Annual Conference Guidelines
(Revised March 2016)
NYSRA Annual Conference Guidelines
Revised 3-2016
Conference Organization4
Duties of the Conference Coordinator5
Allowable Conference Expenses7
Selection of Conference Site/Contract8
Allowable Presenter Arrangements9
Suggested Mailings – Time Frame and Procedures10
Additional Conference Policies10
Suggested Roles of Members of the Conference Management Committee11
Advertising and Conference Book Chairperson11
Audio-Visual Chairperson13
Author Functions Chairperson14
College Reading Educators Chairperson at the Conference14
Community Event Chairperson14
Conference Headquarters Chairperson15
Evaluation Chairperson15
Exhibits Chairperson15
Featured Speakers Chairperson16
Hospitality Chairperson16
Membership Chair and ILA Coordinator at the Conference17
Publicity Chairperson16
Registration Chairperson17
Treasurer’s Role at the Conference17
Silent Auction Chairperson18
Bookkeeping and Budget Format & Categorization19
Conference Expenditures19
Conference Income20
The annual NYSRA Conference is a highly regarded statewide educational conference. National attention has been received because of the organization, programs’ creativity, attendance and leadership of the conference.
These Guidelines are meant to be a framework for conference planning and management. As sites change and events are added and deleted, these guidelines will need to be adapted. Changes are necessary for conference viability, but change must be planned.
The financial success of the conference is important in maintaining the financial stability of NYSRA. Efficient fiscal responsibility and accountability throughout the conference planning and management is needed.
The Vice-President nominates a Conference Coordinator for approval at the next full Board of Directors meeting following the election. The role of Conference Coordinator is an extremely important one. However, it is the President of NYSRA who carries the ultimate responsibility of the conference. Open and consistent communication between them is important.
It is important that the Conference Coordinator consider traditions of past conferences and that a positive working relationship with the previous Conference Coordinator be established.
Each conference is different. Each builds on the past and builds on new ideas and programs. The Conference Coordinator role is exciting, challenging, demanding, frustrating and very satisfying personally and professionally.
It is our hope that the current edition of the Conference Guidelines Handbook will offer a framework and outline for successful conferences for many years to come.
September, 2008Revision Committee
Susan Bogdan Ritty
Wally Freeland
Sue Smith
January, 2000 Revisions Committee
Mary K. Kline, Chairperson
Susan Bogdan
Maryann Bassi
Paula Costello
Roz Gleimer
Betty Powers
Roz Shaw
December 2015 Revisions Committee
Sarah Ada, Tamara Belanger, Kathleen Cali, Steve Cali, Linda Carr, Stan Cianfarano, Judy Ehrensbeck, Kay Gormley, Carol Hacker, Cheryl Harper, Bob Hirsch, Susan Hirsch, Sharon Kelly, Mary Kline, Larry Kline, Sharon Kohn, Carrie Lake, Eileen LaSpaluto, Mary Miller, Susan Moose, Mary Jo Morse,Tammy Robinson, Pat Shea-Bischoff, Andi Sosin, Helen Stuetzel, Cindy Wells, Liz Yanoff, Thea Yurkewecz
Section I
A Conference Coordinator is selected by the Vice President for the annual conference scheduled
during the Vice President’s year of presidency This selection shall be made in discussion with the current President and President Elect, but it is necessary that the Vice President be able to work well with the Conference Coordinator. The recommendation for this position is presented for approval to the Board of Directors no later than the next full Board of Directors’ meeting following the election of the new Vice President.
The Conference Coordinator and Vice President select a Planning Committee, approved by the Board of Directors, at the next full BOD’s meeting following the BOD’s approval of the Conference Coordinator, to meet no later than18-24 months prior to the conference. The Coordinator and Vice President then select a Management Committee to meet at the Coordinator’s discretion.Each conference will require variations on timing, but it is essential that the committee meets as soon as possible to being planning
**The planning committee works closely with the site selection committee noted in IVa. It is expected that the planning committee will work towards a specific conference, but also provide continuity across NYSRA conferences by serving on the committee for more than 1 year.
1. Composition
The committee may include the following members.
a. President and past Conference Coordinator for the Conference before
b. President Elect and Conference Coordinator for the Conference being planned
c. Vice President and Conference Coordinator for the Conference following
d. Site selection committee representative(s).
e. Others that may represent but are not limited to NYSED, College educators, and or statewide representatives
f. An Assistant to the Coordinator to be used in any way the Coordinator may feel appropriate.
2. Responsibilities
a. Select and develop a conference theme.
b. Recommend speakers and special activities. Build and maintain a list of speakers for future conferences.
c. Read and evaluate proposals submitted.
d. Make recommendations regarding logistics of the conference.
