Nursing and Midwifery Education Scholarships

Guidelines & Application Form

About this Program


The scholarships aim to provide an incentive for Registered Nurses/ Midwives who have completed or are about to complete postgraduate study (between January 2016 and December 2016)which they intend to develop a highly skilled workforce to positively impact on health care outcomes.

How it works

You may apply if you have completed/will complete a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters or PhD between 1 January 2016 and toDecember 2016.


Must be Registered Nurse/Registered Midwife within GCH and an Australian resident

Available to all GCH staff who are Australian residents.

Study is relevant to area of current work

Have not previously received a scholarship for this particular course including course fees via SARAS funding

Completion of a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters or PhD between January 2016 and December 2016. Staff who receive advanced standing from universities towards their course including the completion of a QH Transition Support Program are eligible.

Documentation of completion (certified copies of transcript and award) to attain the academic qualificationare to be submitted with the application if available at time of submission.

Applications MUST BE approved and supported by your Director of Nursing.


Scholarship recipients willeach receive $1,000 in recognition of their achievement.

Up to four scholarships will be awarded during this round

Assessment Criteria

Our scholarships are highly competitive and each application is assessed against their ability to help improve health outcomes and patient benefits for Gold Coast Health. In particular, each application will be assessed against the following criteria:

1.Evidence that study applies to yourarea of service delivery and how new knowledge will be shared and implemented in to practice

2.Potential to improve health care delivery.

3.Potential to improve patient health outcomes.

Conditions and application process

Application MUST be submitted via email in word document form to – PDF handwritten applications WILL NOT be accepted.

Applications must be signed by the Directorate Director of Nursing and submitted by close of business Friday 30 September 2016

4 COPIES of your application form MUST BE submitted to the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation (GCHF) Program Officer.

Postgraduate study must have been completed in 2016 or upto December2016

Agree to acknowledge Gold Coast Hospital Foundation in any media and public communications.

Successful applicants will not receive their scholarship until a certified copy of the certificate and transcript is received by GCHF Program Officer. All documentation of completion MUST BE provided by Friday 30 September 2016or the scholarship will be forfeited.

Successful applicants are required to provide a case study demonstrating the impact their study has made to a patient or group of patients within 3 months of the scholarship being awarded.

On acceptance of the scholarship, applicants must provide their banking details to allow transfer of funds when required evidence is provided

All applicants must attend theInternational Nursing and Midwifery Celebration in May at GCUH. Successful applicants will be announced at this event. If unable to attend you must identify a proxy to attend on your behalf and notify


Applicant Contact Details

Position or Grade/Level:
Department & Unit:
Application Details
  1. Current program of study

Full program title
Course Provider e.g. university name
Course code
Enrolment date / Completion Date (or anticipated date, must be before 31/12/2016 to be eligible)
  1. Previous undergraduate and postgraduate education details

Course title / Year
Please describe the education course and the key new skills and knowledge you have/will have learnt - in 50 words or less in simple non-scientific language:
Does this educationhelp you address any of the following (you can select more than one). If no, please leave blank:
 Cause of disease
 Treatment of illness or disease
 Clinical Improvement
 Care setting improvements
 Cure of illness or disease
Selection Criteria
  1. Please tell us how this study applies to your role and how you will share new knowledge and implemented in to practice, in 200 words or less, in simple non-scientific language:

  1. Please tell us how this postgraduate study has the potential to improve your role e.g. processes, systems, interactions, in 150 words or less, in simple non-scientific language:

  1. Please tell us how this postgraduate study has the potential to improve patient health outcomes, in 150 words or less, in simple non-scientific language:

Indicate if you have received or applied for any other funding to assist with this education. If Yes, please specify: /  Yes
 No
Please estimate the number of patients this study will benefit per year (e.g. if you work full time in a 30 bed unit you may care for 150 patients per week and therefore 7,200 per year:
How health service delivery will primarily benefit from this funding:
Health care quality
Health care access
Department/Unit within health service this funding will primarily benefit:
 Inpatient unit
 Outpatient unit
 Nursing
 Reproductive health unit
 Rehabilitation unit
 Medical support services
 Public health
 Other
Disease/Illness that this education will help you address, if any:
 Musculoskeletal diseases Kidney diseases
 Brain and nervous system disorders Infectious and parasitic diseases
 Digestive system diseases Mental health
 Ear, nose and throat diseases Respiratory system diseases
 Eye diseases Skin conditions
 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases Genetic conditions and birth defects
 Heart and circulatory systems Cancers
 Immune system diseases Other
Please select an option below which most reflects the group you care for most often?: Please tick all relevant boxes below:
Non gender specific Predominately MalePredominately Female
What age group(s) are cared for in the area you work? Select 1 or more below:
 Infants and Toddlers
 Children (3 – 9 years)
 Preteens (10 – 12 years)
 Adolescents (13 – 18 years)
 Young Adults (19 – 25 years)
 Adults (26 years +)
 Seniors (65 years +)
Applicant Declaration

I have read and understood the terms and conditions for Nursing and Midwifery Education Scholarships and agree to abide by those terms and conditions.

Name: ………………………………………………………. Signature: ………………………………………… Date: ……………………..

Director of Nursing Approval

Prior to submission to the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation, this Application Form and supporting documentation must be forwarded to yourDirector of Nursing. (Refer Lodgement Deadline & Required Endorsements in terms and conditions)

Director of Nursing: name and directorate : /  Endorsed
 Not Endorsed / Signed: / Date:
Submission Contact Details
  1. Please deliver 4 copies of your application to:

Programs OfficerorHand Deliver to Foundation Office - GCUH

Gold Coast Hospital FoundationGround Floor, D Block
PO Box 23


  1. Email word document application form to

For further information contact the Foundation’s Programs Officeron 5594 6986:

Office Use Only: Gold Coast Hospital Foundation Office Staff

Date received: / Signature:

The Scholarships will be awarded as part of the Oration on 7 December 2016.

Invitation will follow once your application has been submitted.

Applicants will be notified at this ceremony if they have been successful.

Application Checklist
  1. Before submitting this application please check that you have included the following items:

Application Form completed in word document format and emailed to .

4 paper copies for submission.

Evidence of completion of your course if available at time of submission.

Application received by the Foundation Programs Officer no later than COB Friday 30 September 2016

  1. Please tick to confirm that you agree to the following conditions of the Nursing and Midwifery Postgraduate Scholarships :

[ ] I am not in receipt of another scholarship for this program of study.

[ ] I will submit a case study that demonstrates the impact that my study has made on patient on a patient or group of patientswithin 3 months of my scholarship being awarded.

[ ] I will notify the Foundation of any media releases or opportunities that happen in relation to the programeven if the Foundation has only contributed part of the funds and will ensure that the Foundation is acknowledged in all media activity as having funded the project/work.

Note: Failure to fulfil these requirements will result in you being ineligible to receive further education program funding from the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation.