Downstate LEAH – Regional Science Fair

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Grace Church

450 Edgewood Ave.

Smithtown, NY 11787

Set-up begins at 12:00 noon

Presentations 1:00 pm

Awards immediately following presentations.

Science Fair Rules and Regulations

  1. Only one entry per student. All participants must be active members of LEAH.
  1. We encourage parents to help and get involved, but please remember that this is your child’s project.
  1. Experiments are recommended over collections and models. Judging will be based on use ofthe scientific method.
  1. Judging will include display and presentation. Displaysmust be free standing, so make sure they arenot too heavy or bulky, and that all parts are securely mounted.
  1. Display boards may not exceed 36 inches in height and 48 inches in width when fully expanded.

And remember, it must stand alone.

  1. Students who do not orally present their findings may participate, but will not be eligible for an award.
  1. Limit the presentation to 10 minutes; five to seven minutes for speaking and the remainder of the

timefor the judges to ask questions.

  1. Respect others at the fair, adults and students alike, and especially the judges.
  1. All decisions of the judges and science fair coordinators are final.
  1. Students from pre-K to high school seniors may participate. All participants will receive a certificate of participation. Only those who meet the criteria below will be eligible for awards. If room allows, we will entertain offers from adults to present displays or experiments for educational enrichment.
  1. Have FUN!

Source: Elementary Science Fair Planning Guide, Lora Holt copyright 2006

Judging Criteria

Display well organized2 points

Clearly stated title, question, 2 points

and reasonable hypothesis

Research information with2 points

at least 3 sources cited

Clearly explained experimental3 points


Measurable data that includes3 points

3 or more trials

Effective analysis of data3 points

clearly stating results

Knowledge of topic with use of3 points

related age appropriate vocabulary

Well elaborated conclusion based3 points

on results

Stated real life connection2 points

Effective closure of presentation2 points

Possible accumulation:25 points
Registration Form




Tel. No.:______


LEAH chapter:______

Parental email:______

Parental Consent Release

I hereby give permission to my child, named above, to participate in the Downstate LEAH-Regional Science Fair. I, therefore, release NYS LEAH, Grace Church, their representatives and volunteers from any and all liability.


Parent/Guardian signature

Return Registration form to:

Susan Keenan

1 Highwoods Court

St. James, NY 11780
