Empowering Young People Grant Announcement
Date: Wednesday 11 May 2016
Number of grants: 4
Total Awarded:£2,371,930
Project / Location / Grant Summary / Grant amountADDNI Limited / Belfast, Dungannon, Omagh, Newry, Derry/ Londonderry / The Tackling ADHD: Steps to Success four-year project supports young people with ADHD who arestruggling with education and are isolated. Activities include education programmes, peer support programmes, art therapy, sibling support, counselling, and a telephone support service for parents. Working in approximately 40 schools across Northern Ireland, pupils are helping to train teachers to provide psycho-education programmes for young people with ADHD. They are also running a youth committee, providing peer support, producing promotional materials and organising celebration events. / £599,757
Foyle Down Syndrome Trust Limited / Derry and Strabane, Causeway Coast and Glens / The Healthy Hearts and Minds five-year project providessupport to children and young people with Down Syndrome and their families.It is improving health and well-being, reducing social isolation and giving more young people with Down Syndrome the confidence to be part of their community.Activities include a gardening programme, outdoor pursuits, residentials, health workshops, and a mentoring support programme. The project also supports the young people's families, health professionals and work colleagues to promote health and well-being. Young people are planning and designing the gardening programme, volunteering to help with activities for the younger age groups, taking part in ayouth forum, providing feedback,and deciding the activities they want to do with their mentors. / £599,032
L’Arche Belfast / Belfast, Lisburn, Castlereagh, Antrim and Newtownabbey / The Grow, Cook, Cater four-year project supports young people with learning disabilities to feel more confident and develop their skills for independent living, volunteering and employment. It is also improving their health, fitness and well-being. Activities include growing fruit and vegetables, learning to cook nutritional meals with the food they have grown, taking part in social activities, and completing work placements. Young people are in the lead in this project by making their own decisions, providing feedback to help develop and evaluate the project, and becoming peer coaches. / £573,164
Orchardville Society Limited / Belfast, Ards and North Down, Lisburn and Castlereagh, and Antrim and Newtownabbey. / The Connect four-year project supports young people with learning disabilities and/or with Autism Spectrum condition through activitiesto develop their independence, social confidence and employability skills to make informed decisions about their future. Activities include workshops on money management, first aid, and cookery. The project also providesvolunteering and work experience opportunities including setting up a social enterprise in North Down to combine work experience with developing social and communication skills, team working and vocational skills. Young people involved in the project are providing peer to peer mentoring, take part in auser forumand are promoting the project in the wider community. / £599,977