Dan Evans Chair for Exceptional Faculty

2016-2017 Application Form

The Dan Evans Chair for Exceptional Faculty was created in honor of former Washington State Governor Daniel J. Evans, who championed and signed into law the Community College Act of 1967. Seed funding for the award was provided through the district-wide major gifts campaign, Building the Best. Each college development office has contributed funds to endowments that have been matched by the WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.

This award was established to recognize outstanding teaching and exemplary service at the Seattle Colleges. One $3,000 chair will be awarded annually from each of the three colleges. Selection of faculty will be conducted by the Dan Evans Awards Committee following the Seattle College Professional Leave Guidelines.

Award funds can be used for in-service training, temporary substitute or replacement costs directly associated with faculty development programs, conferences, travel, publication and dissemination of exemplary projects, a one-time supplement to the awardee’s salary for the duration of the award, or to pay expenses associated with the awardee’s program area. Funds cannot be used for lobbying or political campaign activities. Funds must be used within one year of award.

All faculty who have worked at the Seattle Colleges for at least three quarters in the past two academic years are eligible for the Dan Evans Chair. In addition, applicants must have worked for at least one quarter at the college making the award. The awardee must be employed by the Seattle Colleges at the time the award is used.

Applications are due by Friday, May 5, 2017. Awards will be announced at the Annual Service Awards on May 31. Awards criteria will be consistent among the three Seattle Colleges. Awards will not be made if applicants are not qualified.

Faculty Name: Phone:

Faculty Status:Part-TimeFull-TimeDivision/Admin Unit:

Faculty Email:

Nominated by: Phone:

Application Criteria:

  1. Student Recommendation Letter: 25 points
  2. Obtain one letter of recommendation from a current or former student that addresses your demonstrated commitment to academic excellence and learning.
  3. Colleague Recommendation Letter: 25 points
  4. Obtain one letter of recommendation from a current or former colleague familiar with your professional work that addresses your demonstrated commitment to academic excellence and learning.
  5. Personal Statement/Narrative: 50 points
  6. Prepare a personal statement that provides examples of the following behaviors:
  7. Collaboration: Effectively works with others in a way that respects differences, recognizes multiple viewpoints, and encourages problem-solving
  8. Leadership: Takes initiative on behalf of a group to create or change processes, plans, or behaviors
  9. Commitment to improvement: Participates in activities geared toward improvement, actively seeks feedback from others, and implements changes that improve learning
  10. Limit the personal statement to a total of two typed, single-spaced pages, in 12-point font. Please avoid technical jargon. Address your work with and on behalf of students, faculty, the Seattle Colleges, and your professional activities.

Please send application materials to