HMISRHYSOP IntakeForm(10/24/2016)

Please answer all questions. Fill out one form for each child member at program entry.

Legal First Name: ______Legal Middle Name: ______

Legal Last Name: Suffix: ______

Name Data quality:Full name reported Partial, street name, or code name reported Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): // Full Approximate or Partial ClientDoesn’t Know Client Refused

Social Security #: ______– _____ – ______Full Approximate or Partial Client Doesn’t Know/Don’t Have Client Refused

Tell Us about Your Last Permanent Address (where you last lived for 90 days or more)

CityCounty State/Province

Phone: PH Type: Phone Alt: PH Type:

Email: Contact Preference:

Are You Homeless? (Housing Status): Category 1- Homeless

Category 2- Imminently losing housing

 Category 3- Homeless under other Federal statutes

 Category 4- Fleeing domestic

At risk of losing housing

Stably housed

ClientDoesn’t Know

Client Refused

Disabling Condition:Yes No  ClientDoesn’t Know  Client Refused

Relationship to HoH:Self Child  Spouse Head of household’s other relation member Other (non-relation member)

Veteran Status: (Served/Serving in US Military): Yes  No  ClientDoesn’t Know  Client Refused

Gender: MaleFemale Transgender Male to FemaleTransgender Female to Male Doesn’t identify as male, female, or transgender Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused

Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Hispanic/Latino ClientDoesn’t Know  Client Refused

Race (choose all that apply):American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteClient doesn’t know Client Refused

Alias First Name: ______AliasLast Name: ______(optional)

No Health Insurance Other______MEDICAID MEDICARE
State Children’s Health InsuranceVeteran’s - VA Medical
Employer provided Health InsuranceCOBRA Private Pay Health Insurance
State Adult Health InsuranceIndian Health Services Program
Client RefusedClient Doesn’t Know

Family Contact Tab: What is the Client’s Current Address? (Click “Is Mailing Address” if you are recording the current address in this tab),



Phone: ______PH Type:

Email: ______Contact Preference:______

Reasons or Contributing Factors to Homeless Situation(choose all that apply):

 Abuse or violence in my home /  Medical expenses
 Alcohol/substance abuse problems /  Mental illness
 Asked to leave /  Moved to find work
 Bad credit /  Problems with public benefits
 Couldn’t pay utilities /  Reasons related to my sexual orientation
 Discharge from foster care /  Relationship problems or family break-up
 Discharged from jail /  Unable to pay rent/mortgage
 Discharged from prison /  Other ______
 Family member or personal illness /  Doesn’t apply to me
 Legal problems / Lost Job Couldn’t find work
For persons entering HMIS Project Type: Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, and Safe Haven
Where did you stay last night– choose one (i.e. Safe haven, Hospital, Hotel, etc.)
Type of Residence: Literally Homeless Situations
Place Not Meant for Habitation (Car or Other Vehicle, Abandoned Building, Bus/Train/Subway Station/ Airport, Street or Camping)
Emergency Shelter, including hotel/motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher
Safe Haven
Interim Housing
Type of Residence: Institutional Situation
Foster care home or foster care group home /  Psychiatric Hospital or other Psychiatric Facility
 Hospital or other residential non-Psychiatric facility /  Long-term Care Facility or nursing home
 Jail, Prison or Other Juvenile Facility / Substance Abuse Treatment Facility or Detox Center
Type of Residence: Transitional and Permanent Housing Situation
 Hotel or Motel Paid for without an Emergency Shelter Voucher / Residential project of halfway house with no homeless criteria
Owned by Client, No Housing Subsidy /  Staying or Living in a Family Member’s Room, Apartment or House
Owned by Client, With Housing Subsidy / Staying or Living in a Friend’s Room, Apartment, or House
Permanent Housing for Formerly Homeless Persons / Transitional Housing for Homeless Persons (including homeless youth)
 Rental by Client, with no ongoing housing subsidy /  Client Doesn’t Know
Rental by Client with VASH Housing Subsidy / Client Refused
 Rental by Client, with GPD TIP subsidy
Rental by Client, with other ongoing housing subsidy
Length of Stay in Prior Living Situation? (choose one):
One night or less One month or more, but less than 90 daysClient Doesn’t Know
Two to six nights 90 days or more but less than one yearClient Refused
One week or more, but less than one month One year or longer
Approximate Date that Homelessness Started? ______
Number of times the client has been homeless on the streets, in ES or Safe haven in the past three years (INCLUDING today- choose one):
0 1 2 3 4 or More Client Doesn’t KnowClient Refused
Total number of months homeless on the streets, in ES or Safe haven in the past three years? (INCLUDING THIS TIME –choose one and please write specific number):
0-12 ______12+ ______Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused
Health Information
Do you have a physical disability? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is it expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is there documentation of the disability and its severity on file? /  Yes /  No
If yes, are you currently receiving services or treatment for this condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
Do you have a developmental disability? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is it expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is there documentation of the disability and its severity on file? /  Yes /  No
If yes, are you currently receiving services or treatment for this condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
Do you have a chronic health condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is it expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is there documentation of the disability and its severity on file? /  Yes /  No
If yes, are you currently receiving services or treatment for this condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
Have you been diagnosed with AIDS or have you tested positive for HIV? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is it expected to substantially impair your ability to live independently? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is there documentation of the disability and its severity on file? /  Yes /  No
If yes, are you currently receiving services or treatment for this condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
Do you have a mental health problem? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is it expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
If yes, is there documentation of the disability and its severity on file? /  Yes /  No
If you have a mental health problem: Are you currently receiving services or treatment for this condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t
Know /  Client
Do you have a drug or alcohol problem? /  Alcohol
 Drug
 Both /  No / Know /  Client
If yes, is it expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t /  Client
If yes, is there documentation of the disability and severity on file? /  Yes /  No / Know
If yes, are you currently receiving services or treatment for this condition? /  Yes /  No /  Client Doesn’t /  Client
Are you a survivor of domestic or intimate partner violence:  Yes  No  Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused
If you experienced domestic or intimate partner violence, how long ago did you have this experience?:
 Within the past 3 months /  3 to 6 months ago (excluding 6 months exactly) /  6 to 12 months ago (excluding 12 months exactly)
 One year ago or more /  Client Doesn’t Know /  Client Refused

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Gay Lesbian Bisexual Questioning/Unsure Client doesn’t know Client refused

Pregnancy (Are you pregnant?): Yes  No  Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused; If yes, due date: ____/_____/_____ (mo./day/year)

Have you ever received anything in exchange for having sexual relations with another person, such as money, food, drugs, or shelter?

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

If they say “yes” to the question above then ask:

“Has it been in the past three months?”

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

How many times have you received something in exchange for having sexual relations with another person, such as money, food, drugs or shelter?”

1-3 times 4-7 times8-11 times 12 or more Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

Did someone ever make you or persuade you to have sex with anyone else in exchange for something, such as money, food, drugs or shelter?

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

If they say “yes” to the question above then ask:

“Has it been in the past three months?”

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

Have you ever been afraid to leave or quit a work situation due to fear of violence or other threats or harm to yourself, family or friends?

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

Have you ever been promised work where the work or payment ended up being different from what you expected?

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

Did you feel forced, pressured, or tricked into continuing this job?

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

Have you had any jobs like these in the last three months?

 Yes No  Client Doesn’t Know Client RefusedData not collected

Colorado HMIS RHY SOP Intake FormPage 1 of 6