The Human Body

 Human Systems

o Circulatory

o Respiratory

o Immune

o Endocrine

o Digestive

o Nervous

o Excretory

o Reproductive

o Musculoskeletal

 Circulatory

o Function: Pump OXYGEN to all body parts using blood.

o Red blood cells carry oxygen.

o Organs:

o Heart:

o pumps blood
o Exercise  beats faster to move Oxygen faster.

o Circulatory

o Arteries: thick tubes that carry HIGH PRESSURE blood Away from heart.

o Veins: thin tubes that carry low pressure, low oxygen blood back to heart (have valves to stop backflow).

o Capillaries: very thin tubes that allow DIFFUSION.

o Oxygen & Nutrients

 Circulatory: Diseases

o Heart disease: high fat & cholesterol diet clogs blood vessel and heart shuts down (heart attack)

o Hypertension: high blood pressure that can injure blood vessels

 Respiratory

o Bring in O2 into lungs. Exhale CO2

o Alveoli = tiny air sacs for GAS EXCHANGE in lungs

o Breathing controlled by diaphragm

o Exercise  Breathing increases

 Respiratory: Diseases

o Asthma: narrowing of respiratory pathway (bronchi)

o Bronchitis: bacteria inflame bronchi & buildup mucus

o Emphysema: hardening/damage to alveoli by smoking

 Immune

o Body defense system.

o Cells, viruses, bacteria have ANTIGENS (markers) with specific shapes.

o WBC’s like MACROPHAGES eat bacteria & viruses = PHAGOCYTOSIS

o Antibodies stick to antigens and kill bacteria & viruses.

 Receptors that fit around antigens.

 Immunity

o Active Immunity: get disease, body fights it, become immune.

o Vaccine = active

o Given a weakened/dead form of disease & body fights it…become immune without getting sick.

o Passive Immunity: antibodies “passed” to baby from mom without baby being exposed to disease.

 Immune: Diseases

o HIV: Attacks WBC’s and changes viral coat (antigens) so can’t be detected by immune system. Leads to AIDS.

o Bird Flu/Swine Flu: Viruses originating from animals

 Side note: Blood Types

 Endocrine

o Glands make hormones. Hormones communicate with TARGET cells to maintain HOMEOSTASIS.

o Pancreas  Insulin

o Blood sugar goes up after eating

o Insulin released, sugar level drops

o Liver  Glucagon

o Blood sugar too low (Hypoglycemic)

o Releases stored sugar, blood sugar goes up

o Other examples: Adrenal glands  adrenaline, Pituitary  HGH, testes  testosterone, ovaries  estrogen

 Negative Feedback = Homeostasis

 Endocrine: Diseases

o Diabetes: blood sugar levels too high. Insulin not made or doesn’t work.

 Digestive

o Break food nutrients down/hydrolysis

o Chew food (mechanical) in mouth > saliva with salivary amylase breaks down STARCH

o Esophagus > stomach

o Stomach acid and pepsin to break down protein (chemical)

o Digestive

o Small intestine and villi: lots of surface area (contact with food). Nutrients diffuse through villi into blood.

o Liver puts bile in small intestine to break down fat, gall bladder stores extra bile.

o Pancreas puts juices to reduce/buffer acid and break down nutrients

o Large intestine: indigestible food/roughage moves through and water absorbed to form feces.

 Digestive: Diseases

o Appendicitis: infected appendix (organ with no function)

o Ulcer: hole in wall of stomach

o Diarrhea/constipation: water imbalance

 Nervous

o Send electric messages/impulses to detect environment and make body function.

o Central Nervous System = brain and spinal cord

o Other nerves sense touch, pain, temperature

o Cause muscles, glands, and other organs to work

o Brain = controls nervous system

o Reflex = reaction without brain involved.

 Neuron: nerve

 Neurotransmitters: chemicals that speed up or slow down impulses between nerves.

 Nervous: Diseases

o Lyme’s Disease: bacteria transferred from tick bites that destroys nervous system.

o Stroke: clog in blood vessel that cuts off O2 to part of brain and destroys it > paralysis

o Others: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s

 Excretory

o Get rid of waste in blood.

o Liver filters blood and makes waste

o Kidneys filters waste from blood and make URINE

o URINE stored in bladder and exits through URETHRA

o Sweat glands > release waste to cool body

 Excretory: Diseases

o Gout: uric acid (turn to urine) builds up in joints > painful

o Kidney stones

 Reproductive

o Males: Testies make sperm  ½ DNA

o Females: Ovaries make eggs  ½ DNA

o Female 28 day menstrual cycle controlled by hormones.


o Ovulation: mid-cycle (day 14) . Release egg into Fallopian Tube/Oviduct

o Reproductive

o Sperm passes through Vagina > Uterus > and meets egg in Fallopian tube

o Fertilization: one sperm enters egg and becomes a ZYGOTE

o CLEAVAGE: egg divides

o Egg sticks to wall of uterus

o Placenta forms with umbilical cord:

 Exchange of gases and nutrients between mom and baby


 Smoking, drinking, medications  can all pass through placenta and into baby

 Negative effect on development

o No Fertilization?

 If the egg is not fertilized…


 Lining of uterus is shed with blood and exits through Vagina

 Unfertilized egg exits

 Menstrual CYCLE begins again

 Reproductive: Diseases

o Miscarriage: fertilized egg does not stick to uterus wall.

o Birth defects: genetic or causes by chemicals during development.

o Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

 Musculoskeletal

o Muscles:

 pull on bones to move

 Heart pumps blood

 Move food in digestive system

 Works with Nervous System

o Bones:

 Bone marrow: makes RBC’s (carry oxygen), WBC’s, and PLATELETS which clot blood (stop bleeding)

 Supports body and protects organs

 Work with muscles to move

 Musculoskeletal: Diseases

 Osteoporosis: low calcium in bones, bones brittle and break easy (often in women).

 Arthritis: inflamed joints due to overuse, disease or genetics.