3. Meetings (Suggested: can be more frequent)
a. Initial planning meeting: As soon as committee has been determined.
b. Previous conference meeting: Meet during or after the previous conference to share ideas across conference committees.
c. Proposal reading: At spring AOD or June leadership meeting, meet to review conference proposals.
d. Meet regularly online to continue the long term planning of NYSRA conferences.
1. Composition
The members of this committee represent a cross section of NYSRA members. Each Coordinator has the flexibility to assign committee areas of responsibility. Generally, each member of the committee has a specific responsibility and chairs or co-chairs this area of responsibility. The Assistant to the Coordinator works with the Management Committee. Blending of the Planning and Management teams can be an effective way to staff committees.
2. Possible Committee Assignments
AdvertisingExhibits SilentAuctionEvaluation
Audio-Visual Hospitality Special Sessions Conference Book
Author Community DayRegistrationRegistration
Conference HeadquartersPublicity Featured Speakers
Utilize NYSRA Vice President/President-Elect for Awards and Chair of College Reading Educators to increase coordination.
The Conference Coordinator is responsible, in consultation with the President Elect and Treasurer, for developing a conference budget.
Expenses and receipts will be noted within the category framework listed in this handbook. Flexibility is appropriate. No funds should be spent by any conference committee chair without the approval of the Conference Coordinator and the appropriate receipts and voucher. Appropriate records must be kept by the committee chairs and the Conference Coordinator.
Assignment descriptions as developed over the past conferences are included in these guidelines. These suggestions may be adapted and changed as necessary to fit the style of a particular conference. Reports from previous conferences are passed along to the next person filling that role.
Section II
1. Select, with the Vice President, the members of the Planning Committee according to the make up detailed in this handbook and present to the Board of Directors for approval.
2. In coordination with the Planning Committee, the conference theme is determined and the format of the conference set up, including speakers and special features are established.
3. In coordination with the Planning Committee, develop and distribute the program proposal form for the conference.
4. In conjunction with the Planning Committee, read and approve program proposals for the conference.
5. Plan and publicize the conference program with the PR chairpersons
6. Contact and schedule all conference speakers with the author & featured speakers chairs.
7. Facilitate collaboration with other literacy groups to benefit the conference. For example, invite NYSED and SCBWI groups to participate.
7. Work with the NYSRA Executive Committee regarding conference procedures.(If the conference coordinator is not a board member include the coordinator in Board and Assembly meetings)
8. Participate as a member of other Conference Planning Committees as detailed in this handbook.
9. In consultation, and along with the NYSRA President of the conference year, negotiate needed contracts and have them signed by the current NYSRA President. These may include a decorator, jobbers and printer(s) for conference publications. It is recommended that, when possible, more than 1 bid/quotes be obtained for any non-speaker expense to exceed $3000. Decision should be made based on quality, cost, reputation, and appropriateness as well as NYSRA past experience with the vendor.
1. Select the Management Committee according to the make up detailed in this handbook; present the committee to the Board of Directors, and then distribute their job descriptions to them. When positions are created which are not detailed in this handbook, job descriptions should be written and distributed. Reports from the previous conference should be shared.
2. Work with the Conference Site Management Personnel in developing the conference registration form and setting room rates. Board approval of publicized rates should be obtained. The contract from the sites will be used when setting rates for the conference.
3. Conference coordinator will solicit program proposals from the NYSRA Committee chairs, especially those who have presentations at the Conference as part of their goals.
1. Work with the NYSRA Treasurer in setting up budget and banking procedures.
2. Keep financial records for Planning and Management components of the conference according to recommended procedures and categories that are attached.
3. Receive and monitor periodic statements of conference related funds and accounts from and with the NYSRA treasurer.In the months before the conference, communicate with the treasurer at least monthly. In the 2 months prior to the conference, communicate with the treasurer weekly. It is expected that the treasurer will be communicating regularly with the registrars as well.
4. Prepare a written general and financial report of the conference in conjunction with the treasurer. A general report should contain a summary of the conference evaluations and finances, presented at the first Board of Directors meeting following the conference. The final written general and financial report will be presented to the Assembly of Delegates within 6-8 months of the close of the conference. If no AOD meeting is scheduled within 6-8 months following the close of the conference, the report should be presented at the next scheduled AOD meeting.
5. Secure the most competitive price on items used for the conference.
6. Make an effort to secure underwriting and/or sponsorship for supplies, speakers and hospitalityevents at the conference.
7. Work with the NYSRA Treasurer and Executive Committee to determine who should be bondedand complete required procedures if needed.
8. Obtain completed IRS forms from speakers with honorariums of $600 or more, before the conference.
9. Provide the Treasurer with a list of checks and amounts that will be needed at the Conference.
I. With the PR chair, write articles for The Empire State Reading Scene and REaD Newsletter which will promote and highlight the conference.
