September 2015
Dear Colleague
This briefing gives information on pay and conditions and other matters in AET Academies and of the ongoing NUT campaign to Stand Up for Education in opposition to the Government’s attacks on pay, conditions and pensions.
The NUT is also now beginning to send email newsletters to all NUT members in all national Academy chains as part of a more regular programme of communication. Members in your chain will be receiving one shortly.
The NUT is calling on its members to support the ‘No to austerity – yes to workers’ rights’ national march and rally at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester on Sunday 4 October. Please encourage members to attend!
See the TUC website for more details:
The People’s Assembly is organising coaches from around the country - See the People’s Assembly website for more information:
This year's NUT Conference committed the Union to campaigning for an end to education cuts and for a restoration of funding levels. To do this, we need to show how financial pressures are affecting schools, colleges and education. We’ve recently sent an email survey to school reps - the responses so far have highlighted concerning issues for example areduction in teaching and support staff, larger class sizes, cuts to available subjects, increased reliance on unqualified teachers and cheaper and substandard materials and resources. These examples are very useful for us – especially when are communicating with the press and MPs. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the NUT survey at: ]
The school funding crisis is just one of the issues members can lobby their MP about this term – either in person or by letter or email. On the national lobby days we want a strong presence in Parliament – with a delegation attending from every MP‘s constituency. Please work together to ensure your area is represented. More information on the organisation of the lobby days is available on the website – it’s also a good idea to talk to regional offices aboutarrangements.
Members can be directed to the following places for information about the issues and how to get involved:
Supply agency lobby – Wednesday 28 October
School funding lobby – Wednesday 18 November
Members can also email their MP about the new Education and Adoption Bill. More information and the link to email MPs is available here:
The NUT is backing the TUC campaign against the Bill –more details are available at:
All these issues are being drawn together in a campaign video that can be used in members meetings – once its available online we’ll let you know.
AET are yet to make a final decision on whether they will adopt the STRB recommendation for 2015. They have advised all schools to pay a 1% increase at all grades on the main and upper scales, including M6, as an interim measure. They are likely to make a decision as to whether to award a 2% increase at M6 at the next board meeting on 20th October. As soon as we are aware of their decision on this, we will let you know. In the meantime, if you come across any schools which are not paying the interim 1% as advised by AET, please let us know.
Advice for NUT members and representatives on how the pay progression system works; on assessing and challenging school policies on pay progression; and on pursuing appeals against denial of pay progression is available on the NUT website at:
The last JCNC meeting was held on 23rd September, and the main updates are as follows;
- HR/Payroll systems upgrade: AET do not currently have a centralised payroll system, which is why they were not able to collate pay progression data for 2014. They have chosen a preferred bidder for a centralised system, however, this will not be a quick transition and it will be carried out in phases. The first migrations are likely to begin in early 2016.
- School closure: Weston Academy on the Isle of Wight is due to close on 31st December. We have raised with AET that a mid-year closure would be disruptive for pupils and are pressing them to detail how they will work with the LA to relocate the teachers here. Local NUT officers are also in contact with AET on this. AET also informed us that they have entered into informal consultation at Tendring Enterprise Studio School in Clacton. This is likely to close at the end of the academic year due to low student numbers. We will update you on this as more information becomes available.
AET are reviewing a number of policies, updates from the last JCNC meeting are;
- Family friendly: the last remaining issues on the Union side have been addressed by AET. This policy is now in a position to be agreed once a final version is produced.
- Flexible working: this policy is also in a position to be agreed once a final version is received.
- Appraisal: this policy was previously agreed; however the Unions raised a number of issues during the review. Many of these have been improved upon by AET; drop-ins have been removed from the main policy but remain in the observation protocol. It is unlikely much more discussion will be had on this policy and the Unions will need to decide if it can be agreed. In the absence of evidence to suggest that this policy is badly applied, we are likely to recommend that it can be agreed.
- Pay: this policy had also been previously agreed, however we were not able to agree it again in its current format. Whilst AET have revised the policy, issues remain. This is mainly in regards to the use of ‘Ofsted language’ and requirements for progression onto UPR2 and UPR3 which are beyond the requirements of the STPCD. We are awaiting a further revised version of this policy, and we will update you on how this progresses.
A further meeting will be held on 21st October to solely discuss policies.
We are in the process of making AET chain policies available on the NUT open website, so please make reps and members aware.
The NUT and other trade unions will be meeting with AET on 23rd November. Items on the agenda have not yet been finalised but are likely to include an update on academy closures and the pay decision for 2015. If there are any issues which you would like the NUT to raise with AET, please let us know in advance of this date (see contact details at the end of this briefing).
JCNCs in individual academies can also be set up as a forum for local negotiation and consultation with the academy management team – see the AET recognition agreement.If you don’t already have local arrangements, Division Secretaries are encouraged to help academy reps liaise with head teachers and principals to set these up. Regional offices can also provide advice and guidance.
The AET national recognition agreement provides for academies to participate in local facilities time arrangements. Local secretaries need to ensure that individual academies are complying with all aspects of the Trade Union Recognition Agreement, including the agreed policy on facilities time, and are advised to liaise with NUT representatives on this issue. Please keep us informed about whether schools are or are not paying into facilities pots, especially if they change their position on this.
TheNUT’s Reps’ Foundation Courseis a new three-day course for newly elected reps or those who have not previously attended training, developed specifically to reflect the changing context for workplace reps. The course is delivered locally or regionally and is free with travel expenses reimbursed. If you’re a rep and haven’t attended, please apply. If you’re a Division Secretary, us this to encourage members to take on the role of NUT rep. Click here for details -
Training courses for reps who have already attended the foundation course are also held regionally and are free with travel expenses reimbursed -
Academy reps are entitled to time off with pay to attend these training courses under the terms of the recognition agreement with the academy chain.
The NUT has now set up a benevolent fund which will provide financial assistance when members have suffered sickness, accident or injury, unemployment or bereavement. It is financed by donations from members, local associations and income from investments. More information, including on how to donate, is available here:
Further information about pay, conditions and other matters regarding the AET academy chain is available on the NUT website at. Details of the national Trade Union Recognition Agreement with AET are also available here.
The NUT Executive Rep for AET is Nick Wigmore at . The NUT national organising team member dealing with AET, members and NUT representatives is Sian Drinkwater at .
The colleagues at NUT HQ who are responsible for negotiations with AET are Nick Kirby, Principal Officer [] and Sophie Ward, Policy Officer [].
NUT reps who need to seek assistance with any casework problems affecting individual members should contact the NUT local secretary who can seek support from the NUT’s regional offices as appropriate. Please advise NUT members who require advice and assistance to contact the NUT AdviceLine on 020 3006 6266 in the first instance.
Please tell us about any notable developments in your areas and remember to look at emails from NUT HQ so you don’t miss anything important.
Yours sincerely
Advice, Policy and Campaigns Department
Head of Pay, Conditions & Bargaining Section