NMAHP Research & Development Framework

October 2007

Vision, Aims and Strategic Targets

Vision statement
We believe that through the use of research and development we can further improve the healthcare systems for communities and people in the Highlands. Practitioners will be enabled to access knowledge, evaluate evidence and implement changes within practice. Some will develop new knowledge and skills through research activity. This Network will support this work.


The potential of research to bring about positive change to the people living in the Highlands is at the heart of what we are seeking to achieve through the implementation of this framework. The first stages of delivering this vision focus on the development of culture within nursing midwifery and allied health professionals (NMAHP) that sees research as a key component of their working lives. To achieve this we need first of all to know where our starting off point is and to develop a clear picture of the level of research activity that is currently taking place across NHS Highland NMAHPs.

The aim is to engage as many staff as possible in the research process and to seek to increase the level of research awareness that is present in the workforce. We must ensure that NMAHPs have access to information around the opportunities to undertake training in research and development related activities and to be aware of the opportunities that exist to participate in this process. To do this we must challenge the perception of research as being something that is divorced from practice and instead generate the belief that research is at the very heart of clinical practice for the NMAHP workforce in NHS Highland.

To deliver on this challenging framework we recognise that we must further develop our partnerships with our colleagues in higher education to share the expertise that exists there. We must also ensure that NMAHPs in NHS Highland have the knowledge and opportunity to identify and pursue careers in research. To do this we must ensure that a career framework is available for people to draw upon to identify their learning goals and forge a successful career and further develop the depth of NMAHP research

Overall, our strategic aim is to evolve a culture of enquiry and partnership with our populations which ensures that practice is dynamic and utilises latest evidence.


Education and Support:

Encourage and support high quality research training and development opportunities to NMAHPs within NHS Highland

Aim 1: Objectives and Action Plan

Objective / Actions / Responsibility / Outcomes / Target Time
1.1 / Members of the Network will support the development of a research culture within health and social related organisations within the NHS Highland area by enabling discussion and e.g., setting up appropriate fora to discuss projects and best practice evidence, sharing expertise etc / Set up, or link with established research & development fora
Develop the NMAHP Research & Development website within the NHS Highland SHOW site and on the local intranet .
In collaboration with HEIs, set up the NHSH web-based“research community” / Network
CHP and SSU members
Jonathan Gray
Chrissie Lane
Gig Simpson / Encourage research activity at local level
Disseminate information / April 2008
1.2 / Ensure that staff have access to opportunities such as local research training, study days and seminars by the development of a website for the Network / In conjunction with NHSH R&D Committee, be a part of the R&D Research Seminar in 2008
The Network will feed into the R&D Research Seminar for 2008 to promote current research activity and to support learning of NMAHPs
A poster presentation outlining the NMAHP Research Network will be prepared
Aim to hold a NMAHP Research Seminar in 2009
Develop links to funding bodies / Lead
Helen Bryers
Fiona Barrett
Chrissie Lane
Gerry King / April 2008
1.3 / Identify the research training needs of NMAHPs within the NHS Highland area and ensure that this is fed into the T&D needs assessment and relevant departments such as R&D, HEIs, This should link with PDP and KSF development. / conduct a mapping exercise of all NMAHP research activity in NHSH
  1. develop tool
  2. disseminate tool via ANMC
  3. Evaluate
engage HEI researcher to carry out this piece of work
Establish and maintain links with the NHSH T&D Department in order to monitor training needs emerging from the KSF and PDP process
Ensure that research training opportunities are made available to all NMAHPs where relevant to KSF and PDP and service. / meeting with Professor Nora Kierney, Heidi May, Chrissie Lane, Helen Bryers to discuss funding opportunities
Consultant Nurses/
Chair of Network
Miles Greenford
Stephen Loch
Judith McKelvie
Miles Greenford
Stephen Loch
Judith McKelvie / A sub-group to be established to carry out this work / February 2008
January 2008/ongoing
1.4 / Collaborate with HEIs and NES through Network membership to ensure that research training needs are met / The mapping exercise in Objective 3 needs to be completed first / Network / late in 2008, early 2009
1.5 / In conjunction with partner organisations, develop a framework for research careers for NMAHP in NHS Highland / Chair
Consultant nurses
1.6 / Equality and Diversity
Ensure that equality and diversity is reflected through the function of the NMAHP network / carry out an equality and diversity impact assessment
identify E&D training needs
Use the E&D team to assist this process / Miles Greenford
NHSH Equality & Diversity Team / Promote E&D within NHS Highland / April 2008


Appendix 1

Terms of Reference for the

Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Research

(Sub-group of Area Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Committee)

Terms of Reference

The title of the group shall be the Nursing Midwifery and AHP Research Network


  • To foster research and support a research culture for NMAHPs across NHS Highland
  • To build research capacity within NMAHPs working within NHS Highland
  • To link and develop networks with the regional and national research structures such as Centre for Rural health, Self Care Alliance, HEIs, NES and to be cognisant of their research agendas
  • Develop a research framework that will have themes and priorities in line with NHS Highland corporate objectives, NHS Highland research strategy, HEIs research strategies and themes
  • Work in collaboration with NHS Highland Research and Development Department to deliver the NHS Highland research objectives and Board corporate objectives, support funding of studies
  • Work with the Education and Training sub committee on shared learning strategies
  • To link with the NHS Highland Research Committee
  • Support the development of evidence-based practice across SSU and the CHPs
  • Need for link to Scottish Education publication “Choices and Challenges” and other relevant documents


Members of the NMAHP Research Network should be representative of the breadth of clinical and support services across NHS Highland. In addition the group will have representation from universities with active research departments that link to the professional groups involved. The Chairman will ensure effective representation.

