WWI the right move, or not?

o  Did the 1920s really roar, or were the good times only for some?

o  Was the RCAF’s role in the ‘area bombing’ of German cities justified during WWII?

o  Was Trudeau’s approach to the October Crisis justified or not?

o  Should Canada continue to play an active role supporting the United Nations in it’s commitment to peacekeeping?

Each of these topics has a file that identifies some of the opposing viewpoints. You should consult these files to help you narrow down your topic selection, and stance on the issue. Use these pointers to help guide your research, and in your collection of supporting facts. Files can be found under the “ISU” section at:

Developing an Outline

After you have settled on a stance from one of the topics you must begin to develop an outline for your essay. This essay will be handed in and should follow this format. Download the document titled, “ISU Outline Template” from the website to record your introductory paragraph and research facts. All facts must be cited using APA form. Your research should include citations from at least 3 sources.

Writing an Introduction:

The purpose of an introduction is to introduce the reader to your argument/thesis. In order to do this effectively you should do the following:

·  Grab the reader’s attention: Make a provocative statement about your topic.

·  Establish the topic: Prepare the reader by outlining the issue (i.e. essential background info.)

·  State your thesis: Indicate the focus of your argument on the issue.

·  Explain the structure: Explain the order of your argument (i.e. Main Points)


·  Do not use evidence/research in your introduction

·  Do not use first person pronouns (eg. “I think…”, “in my opinion…”)

·  Do not use statements like; “my essay is about…”, “I chose to do my essay on…”

OUTLINE / Total /60

Knowledge & Understanding

-Demonstrates an understanding of the issue by including effective facts, concepts & evidence in outline. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Thinking & Inquiry

-Research reflects appropriate depth for academic level, and demonstrates effective critical thinking. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


-Information is organized in an effective & clear manor.
-Written work clearly supports thesis statement. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5


-Skeleton, evidence & source adhere to prescribed format. Proper use of APA referencing demonstrated. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15