Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council

Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council

Held on Tuesday 6 November 2012 at 2pm

In Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall

Present:Cllrs George (in the chair), Casey, J Love &T Love (notes)

In attendance: County Councillor; two members of the public

6.11.1 / Apologies for absence:
Cllr Deakin
6.11.2 / Declarations of Interest:
Cr George declared a disclosable interest as a member of University staff in any matters related to land or other issues concerned with the University.
6.11.3 / Public Open Session:
Pedestrian Crossing
The matter had again been raised in e-mails and at the Village Plan Steering Group. Cllr Lyndsay-Gale noted that three parishes in her ward had sought installation of crossings including Nuneham Courtenay. Shillingford was being progressed after costs had been interrogated and reduced and because it could be easily implemented. Delegated highways funds are being used. The crossing is expected to be installed shortly.
Berinsfield crossing is being considered for 2013/14 funding. It requires speed limit reductions.
Nuneham Crossing. OCC Highways will not install crossings where there is no street lighting. It was noted that street lighting is unlikely to be acceptable to villagers or heritage bodies, but this needs to be checked. Cllr Lyndsay-Gale to check with OCC Highways on examples cited that appear to have been installed where there is no street lighting.
Dogs and signs in Nuneham Park
Two emails have been received expressing ‘severe displeasure’ to the letters sent out by Savills. These have been circulated. Response to one is out-standing. There was mention of discussion at the Village Plan Steering Group of continuing problems with dog mess in the lane on the west side of the village. The issue remains as much one of fouling on land that is not public.
It was noted that Cllr Deakin had met with Savills and her e-mail to this meeting noted that future meetings should look at this to avoid the issue of the previous letter and be more comprehensive in coverage. It was also noted that signage of the type discussed at the last PC meeting might be too ‘National Trust’ type and appear to indicate the Park was open to the public.
Cllr J Love brought Information from the County Council’s rights of way officer on the rights of way and dog fouling issues. Particular issues noted were: the effective width of the footpath, what close control meant and the statutes concerning dog-fouling. It was agreed that the officer’s suggestion of a public meeting to discuss the matters might be an appropriate way of dealing with the issue. Cllr George to draft response to outstanding e-mail and circulate prior to sending.
It was suggested that there are issues around way-finding on the estate and that these might be at odds with the desire for privacy/security. Attendance by emergency services and the increasing number of parcel delivery companies were raised as of particular concern. It was noted that the issue should be of concern to the University. It was agreed that signage further into the estate indicating the location of properties might be appropriate and that this should be discussed further with Savills.
It was noted that it is a public footpath through the estate and not a bridleway.
Public Footpath Diversion
A resident of Lower Farm Lane has contacted Cllr George following a recent visit by the footpaths officer. As a result it is likely that the residents may seek diversion of the footpath from where it crosses the gardens of their properties to the gravel access lane adjacent. A map showing the location was noted. It was agreed that, if a submission for diversion was made to the County, that the Parish Council was unlikely to object.
6.11.4 / District and County Councillor Reports:
Report from County Councillor Lorraine Lyndsay-Gale
Traffic/Housing. The City Council’s Sites and Housing DPD City Council has again referred to the need to provide housing at Grenoble Road. It was noted that this will eventually increase the traffic inflow and outflow. Concern was again raised at the prospect now or in longer term.
Minerals and Waste Plan
Minerals and Waste Plan has now been issued to the Planning Inspectorate. The final document is un-amended since review by the County Council. It is likely to be reviewed in public hearings in February.
It is expected that various parties will still be in opposition, especially Cholsey. Nuneham is not in the proposals following earlier representations. It is too late to make formal written submissions and be at the table, but Nuneham can attend the hearings, as it has been earlier County Council meetings. PAGE may offer some protection if needed.
There was mention of two funds
  • a ‘community fund’ of £10k that is spent at the discretion of the ward councillor at the request of local groups. Maximum grant amount might be £2k.
  • Big Society Fund.
Approaches would be welcome from various groups in Nuneham or indeed the Parish Council. Cllr Love agreed to meet with Cllr Lyndsay-Gale to discuss.
Bus Services
The deteriorating quality of the X39/40 service (timings and vehicles) was mentioned. It was noted this was not a subsidised service so there was little the County could do. The PC/individuals were encouraged to make direct approaches to the bus company.
6.11.6 / Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2012
The minutes were unavailable for approval
Highways Matters
Cllr George reported that the County Council is repairing a short amount of drain that runs from the Highways drainage by the Arboretum to the ditch systems. Hopefully this will prevent the recent build up of water at the south end of the village.
Cllr Casey mentioned the issue with water build up at the end of the Park lane. The end of field is water logged and water lies across the road, much as when the floods happened previously. It was noted that some investigation into the water flows through the new drainage that serves that area would be helpful.
The number of silted up drains was also noted. It was agreed that Clrs George and Casey should mark the locations of all drains and highlight problem areas.
It was suggested that the Area Highways representative, Keith Stenning, should be invited to a future meeting.
Leaf clearance was discussed and the possibility of the Parish Council taking responsibility for this. It was noted that Highways only clear once a year. It was agreed that the PC’s position should be to continue to pressure the County Council to undertake clearance.
6.11.8 / Planning:
Brewer’s Garage. Cllr George noted that he had been contacted by the owner regarding an idea of putting 5-6 houses on site. There had been comments from a couple of parishioners expressing concerns at development on the site.
Cllr George was waiting further information on the proposals.
The application for the change of use and associated works to the garage and old smithy had been approved. The issues raised by Parish Council appeared to be taken on board via conditions. SODC have advised that signage is subject to separate consent.
Because OCC Highways have raised no concerns about the level of traffic the issue of the crossing cannot be linked to the application.
The application for 3-4 Lower Farm Lane was discussed. Cllr George had sent information by e-mail to two of the adjacent residents. A response form one had suggested that there were no concerns with the proposals. The Council agreed that it had no objections to the proposals.
Precept for 2013/14
The Parish Precept was discussed and it was agreed to hold the Precept at the same level as 2012/13 – equivalent to £50 per band D household. It was noted that this had been discussed at the Village Plan Steering Group and the members had expressed their support.
Cllr George presented a summary of the likely out-turn costs for 2012/13 and budget for 2013/14 based on the proposed precept. This included the previous agreement to meet the current expenditure on the Village Plan from Parish Council funds. Cllr Casey asked if the auditors would be concerned at the change of position to increase the funding. It was agreed that this would require a clear note to the auditors in the next submission.
Bank Account.
The draft budget indicated a number of allowances for expenditure. Some items are for deferred expenditure envisaged in 2013/14. There is an expected under-spend in 2012/13 against the budget. This gives a reasonable balance in the bank after setting aside an agreed £2,000 as a reserve against any future running down of the Council.
Bank Account
It was agreed that it would be worth pursuing a new bank to hold the accounts. Cllr George advised that the Parish Council will need to have new signatories on the current bank accounts to allow the release of any money. It was noted that Barclays had lost the previous forms and new forms would need to be prepared.
6.11.9 / Village Plan
Cllr J Love provided an update. It was noted that the next step was to meet with the business community. This was likely to be held in February to allow to get Christmas and post-Christmas period out of the way. The idea of using the VP website for an online business forum had been discussed.
Once the meeting with business groups had been completed then the process of issuing the questionnaire could begin. Corinna Loasby is assisting in the compilation of the questionnaire
Funding would be needed for the business meeting and also for printing of questionnaires. Funding would be pursued from the County but funds may be needed from the Parish Council for the questionnaire.

Signed...... Date......
