Nutfield Church (C of E) Primary School

59 Mid Street

South Nutfield


Surrey RH1 4JJ

Telephone: 01737 823239

Fax: 01737 822125 Headteacher: Miss Imogen Woods – BEd Hons (Oxon)

E-Mail: Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Ruth Makroum – BSc PGCE


Nutfield Church (C of E) Primary School’s mission is to:

·  To be an inclusive, caring, Christian community

·  To provide a safe, happy and friendly environment which encourages all to achieve their own potential through a desire for excellence, using challenging, active and creative learning

·  To develop independently new skills, knowledge and an enquiring mind

·  To promote communal responsibility for the local and global environment

Child’s Name ______

The school expects you to:

³  See that your child goes to School regularly, on time and properly equipped

³  Let the School know about any concerns or problems that might affect your child’s learning or behaviour

³  Support the School’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and anti-bullying

³  Ensure that the correct school uniform is worn

³  Support your child in homework and other opportunities for home learning

³  Attend Parents’ Evening and discussions about your child’s progress

³  Be interested in your child’s life at school.

³  Provide a healthy packed lunch and water

³  Read daily with your child.

As a Church school we would encourage you to support your child’s spiritual development through respecting the Christian ethos of our school.

Signed: ...... .(Parent/Guardian) Dated: ......

Signed: ...... (Parent/Guardian) Dated: ......

The School will:-

³  Motivate your child to do their best in all aspects of school life

³  Provide high quality learning and teaching

³  Encourage your child to take care of their environment.

³  Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment

³  Be available to deal with parental concerns

³  Let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s learning or behaviour

³  Arrange Parents’ Evenings during which progress will be discussed

³  Keep parents informed about school activities including areas of the curriculum being studied each term through regular parentmail, newsletters, home/school diaries and notices about special events.

³  Keep website updated with curriculum information.

³  Publish the Behaviour and Anti Bullying policies on our website and promote respect for others through our school values.

Signed: ...... (Class Teacher) Dated: ......

The Child

I shall try to keep the School’s Rules:-

1.  Walking Feet

2.  Gentle Hands

3.  Quiet Voices

Signed: ...... (Pupil)

Name:………………………………………………(Pupil) Dated: ……………………….

Signed: ...... (Head Teacher) Dated: ......

Reviewed – October 2015 Next Review – October 2017