Amended as from Monday, 18 April 2011
1.1The Association shall be named the Nyanga Local Football Association and shall operate from Nyanga. It shall be affiliated to SAFA Cape Town.
1.2 It shall consist of members whose qualifications shall be specified.
2.1 Jerseys – Black & White or Green & White
Shorts – White
Socks – Black & White or Green & White
3.1To promote, encourage, advance and generally assist and protect the interests of the game of soccer in the areas under the jurisdiction of the Association
3.2To formulate, control, add to and/or amend the conditions under which all competitions shall be conducted where not inconsistent with the roles and regulations laid down by SAFA-CT.
3.3To select, control, regulate, and if necessary, finance representative teams to participate in Inter LFA, Provincial and National competitions throughout South Africa.
3.4To award such trophies as are offered and accepted by the Association for competitions, and to provide for the proper custody, insurance, protection and distribution of same.
3.5To engage and empower our Youth to participate in community development activities.
4.1That the membership of the Association shall be open to all clubs in Cape Town. But affiliates of other Association will have to produce a clearance certificate before they registered.
4.2The application for membership shall be made in writing and reach the secretary by no later than 30 days prior to the AGM.
4.3The application shall be accompanied by a list of all names of all members indicating the various divisions in which such members play with their respective ID numbers, club constitution, list of club management and the prescribed fee.
5.1Subject to provisions hereunder, management control, general control, general administration of all members, and affairs of the Association shall be vested in on executive committee which shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting from club members or those who have interest on soccer at heart.
5.2They shall compose as follows:President, Vice President, General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer and Two Additional Members.
5.3Should the officers for any reason(s) not be elected at this meeting, either individual or collectively, eight members of the executive shall be elected and empowered to fill the vacancy or vacancies from its own members by election at the ExecutiveMeeting subsequent to the Annual General Meeting.
5.4The executive shall appoint subcommittees normally required to for the transaction of the affairs of the Association, and in addition, shall appoint a subcommittee for specified extra ordinary matters as it may deem fit. The executive is empowered to co-opt members at subcommittees from outside its own members. Each an every club shall submit name(s) of its members to serve on the subcommittees, failing which shall be dealt accordingly.
5.5In addition to the foregoing and limited only laid down restrictions herein contained, the duties and powers of the executive shall be:
5.4.1To make out and issue receipts, releases, and discharges for monies payable to Clubs, and for the claims of the Association and in the interest of the Association, its paid officials and employees, effect insurance of all kinds. Except, if otherwise provided, such shall be signed by the treasure, or such person lawfully delegated by him to do so.
5.4.2To open and operate a banking account in the name of the Association, and in draw, accept, endorse, make and conduct the affairs of the Association. Such documents and other negotiable instruments shall be signed by the treasure, plus other two members of the executive.
5.4.3To institute, conduct, compound and abandon any legal proceeding by and against the Association concerning its affairs. However in the event of the amount involved exceeding R2000-00, prior consent of the Association’s General Meeting shall be obtained.
5.4.4The executive shall be empowered to accept and received transfers in the name of the trustee’s immovable property referred herein, and to mortgage same, delegate to one of the two members, in the absence of one or both trustees. Full power and authority to sign all necessary documents for such purpose, and to sell, alienate, or in any way dispose of the immovable property of the Association, provided however, that a majority members of the General Meeting is called for the purpose, and that a majority of not more than two-thirds of those present and voting sanction same.
5.4.5The Executive shall keep and maintain proper books of account which shall be studied annually. Copiesof the audited statement of account and balanced sheet shall be distributed to all members, clubs, together with the Annual Report, at least fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The financial year shall end on the 28th of February each year.
5.4.6The incoming executive on assuming office shall receive possession and control of all books, monies, documents and vouchers of the Association, together with the inventory of the movable property, of which a record shall be kept. It shall be the duty of the outgoing trustees to deliver or give possession o the aforementioned items to the incoming officers, who shall thereupon stand possessed thereof, and be responsible therefore.
5.4.7It shall be competent for the Executive to conduct the affairs of the Association between the executive meetings, provided that all actions taken shall be reviewed at the subsequent Executive Meeting. It shall be the duty of the Association to implement all resolutions expeditiously and timorously.
5.4.8Should any member of the Executive fail to attend three consecutive meetings without reporting, he /she shall vacate his/her position in the office, and the Executive may forego or wave putting this clause into effect should it be deemed fit.
5.4.9Vacancies occurring through any cause shall be filled by the Executive
at its discretion.
5.4.10Fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the clubs of the Association in good
and having signed the register shall form a quorum at all meetings of
of the Association.
5.4.11Should no quorum be present within thirty (30) minutes of the
Time of a meeting, such meeting shall be adjourned to a date to be fixed by the Honorary Secretary of the Association. Should a quorum still not be obtained at the adjourned Meeting, the Meeting shall proceed and decisions taken at such Meeting shall be binding on all Affiliates.
