Thursday, April 2, 2009

CunninghamCenter, Room 209/210

Attendees: COL Janet Wilson (MACH), Shari Evers (Twin Cedars), Michelle Breitfelder (Hughston), Paige Harford (TMC), Aleta Henderson (chair), Vivian Lee (Columbus Specialty), Dr. June Goyne (CSU), Kathy English (Three Rivers AHEC), Tony Miller (Vista Care), Wanda Johnson (Columbus Hospice), Cathy Graves (Health Department), Carlie Frederick (CSU), Sherika Derico (CSU), Tammy Condrey (CSU), Mimi Merriman (CSU), Stephanie Lewis (CSU), Jean Arrighi (CSU), Gail Jones (CSU), Terry Lahnstein (CSU), Darlene Shirley (MCSD), Cheryl Smith (CSU).

Recorder: Birgit Gatlin

Lunch / Buffet lunch served beginning at 12:00
Call to Order / Aleta Henderson called the meeting to order at 12:20 pm.
Welcome / Dr. Goyne welcomed the members of the board. She extended greetings from both Dr. Stokes, Dean College of Science, and Dr. Mescon, President, both of whom had out of town obligations today and could not be here.
Minutes Nov13, 08Meeting / Correct name to reflect Jill Hiers. Kathy Ellis motioned to accept minutes and Vivian Lee seconded the motion. / Minutes unanimously accepted.
Aleta Henderson / Dr. Goyne announced that Aleta Henderson, who is the board’s outgoing president, is retiring. She presented Mrs. Henderson with a gift from the group.
Nursing Alumni Association / Cheryl Smith and Terry Lahnstein presented the new Nursing Alumni website to the board members. Dr. Smith also announced that they will have a place on the website to spotlight outstanding nursing alumni. She advised that all names and addresses of people who attended the 40th celebration have been compiled in an excel spreadsheet. She further informed the group that she is waiting on CINS to create a registration form before this website can go “live”. She and Ms. Lahnstein will visit facilities in the future to hand out information material for the alumni association. There will not be a membership fee at this time. At a later time a membership fee may be established to fund student scholarships. She asked members to look out for a letter that contains information about alumni registration. / F/U next meeting.
Student Success / Dr. Goyne announced that the CSU Student Success Committee won the top award for best poster presentation during the recent GANE conference. Their poster was on display and handouts were available for members. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Jones provided an overview of the program and the positive results so far. / Complete
Nursing Curriculum Revision / Sheri Noviello reported on the curriculum revision, which will be implemented in the junior level beginning fall 2009. The next phase will be implementation on the senior level beginning fall 2010. Aleta Henderson has participated in a number of curriculum meetings and represented the board well in providing input into curriculum changes. / F/U fall 09
Senior Preceptorship / Sheri Noviello advised members that she is now in charge of the preceptorship course due to a family emergency of the previously selected faculty member. She is in the process of finalizing this for spring 2009 and advised the group that we have about 30 more seniors this year who need to be placed with a preceptor. / Complete
Site Regulatory Visits / Carlie Frederick reported that WestCentralGeorgiaHospital had 2 regulatory visits and that the students were there during the visits. She also reported that this worked very well. / Complete
CPI Training / Carlie Frederick reported that CPI training was held at CSU’s School of Nursing in February and that the training was very well received. She explained that CPI stands for Crisis Prevention Institute. She showed online pictures from this training. This was performed by employees of the Bradley Center of SFH and that they are available for training sessions at other facilities. / Complete
Elections / Dr. Goyne advised members that in accordance with board bylaws, officer elecctions will be held after July. She asked members to think about nominations for President and President Elect and to seriously consider running for office to help keep the board active and successful. / F/U fall 2009
Newsletter / Dr. Goyne explained that a new newsletter will be available after April. She asked if members had items to be added to the newsletter, to email Birgit Gatlin for consideration. / F/U May 2009
Budget Cuts / Gail Jones asked for input from the facility representatives regarding budget cuts and job opportunities for CSU nursing graduates. General consent was that RN positions are readily available at all facilities. Vivian Lee informed the group that ColumbusSpecialtyHospital is moving towards more RN positions rather than LPN positions. She also informed members that the hospital is waiting for final approval for a 50 bed/private room expansion. / Complete
Med/Surg RN’s / Discussion was held why new graduates shy away from Med/Surg. New graduates feel scared because they have to take care of a lot of patients without a lot of experienced nurses there for support (unlike ER). COL Wilson announced that MACH is offering an internship program (entry GS5 level) because they are not allowed to hire new graduates. She also said that MACH will be offering retention bonuses for nurses in hard to recruit specialty areas to make it more appealing. Cheryl Smith announced that the new curriculum revision allows for a Med/Surg experience closer to students taking the NCLEX exam. Tammy Condrey suggested to have experienced nurses come to CSU to highlight their specialty and share their experience i.e. as a Med/Surg nurse. / F/U fall 2009
Upcoming Events /
  • COLWilson: ALSC review course 5/21-22/09 at Holiday Inn Express
  • K. English: Three 2 hrs webinars on last Friday of each month on PTSD
  • COLWilson: SANE force workshop leading to certification, 1st week in June
  • W. Johnson: Grief Teleconference on 4/29/09
  • P. Harford: Awareness of advance directives on 4/16/09
  • S. Noviello: EBP conference postponed to fall 09. Tentatively scheduled for Oct. 1-2, 09 at Callaway.
  • P. Harford: 5/5/09 Virginia Deeson (retired Navy RN) is speaker. Every 2nd Friday of each month at 11:30 am – Professionalism in Nursing (2 at SFH, 2 at TMC)
/ All members were asked to email specific information regarding these events to Birgit Gatlin for distribution to all board members.
Next Meeting / Fall 2009, date/time to be announced.
Adjourned @ 1:15 pm