Timothy S. Preuss

Department of Biology


Mount Pleasant, MI48859

Phone: (989) 774-1053 Fax: (989) 774-3462


Timothy S. Preuss


2002-PresentMaster of Science in Biology-Conservation Biology, CentralMichiganUniversity

Thesis: Predicting Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Bobcats in Michigan

1995-1999Bachelor of Science in Forestry-Wildlife Management, PurdueUniversity


Wildlife-Human Conflict Management; Effects of Human-Induced Disturbance on Wildlife; Carnivore Ecology; Predator-Prey Interactions; GIS Applications

Professional Experience

5/03-PresentCoordinator for Immobilizing Agents, Department of Biology, Central Michigan University, MI

3/02-7/02Crew Coordinator, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, IN

3/01-3/02Crew Chief, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, IN

4/00-2/01 Wildlife Research Technician, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, Dundee, IL

6/99-8/99Wildlife Technician, WillowbrookWildlifeCenter, Glen Ellyn, IL

9/97-5/99 Wildlife Research Technician, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, IN

12/97 Volunteer Wildlife Technician, WillowbrookWildlifeCenter, Glen Ellyn, IL

5/97-8/97 Volunteer Animal Keeper, WillowbrookWildlifeCenter, Glen Ellyn, IL


1/04-5/04Graduate Teaching Assistant, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI

BIO 229 – Nature Study

8/03-12/03Graduate Teaching Assistant, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI

BIO 229 – Nature Study

8/02-12/02Graduate Teaching Assistant, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI

BIO 229 – Nature Study

Professional Affiliations

The Wildlife Society

The American Society of Mammalogists


4/03 Wildlife Handling and Chemical Immobilization for Researchers and Managers, Global Wildlife Resources

1/98 International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council: Basic Skills

3/97 “Project Learning Tree”

9/91 Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America


Gehring, T.M., S.W. Gallagher, T.S. Preuss, B.A. Potter, J.E. Hawley, S. Rossler, J. Duquette, and S. Davidson. 2003. Assessing perceptions of rural stakeholders toward wolves in the northern great lakes region. Poster presented at World Wolf Congress 2003 in Banff, Alberta, Canada on September 25-28, 2003.

Preuss, T.S. 2003. Bobcat ecology and management in Michigan. Guest lecturer for BIO 541: wildlife biology and management at CentralMichiganUniversity on September 23, 2003.


Preuss, T.S. 2003. Bobcat ecology and management in Michigan. 6th annual convention of the Northern Great Lakes Furharvesters in Kinross, MI on September 19-21, 2003.

Preuss, T.S. and T.M. Gehring. 2003. Estimating distribution and abundance of bobcats in Michigan. Poster presented at Central Michigan University Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition on April 23, 2003.

Preuss, T.S., J.R. Crick, D. Arrington, and R.K. Swihart. 2002. Natural resources in the UpperWabashRiver Basin: field sampling and model development. Poster presented at Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources 7th Annual Research Symposium in West Lafayette, on April 11, 2002.

Preuss, T.S., J.R. Crick, and R.K. Swihart. 2002. Effects of land-use decisions on natural resources in the Upper Wabash. Poster presented at spring meeting of the Indiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society in Bloomington, IN on May 7-8, 2002.

Preuss, T.S., J.R. Crick, and R.K. Swihart. 2001. Engaging citizens as stewards of ecosystems: a progress report. Poster presented at Gaining Ground conference in Indianapolis, IN on October 23-24, 2001.


2002Predicting potential Canada lynx habitat in the Northern Great Lakes Region. Defenders of Wildlife. $5,000

2002Estimating abundance and distribution of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Michigan. CentralMichiganUniversity Graduate Student Research Grant. $600

2003Central Michigan University Biology Department: Marion Whitney Summer Graduate Scholarship. $400

2003Estimating abundance and distribution of bobcats in Michigan. Wildlife Forever. $4,000