5.4.12Fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the elected members shall form a
Quorum of the Meeting.
5.4.13 To suspend, fine, terminate themembership of, award matches or anyCombination of the aforementioned), or otherwise deal with any affiliate, club or individual affiliated to the Association for in bringing the constitution, rules, policies, principles and resolutions of the Association, the laws of the game, or for engaging in act of misconduct, improper practices, misdemeanour, acts of defiance or bringing the Association in disrepute.
5.6An official of the Association, or Chairperson of any of its Sub-committee, shall not be allowed to act as representative for a Club
5.7Credentials for all representatives must be furnished in writing by their respective Club annually, prior to the first Meeting in which such representative participate, in such Meetings.
5.8In the absence of the official representatives, the Club shall submit the names of the alternative in writing prior to the General Meeting.
6.1.1The President and, in his absence, the Vice President, in that order, shall
preside at all Executive Meetings of the Association and shall represent the Association at all outside functions, unless otherwise decided by the Executive. He/she shall be known and accepted as the functional head of the Association.
6.1.2 At all Executive Meetings the President, in his capacity as Chairperson,
shall exercise his casting vote as well as his deliberation vote, where voting is
6.1.3 He/she shall be empowered to convene a Special General Meeting of the
Association or the Executive, at his direction. He/she shall act as ex-oficio
to all subcommittees.
6.2.1The Vice President shall not act as deputies of the President in all the latter’s
functions, in addition in acting as convenors of the subcommittees allocated
for their jurisdiction from time to time
It shall be the duty of the General Secretary:
6.3.1To conduct all correspondence under the direction of the President or his/her
6.3.2To keep books and accounts under the direction of the Treasure or his/her
6.3.3Issue all notices of all Meetings by the direction of the President or his
6.3.4To prepare and present the minutes of previous executive or General
Meeting for confirmation
6.3.5To bring all communication directed to the President, or to the Association
Through any channel, to the notice of the Executive at the first
Meeting after receiving it.
6.3.6To attend all the meetings of the Association, Executive and Subcommittees,
If required to do so.
6.3.7To keep inventory of all movable property of the Association, such inventory
To be certify by the Trustee at the end of each year of office, and handed over to the Incoming Honorary Officers.
6.3.8To perform all the work consistent with the General Secretary Officer under
The direction of the Honorary Officers.
Shall have control of the receipts and payments of the Association
6.4.1 She/he shall submit financial reports to the Executive when required to do so and present accounts for payments.
6.4.2It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to cause all monies received to be deposited in the bank account, for which purpose/s presently in existence shall be maintained.
6.4.3All payments shall be made by cheque, except from petty cash, which the General Secretary shall vouch for latter
6.4.4The treasurer shall be empowered to pay all duly authorised salaries and routine accounts, but save as aforesaid, shall pay no amount exceeding R100-00 unless so authorised by at least two other members of the Executive. Such payments shall be submitted for rectification at the first Executive Meeting thereafter.
6.4.5In addition to the aforementioned duties, the Treasurer shall in the absence of the President and Vice President, act as their deputy in all functions.
6.5.1 It shall be the duty of these members to attend the Executive
Meetings, to act as deputies in the absence of Honorary Officers.
6.5.2 Fifty percent (50%) plus one at an Executive Meeting shall form a quorum.
7.1One trustee shall be elected
7.2The trustee shall not have power to sell or alienate any property belonging to the Association, nor purchase any property on behalf of the Association, except by consent of a majority of not less than two-thirds of members present and voting and a General Meeting. Alternatively, the trustee shall not withhold the signature from any document authorized by members in General Meeting.
8.1Life membership maybe conferred at any AGM of the Association on any person who has, in the opinion of an ordinary majority of members, rendered loyal and particular, and maybe conferred in the following categories :
8.1.1Honour Life President: whose office shall be entirely non-functional, but who shall be entitle to be invited to, and to vote at all General Meetings of the Association. Only Life Members, who shall be privileged to be invited and to vote at all the General Meetings of the Association.
8.1.2Nominations for the membership in either of the aforementioned categories shall have the prior approval of the Executive. On such approval being abstained, notice of motion of such intention shall be circulated to all members.
8.1.3Recipient of such Life Membership shall be presented with certificate commemorating the honour on it and the title and date of conferment to be stated on such certificate, which shall be signed by the President and the General Secretary.
8.1.4Then conferment of Life Membership on any person shall not debar the recipient from being elected to any functional office.
9.1Pursuant to Article 4 herein, nominations for these positions shall be submitted in writing to the General Secretary of the Association by members of the Executive in office to the nominees or any other Club at least fourteen (14) days prior to the laid down date of Annual General Meeting.
