CYPS: Inclusion

CAN-Do Early Years

Name / Setting
DoB / Year
No / Questions / Agree / Agree Partly / Disagree Partly / Disagree / Evidence
(Make reference to reports, etc.)
1.1.1 / CYP is emotionally stable, even tempered and shows appropriate self-control for age, e.g. is patient/not easily flustered.
1.1.2 / CYP is usually happy and content.
1.1.3 / CYP is socially aware in relation to age phase, e.g. interacts appropriately with others, reads social signs well, is not a loner/isolated.
1.1.4 / CYP is confident e.g. is relaxed, not shy, is not afraid of new things or making mistakes.
1.1.5 / CYP shows age appropriate sensitivity to others needs and feelings
1.1.6 / CYP does not engage in any self-harming or self-injurious behaviour e.g. head banging/biting.
1.2.1 / CYP maintains focus on an activity for an age appropriate period of time.
1.2.2 / CYP can plan and make decisions about how to approach a task and is able to select resources appropriate to their chosen activity.
1.2.3 / CYP can work in a small group with appropriate adult support,
1.2.4 / CYP can work independently and indicate when they do or don’t need help.
1.2.5 / CYP can adjust behaviour when interacting with adults.
1.2.6 / CYP interacts age appropriately with peers.
1.2.7 / CYP observes and respects age appropriate physical boundaries.
1.2.8 / CYP is physically calm, e.g. is pleasant and does not strike out in frustration or anger.
1.2.9 / CYP meets age appropriate expectations about looking after resources, materials and their immediate environment.
1.3.1 / CYP is able to cope when unexpected changes occur, e.g. changes to the environment.
1.3.2 / CYP is able to cope when unexpected changes occur, e.g. changes to staffing.
1.4.1 / CYP is motivated to engage in age appropriate and stimulating activities with a relevant level of adult support.
1.4.2 / CYP can attempt and persist with an activity at an age appropriate level.
1.5.1 / CYP enjoys achieving what they set out to do.
1.5.2 / CYP is aware and appropriately positive about her strengths and abilities.
2.1.1 / CYP is meeting age expected learning targets and objectives.
2.1.2 / CYP has an even profile of cognitive skills and abilities without any areas of specific need.
2.2.1 / CYP is able to show immediate recall of information.
2.2.2 / CYP is able to recall information about past events.
2.2.3 / CYP is able to use new learning consistently, spontaneously and independently over an age appropriate time span
2.3.1 / CYP has good vision (this could include vision corrected with glasses).
2.3.2 / CYP has functional hearing (may be aided).
2.3.3 / CYP shows age appropriate competency in auditory processing.
2.3.4 / CYP is able to manage physical position in relation to environment, e.g. has good spatial awareness.
2.4.1 / CYP shows age appropriate competency in manual dexterity (hand eye co-ordination).
2.4.2 / CYP shows good control and co-ordination in a range of small movements.
2.4.3 / CYP is able to successfully complete activities or tasks without support when using both hands together.
2.4.4 / CYP is able to sit independently without support.
2.4.5 / CYP is able to stand independently without support.
2.4.6 / CYP is able to complete age appropriate gross motor activities.
2.5.1 / CYP has no medical/health needs which impact upon learning and development.
3.1.1 / CYP is able to demonstrate through their actions (including role play) age appropriate understanding of the functions of familiar objects.
3.1.2 / CYP is able to demonstrate age appropriate reading behaviours.
3.1.3 / CYP is able to demonstrate age appropriate writing skills
3.1.4 / CYP has age appropriate mathematical skills.
3.1.5 / CYP is able to make age-appropriate choices without assistance or prompting.
3.1.6 / CYP is able to solve age-appropriate problems independently.
3.2.1 / CYP is able to independently communicate needs and wants (this may include non-verbal means).
3.3.1 / CYP is able to participate independently in age-appropriate physical activities.
3.4.1 / CYP is able to demonstrate age appropriate self-care skills other than toileting.
3.4.2 / CYP routinely completes age-appropriate personal needs, e.g. uses the toilet independently.
3.4.3 / CYP is able to demonstrate age appropriate feeding and drinking skills.
3.4.4 / CYP is aware of level of physical comfort and can communicate issues about this.
3.5.1 / CYP is able to access a range of information technology at age appropriate level.
4.1.1 / CYP is able to concentrate for an age appropriate length of time on an adult directed activity.
4.1.2 / CYP is able to shift attention at an age appropriate level
4.1.3 / CYP is able to maintain focus on a teacher directed activity without being distracted by things in the environment.
4.1.4 / CYP is able to maintain focus, with adult prompts when working with others.
4.2.1 / CYP can understand spoken language at an age appropriate level.
4.2.2 / CYP is able to recognise and understand non-verbal communication at age appropriate level.
4.2.3 / CYP is able to understand what people mean as opposed to what they say.
4.3.1 / CYP has age appropriate spoken language.
