Office of the Board of Director’s

P.O. Box 626

Benton City, WA 99320

Phone: 509-588-4396

Board of Directors Meeting

October 27, 2014

The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Monday meeting was held at the District office on Highland Road in Benton City, WA beginning at 8:00AM.

In Attendance: Chairman Robert Buoy, Director Dirk Martin, Director Tim Small, Operations Manager Ed Mitchell, Office Manager Ivy Johnson.

1. October 14, 2014 Board meeting minutes, Director Martin made a motion to accept the minutes, Director Small 2nd

2. Operation/Maintenance Voucher’s –

053 $502.19

Voucher to County $3,561.76

Total $4,063.95

Director Martin made a motion to accept and pay voucher 053 and voucher to the County, Director Small.

3. SF270-58

Kim Pietrok $220.00

BID-PSP Ex. $23,113.94

BID-Canal $55,096.00

TOTAL $78,429.94

Director Martin made a motion to accept and sign SF 270-58, Director Small 2nd

4. Administrative Report

·  Presented paperwork for SF 270-58 for signatures

·  Presented BOR 3rd QRT Financial for Board signatures; Director Martin made a motion sign the BOR 3rd QRT Financial, Director Small 2nd

·  The Office Manger stated that she has been prepping for the BOE

·  The Office Manger stated that they have received approx. 40 newsletters returned. When they are returned, the Office Manager double checks the address’s with the County website and there was only 2 that had different address’ than what the District had

5. Maintenance Report

·  All of the pump stations have been winterized

·  They have been draining lines and winterizing vaults

·  They have installed new exterior lights around the District lot

·  Clay valve update; the operations Manager stated that he is still working on finding replacement screens. He stated that he can get them through HD Fowler and this may be the last time they can be ordered. The Operations Manager stated that the screen collapses because people won’t clean their filters, that these people need to be educated on keeping their filters clean in hopes of not having to replace so many screens, and asked the operations Manager to do some more research on places to order the screens from

·  There has been 1,044 loads, approximately 11,044 yards hauled off of the stock pile

6. Wyatt Rolfe-Schroeder Law Offices

·  Mr. Rolfe stated that he came to the meeting to update the District on his review of the new BOR draft contract; he is in the final stages of making the changes and should have the draft back to the District soon

Director Martin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Director Small 2nd

Meeting adjourned at 9:55AM.

Robert Buoy-Chairman ______

Dirk Martin-Director ______

Tim Small-Director ______

Ivy Johnson-Office Man. ______