Nursery Newsletter – Spring Term 2015

Nursery Staff

Nursery Teachers: Miss S Hinton/ Miss Bartolo (Monday-Wednesday)

Nursery Nurse: Mrs V Blantern Classroom Assistant: Ms L Reid

Nursery Sessions

Dolphin Class: Monday/Tuesday: 8.45am-3.00pmWednesday 8.45am-11.15am

Starfish Class: Wednesday 12.30pm-3.00pm Thursday/Friday: 8.45am-3.00pm

We hope that you had a peaceful and relaxing Christmas break and we would like to thank you again for all your generous donations for the Christmas class party last term - the children had a great time! The children have settled extremely well into Nursery class, making new friends and learning to play together fairly and we are looking forward to a successful new year.


Can you cook? Would you like to come in and read a story?

We would love Parents and Carers to share their skills with the Nursery children.

Perhaps you would like to come in and do some cooking from your home culture? Nigerian food or Chinese cuisine perhaps?

Maybe you would like to teach the children a song from your home country- perhaps a Spanish or Bangladeshi song or story?

If you’re fab at playing the drums or doing art and crafts- please come in and share your skills with the children!!

See a member of staff if you’re interested!

Our area of learning this term will be Stories, Songs and Rhymes.We will be covering areas such as superheroes, pirates, nursery rhymes and fairytales along with any other interests from the children. We will be going on a trip outside of Nursery this term which relates to our topic.This will be advertised soon and we would welcome Parent/Carer volunteers to help!

The Nursery Book Swapping system where your child borrows a book on a Monday and Wednesday (Dolphin Class) and Wednesday and Friday (Starfish Class) is working extremely well. We hope that your child is enjoying reading with you at home! Please make sure that you record your child’s reading in the yellow Reading Record and that the old book is returned on book swapping days.

Wow! Stickers:Please continue to write your child’s achievements on the Wow! Stickers provided by Nursery (blank stickers). Your child can then come to Nursery wearing their Wow! Sticker and we can celebrate their achievements together. This could be anything from being ‘kind to their sister’, ‘writing their name for the first time’, ‘trying new healthy foods’ or ‘counting from 1-5!’ This will then be stuck in their Learning Journey Folder which is on display in the Nursery- please feel free to look at this at anytime!

Parent/CarerTutorial Day:This will be held on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th March2015 andyou will get a chance to meet with your child’s Keyworker to discuss theirneeds, strengths and Next Steps.

Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to working positively with you throughout the year.

Miss Hinton,Miss Bartolo,Mrs Blantern and Ms Reid