9.2The aforementioned General Secretary, in turn shall submit a list of nominees extracted from the official form to the Chairperson of the Association within seven days of the closing date.
9.3The aforementioned nomination shall be submitted in writing, signed by the President or Secretary of the Club nominating them, and shall be accompanied by acknowledgement signatures from the nominees signifying their willingness to accept office in the Association. In the event of no acknowledgement signature being received, such nomination shall be invalidated.
9.4In the event of nominees for an Executive position being defeated, he/she shall be eligible for election to any lower position on the Executive.
9.5The Executive and other members shall be elected as aforesaid at the Annual General Meeting by the majority of delegates, life members and members of the Executive, and shall retain office until their successors have been elected or appointed.
9.6No person shall be eligible for election to any post if he/she is not present in the meeting when election takes place or he/she has not indicated his willingness to accept such post in writing.
10.1The AGM shall be held on the 1st week of February each season at a venue to be determined by the Executive. The General Secretary shall give thirty days notice of the date and time thereof, and shall at all the same time furnish each member with a list of nominations and a copy of the Agenda, Annual Report and Balance Sheet.
10.2.1To read the notice convening the meeting
10.2.2To received delegates credentials
10.2.3To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting or any
Special General Meeting held in the interim, and to discuss matters arising thereof.
10.2.4To confirm and adopt Annual Report
10.2.5To accept new membership if any
10.2.6To elect life members if any
10.2.7To elect the Office Barriers pursuant to article 4 herein, to the ensuing two
year term
10.2.8To amend, add to, or alter the constitution, due notice of which has been as
Lay down.
10.2.9To deal with correspondence
10.2.10To deal with other matters
10.2.11To close the meeting
10.2.12In addition to the afore going procedure, the meeting shall be empowered to
move into Committee by a majority of those present and voting.
10.2.13Delegates must exercise their vote for the full members of the Executive
11.1A Special General Meeting of the Association shall be called by the Executiveas it may deem fit, on a resolute of the Executive, or on a resolution delivered to the General Meeting and signed by officials of at least fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the affiliated Clubs. In the latter even the General Secretary of the Association shall give at least seven days notice of the date and venue of the Meeting. For other General Meeting at least fourteen days notice shall be given.
11.2The procedure of the aforementioned Meetings shall be:
11.2.1To read the notice convening the Meeting
11.2.2To discuss the special business for which the meeting was convened
11.2.3To resolve or reject item 2 in its original or amended form
11.2.4The Closure.
11.3In case of a requisitioned General Meeting, it shall be deemed cancelled.
11.4Any notice and invitation read in a General Meeting, shall be deemed to have been received, this applies to members of the Association. Accidental omissions to give the requisite notice shall not invalidate any Meeting. Only the Annual General Meeting that the notices shall be posted, fax or emailed to the last known address of members of Clubs.Voting of all matters at a General Meeting shall be by shown of hands, unless a ballot is requested by any member present and entitled to vote. Any scrutinizers may be appointed by the Chairperson, provided they are not candidates for any of the post being resolved
11.5The rule and debates and procedure shall be applied at all Meetings.
12.1Meetings shall be held as often as is necessary to properly conduct the affairs of the Association.
12.2All Meetings of the Executive shall have an equal vote subject to the provision of Article 6 herein
12.3All motions submitted to any Executive Meeting, other than a motion to review and rescind a previous resolution of the Executive ( Article 5) shall be carried by a simple majority. Voting shall take place by a show of hands or by a ballot paper if the latter procedure be requested by any member of the Executive present.
13.1The following Sub-committees and convenors shall be appointed by the Executive as soon after the Annual General Meeting as is possible, any such Sub-committee shall constitute a heretofore prescribed, or as the Executive may deem fit:
13.1.3Referees Appointments
13.1.5Facility Management
13.2In addition of the above aforementioned and pursuant to Article 5.3 herein, the Executive shall appoint for extra ordinary purposes.
14.1In addition to all the Sub-committees herein provided for, the Executive shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee of not more than five members whose powers, procedures and obligations are hereunder provided.
14.2The said DC shall deal with cases of misconduct, misdemeanour, breach of the constitution, rules and resolutions by players, referees, members, club officials and spectators both on and off the field of play as well as the appeals by players against decisions of clubs
14.3Notwithstanding what is contained in clause 14.2 above, the full Executive may take over the powers of the DC to deal with any case of misconduct, misdemeanour, and breach of rules, regulations and by-laws. In the event, the next and the final committee of appeal will be SAFA-CT.
14.4To deal with the Referee’s Report on any player being dismissed from the field of play within seven (7) days of the alleged offence, in view of the laid down regulations that such players are automatically suspended until such times as their cases have been heard by the DC.