The Chairman will monitor the membership of the group and will oversee the selection and recruitment process of members as required. Service users will be kept informed of the work of the network via Highland Health Voices. Students of all NMAHPs disciplines will be made aware of the Network via respective network members

Membership will consist of representatives from the following areas:

Title / Post / Name
Chair / Helen Bryers
Vice Chair
CHP/SSU representatives:
- North Highland CHP / Miles Greenford
- Mid Highland CHP / Mary Burnside
Sarah McLeod
- SE Highland CHP / Hilda Hope
Bridie Russell
- Argyll & Bute CHP / Christina West
Peter Cartwright
Mental Health representative / Peter Cartwright
Research & Development Manager / Catherine Sinclair
NES representative / Gillian Swan
MH & LD representative / Contact Mairi Wills
Jonathan Gray- Learning Disabilities
Midwifery Representative / Trisha Kelly
AHP representative / Margaret Moss, Professional Head of Dietetics
Cancer Nursing / Chrissie Lane – MacMillan Cancer Nurse consultant
Georgina Simpson- Lead Highland Cancer Research Nurse
Kathyrn MacColl, MacMillan CNS, Belford
Head of Staff Development
Practice Dev. representative / Judith MacKelvie
Stephen Loch
Public Health / Helen Macdonald
Noelle O’Neill
Universities reps / Gerry King - CRH
Sam Young – UOS
Prof Nora Kearney
Prof Jane Farmer – UHI
Siofradh McKinney- Ness Foundation
Open University
NMAHP Research Unit
Self-Care Alliance
GMS Representative / Practice Nurse
Diabetes Research Nurse / Fiona Barrett
Heart Foundation Nurse Specialist / Marie Ing

Other staff can be co-opted as and when required

Communication and formal links of the NMAHP Research Network

The group will work closely with the NHS Highland R&D Committee and the Chair will be a member of the R& D Committee. Ethical governance will be shared through the ANMC, Area Research and Development Committee and the Local Research Ethics Committee (LREC).

Representatives of the Nursing & Midwifery and Training committee are responsible for feeding back information and progress to the following:

Title / Post / To feed back to:
Chair /
  • Director of Nursing
  • Area Nursing & Midwifery Advisory C’ttee
Area Research and Development Committee
Learning and Development /
  • LD team

CHP/SSU representatives:
- North Highland CHP /
  • CHP staff

- Mid Highland CHP /
  • CHP staff

- SE Highland CHP /
  • CHP staff

- Argyll & Bute CHP /
  • CHP staff
  • University of Paisley

- SSU /
  • SSU staff

  • Relevant NES dept’s

Mental Health representative /
  • MH & LD staff

Midwifery Representative /
  • Head of Midwifery
  • CHP/SSU Lead Midwives
  • CHP/SSU Supervisors of Midwives

AHP representative /
  • AHP Prof. Heads of Service
  • AHP committee

PEF representative /
  • Other PEFs
  • University of Stirling

Practice Dev. representative /
  • Other Practice Development staff

Niche / SVQ’s
Health and safety
University staff
Senior nurse for education /
  • Relevant staff
  • Relevant staff
  • Relevant staff
  • Relevant staff

Minutes from the NMAHP Research Network will be distributed to the ANMC. It is expected that members of the group will disseminate information from the group to local areas.


The Committee will meet 4 times a year. The Chairman may call additional meetings as required. The Committee will appoint sub-groups when necessary and will have the ability to co-opt other professionals to these groups if additional knowledge is required. Sub-groups will meet as required until the Committee deems them to have fulfilled their remit.

Meetings will be quorate when the Chair or Deputy Chair plus 3 other members are present. Deputies can be sent in place of a member but must be briefed and authorised to make decisions on behalf of the member

The Chairman will be responsible for setting the agenda. In his/her absence the Vice-Chair will fulfil this role. Secretarial and administrative support will be provided by the PA to Board Nurse Director / Lead Nurse SSU

Minutes will be distributed to the following:

  • Area Nursing & Midwifery Advisory Committee
  • Area AHP Committee
  • Area Research and Development Committee

Amendments to Terms of Reference.

Proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference should be made in writing to the Chairman and shall require the approval of two-thirds of the Committee before a change is made.


NHS Highland NMAHP Research & Development Framework Date : October 2007

CL; JG; HB & NHS Highland NMAHP Research & Development GroupReview date: October 2008