NZPPS Research Scholarship
A primary objective of The New Zealand Plant Protection Society is to pool and exchange information on the biology of weeds, invertebrate and vertebrate pests, pathogens and beneficial organisms, and methods for modifying their effects. As part of this objective, the Society has established a trust fund to support the New Zealand Plant Protection Society Research Scholarship. This Scholarship is to encourage research in relevant disciplines (entomology, plant pathology, weed science, zoology, ecology, and plant protection sciences), on topics relating to control of pests, pathogens and/or weeds in primary production (pastoral and arable agriculture, horticulture, forestry) or the natural or human environments.
Scholarship applications from students at a New Zealand university or students registered in other recognised New Zealand tertiary institutions will be considered.
The Scholarship is a prestigious award that will be made on a competitive basis, usually each year. In making awards, consideration will be given to:
- the quality, appropriateness and relevance of the proposed research
- the academic record of the applicant
- a supporting statement from supervisors, peers or sponsors.
The monetary value and number of Scholarships awarded will be at the discretion of the Society Executive Committee, but usually one of up to $3000 will be awarded each year. Recipients will be encouraged to become members of the Society and present a paper about their research to one of the Society’s conferences.
An application form is available from The application should include a statement describing the proposed research and the applicant’s perceptions of the importance and relevance of the project, as well as a supporting statement from the applicant’s supervisor/mentor. The applicant should supply a copy of their academic record.
NZPPS Research Scholarship
Application Form
Name of applicant:
Address for correspondence:
Email address:
Tertiary institution where enrolled:
Qualification for which you are enrolled:
Commencement and anticipated completion dates:
Title of research project:
(Attach relevant academic records, such as courses taken and grades obtained)
Awards or scholarships received or applied for:
[Differentiate between awarded and applied for]
[NZ citizen, or permanent resident, or other?]
Future career plans:
The information provided within this application is correct. I consent to the publication of my name and photo should I be successful in obtaining this award.
Student Signature: ______Date:
This application must be accompanied by:
1. A statement (no more than one A4 sheet) describing the proposed research project, and the applicant’s perceptions of the importance and relevance of the research.
2. A supporting statement from the applicant’s supervisor or mentor.
3. A copy of the applicant’s academic record.
Submit one hard copy of this form and accompanying material by mail to the postal address listed at submit an electronic copy of all application material to . Applications must be received by 1 October and will be acknowledged. For more information contact the Secretary at .