4.3.2 / CYP is able to make needs known using age appropriate expressive language, which can be understood by an unfamiliar adult.
4.3.3 / CYP is able to express self effectively showing awareness of the listener's needs.
4.4.1 / CYP displays empathy for the feelings of others with adult support.
4.4.2 / CYP understands social rules appropriate to age.
4.4.3 / CYP is able to initiate interaction with others in an age appropriate manner.
4.4.4 / CYP demonstrates appropriate awareness of rules of physical contact e.g. is developing awareness of appropriate touching
4.5.1 / CYP is able to participate in and contribute to group discussions at an age appropriate level
4.5.2 / CYP is able to choose and plan own activities at an age appropriate level.
4.5.3 / CYP is able to turn take and share ideas in a group activity at an age appropriate level
4.6.1 / CYP is able to follow a timetable/daily routine.
4.6.2 / CYP is able to co-ordinate and organise items they may need for different occasions.
5.1.1 / CYP is able to access buildings without adaptations/additional assistance.
5.2.1 / CYP recognises and avoids hazardous substances, e.g. wouldn't eat glue, sand, play with a toilet brush etc.
5.2.2 / CYP recognises physical dangers related to age phase.
5.2.3 / CYP is able to move independently, as appropriate to age.
5.2.4 / CYP is able to independently and safely move around setting.
5.3.1 / CYP is able to learn within a setting without any additional adaptations i.e. blinds at windows, reduced distractions, privacy boards, extra space etc.
5.3.2 / CYP is able to use standard furniture in line with age expectations.
5.3.3 / CYP is able to use standard equipment related to age phase.
5.4.1 / CYP does not require personal augmentative/ assistive technology.
5.4.2 / CYP is able to access curriculum and learn without the need for specific auditory processing and listening devices.
5.4.3 / CYP is able to access curriculum and learn without the need for a personal communication system (low or high tech).
6.1.1 / When needed, the family of CYP access help and support from the appropriate service providers.
6.2.1 / CYP and her family are able to access wider family support.
6.2.2 / CYP parents/carers have good home-school/ setting communication.
6.3.1 / CYP has access to a range of age appropriate leisure and social activities.
6.4.1 / CYP has no EAL support needs.
6.4.2 / CYP has no cultural support needs.
6.5.1 / CYP's beliefs do not require adjustments to be made to the environment or curriculum.
7.1.1 / CYP can recognise and express their emotions clearly and openly to others and in contextually and age appropriate ways.
7.1.2 / CYP has a range of strategies to self- regulate and uses these to de-escalate the impact of negative feelings and emotions.
7.1.3 / CYP has a range of strategies to help them to address setbacks and ensure on-going wellbeing.
7.1.4 / CYP recognises the need for emotional support and will express this if asked by an adult.
7.1.5 / CYP understands how their feelings can impact on other people and on what happens to them.
7.1.6 / CYP is aware of how others are feeling through a variety of cues and prompts from an adult.
7.1.7 / CYP understands that people respond differently to different emotions and their response might be impacted on by a range of factors (i.e. background, previous experience, current demands).
7.1.8 / CYP can see the world from other people’s points of view, with support from adults.
7.1.9 / CYP can show understanding that people from other cultures and backgrounds, may have differences.
7.1.10 / CYP can express pleasure and pride in self and is able to accept praise from others.
7.1.11 / CYP can reflect on their actions, learn from them and act upon own reflections.
7.1.12 / CYP can keep their temper when somebody annoys them.
7.1.13 / CYP is able to identify right from wrong in own and others’ behaviours.
7.1.14 / CYP chooses to make positive decisions over socially unacceptable alternatives.
7.1.15 / CYP can view errors as part of the normal learning process, and bounce back from disappointment or failure.
7.1.16 / CYP concentration is not significantly/frequently affected by their worries, feelings and fixations.
7.1.17 / CYP can make, sustain and negotiate friendships without hurting others physically or emotionally.
7.1.18 / CYP is able and willing to repair damaged relationships and situations for age.
7.1.19 / CYP does not worry excessively or display upset or inability to relax.
7.1.20 / CYP does not display excessive concern about own abilities.
7.1.21 / CYP is able to form trusting relationships with adults and accept support and guidance from them.
7.1.22 / CYP knows how to keep safe, shows awareness of risky situations and understands there may be consequences to their actions.
7.1.23 / CYP does not blame others for their own mistakes.
7.1.24 / CYP deliberately undertakes inappropriate behaviours in order to elicit a response.
7.1.25 / CYP is able to respond appropriately when they are hurt or offended and takes appropriate action to rectify the situation without the need for retaliation.

NYCC/CYPS:Inclusion/CAN-Do 7