2. With the PR chair, write and edit the Primary Conference Flyer published and mailed preceding the conference.
3. With the PR chair, develop videos, flyers, social media notices, and other materials to advertise the conference.
4. With the PR chair, send press releases to the IRA Reading Today Editor for inclusion in their published calendar. This should be submitted 18 months prior to the conference.
5. With the PR chair, provide updated information to the NYSRA Webmaster in order to keep the information on the website current.
6. Work with the publicity chairperson to place articles in local newspapers, TV etc.
7. Write letters of notification to committee members’ supervisors acknowledging their contributions to NYSRA and to the supervisors of Workshop Session Presenters, upon request.
E. Reporting
1. At the Assembly and Board meetings, present conference information. Before the conference present promotional and management information. After the conference present a summary of all management areas.
2. Provide the next conference coordinator with the conference digital documents.
Section III
1. Travel expenses to the site of the Planning Committee meetings and room and board according to current NYSRA reimbursement guidelines.
2. Travel expenses, gratis registration and room and board according to current NYSRA reimbursement guidelines.
1. Travel expenses and room and board according to current NYSRA reimbursement guidelines for all general Management Committee meetings.
2. Travel expenses, gratis registration and room and board during the conference week as needed foreach conference Management Committee chairperson.
3. Reimbursement for other expenses must be pre-approved by Conference Coordinator.
1. Board members expenses will be divided equally between the conference and the BOD budgets. For expense reimbursement, Board members are required to work as requested during the conference. Board members will voucher for expenses.
Gratis accommodations and reimbursement for other expenses may be offered to other individuals who are critical to the conference operation. Those individuals will be suggested by the Conference Coordinator and approved by the Executive Committee prior to the conference.
Personal items or service items and gratuities are excluded from reimbursement for all individuals and groups listed A-D. Examples of such exclusion are: alcoholic beverages, personal phone calls, room service, recreational activities, etc.
Section IV
An ad hoc committee should be established by the president and meet regularly to determine future conference sites. Members should include some members of the Executive Committee, past conference coordinators and others with experience with the conference, site/locale or NYSRA. It is expected that the site selection team will work closely with the planning committees for each conference.
Site selection is based on criteria established by the ad hoc committee and includes:
Geographic location
• Size of facilities
• Rates
• Available hotels, convention centers
• Dates of availability Amenities/structure condition
• Other items as determined by committee or NYSRA
The contract for the hotels, convention centers and others that are needed must be reviewed by the site committee and the executive board. An attorney may review the contract as needed. The site is approved by the Board of Directors and then the contract is signed by the current President.
Multiple year contracts may be signed to lock in rates and dates. Copies of all contracts should be given to the succeeding treasurer, president-elect, and vice president as they will implement the contract with their Conference Coordinator. All contracts shall be kept in the conference digital files.
The Conference Coordinator(s) involved with a particular site communicate on any problems or issues that occur so they can be dealt with for future conferences at the site. A list of issues and solutions should be maintained in the conference digital files.
Section V
The Conference coordinator will select general session and featured session speakers from the names suggested by the Conference Planning Committee and others. These presenters are contacted by the Coordinator by phone, mail or e-mail or by a publisher at the request of the Coordinator. Confirmation is always in writing with the agreement between NYSRA and the presenter in specific detail (sample agreements in the conference digital files). The Coordinator may negotiate with organizations, agencies, and/or companies with which the speaker is affiliated for assumption of the speaker’s or author’s expenses. Specific allowable arrangements for each category of presenter are as follows. All contracts require the signature of the current NYSRA President.
1. An agreed honorarium which varies according to the speaker and amount of service and number of presentations will be provided. Costs have ranged from no cost to $5000. As costs increase willingness to negotiate the larger fees will be discussed between the Coordinator and the President. NYSRA finances and the conference budget will also influence the decision.
2. Room and board at the conference site.
3. Travel expenses including airfare, mileage, and or limousine fee.
4. Gratis registration.
5. NYSRA may provide copies of the handouts. Digital copies of handouts should also be made available for NYSRA to post on our website.
5. The Conference Coordinator will use discretion in order to get the best fee.
1. Presenters are responsible for their own registration fee, room and board at the conference site, AV equipment and travel expenses.
2. No honoraria.
3. Duplication of handouts is the responsibility of the presenter.Handouts should be provided for the website prior to the conference.
Adjustments in these arrangements may be made only with the concurrence of the President and Conference Coordinator. The Conference Coordinator will negotiate these arrangements on a case by case basis.
Section VI
1. Conference Coordinator should request mailing lists in sufficient time to be ready for all mailings. Lists may include, but are not limited to: NYSRA members, NYS ILA members, SED, Teacher Centers and prior year’s conference participants. NYSRA and ILA membership lists should be available from the NYSRA Membership chair.
1. The dates listed in the following paragraphs are suggested dates. It is important to note that mailings and printing are often delayed. To insure that all interested parties receive the conference materials within ample time, these dates should be used. As always, individual flexibility and creativity must be considered.