Year of birth / 22-03-1952
Nationality / Belgian (resident in the Netherlands)
Present position / Professor (and Head of the group) Aquaculture and Fisheries, Wageningen University
Director Graduate School Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS);Wageningen University
E-mail /
Main discipline / specialisation
Command of Languages / Research and Training in Aquaculture; Sustainability in Aquaculture; Fish Nutrition;Pond & RAS Systems
Dutch (Mother tongue); English (excellent); French (good), Spanish (good), German (adequate)
Dates / Title of qualification awarded / Name & type of organisation
1994 / PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences / Wageningen University, Netherlands
1974 / MSc in Zoology (Honours) / Gent University, Belgium
1972 / BSc in Biology, / Gent University, Belgium
Dates / Name & type of organisation / Function1980-to date / Wageningen University, Netherlands / Full Professor (since 2000); Assoc Prof (since 1996), Assist Prof (since 1981)
1978-1980 / Gent University, Belgium / Guest Professor
Junior Scientist
1974-1975 / FAO, Rome
Gent University, Belgium / Associate Expert Venezuela, Colombia
Junior Scientist
EDUCATIONThesis supervision
/Number of completed PhD projects (co-)supervised:
/ 36Number of on-going PhD projects: / 20 / 27
Number of WU/MSc thesis supervised: / >50
PhD examiner
/ Number of PhD thesis senior examiner: / >35Lecturing
/ involvement in courses (main contributor to set-up and lecturing): / 5RESEARCH
Fish Nutrition; Larviculture and Larval Nutrition
Analysis of Aquatic Production Systems
Fisheries Ecology
Invertebrate Aquaculture
/The growth and nutritional physiology of fish larvae; mineral balances and metabolic costs of homeostasis; balance studies; modelling of growth; alternative ingredients to replace fishmeal and -oil in fish diets; feeding strategies and waste production; physiological and behavioural interactions with feed intake in relation to water quality and feed composition; feed composition and gut integrity
Water Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS); Analysing and modelling nitrogen and carbon flows in fish ponds and RAS; Nutrient recycling in aquaculture systems; Resource use in feed driven production systems; zooplankton manipulation in fish ponds; Life Cycle Analysis and sustainability of aquaculture, Ecological certificationFood web analysis in lakes and rivers; Fish Community structure in lakes, rivers and coastal areas in relation to exploitation, ecosystem parameters and water management;Socio-economics of the fishery in the Magdalena river (Colombia)
Indoor culture of scleractinian corals; Mass culture of Artemia and Oysters
/ Consultant for Royal AHOLD (large internationally operating retailer) on their Sustainable Seafood PolicyConsultancies to: Bangui, Central African Republic (FAO); Lima, Peru (IFS); Heredia, Costa Rica (Nuffic); Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, India (DGIS-ILRI); CIFA, Bhubaneswar, India (FAO); University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia (Nuffic); CanTho University, Vietnam (IFS); The University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia (EU); Iran(Bureau for Fisheries); Hue University, Vietnam (Nuffic)
Project assignments / Various support missions for curriculum and course development in Nuffic projects with the University of Brawiyawa in Malang, East Java, Indonesia; the Escuela Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica (1986..1993); Hué University, Vietnam (2013)
Advising on curriculum reformulation for a MSc in Aquaculture at the University of Débrécen, Hungary (1996- 1999)
Management functions
Governing functions / Member Management Team Animal Sciences Group, WUR (2010-to date)
Managing Professor, Dpt Animal Sciences, Wageningen University (2010-2011)
President of the European Aquaculture Society
President and co-founder of the Dutch Aquaculture Society
Member of the Board, Organisation Improvement Inland Fisheries (2002-2006)
Member of the Board, Sportvisserij Nederland (2006)
Member of the National Scientific Advisory Board, INRA, France (2006-2010)
Member Scientific Advisory Board Fac Fisheries, South BohemianUniv (2014..)
Coordination of programs, project, courses or networks / Scientific director of various large international collaborative research programmes (Nutritious Pond; SEDEC, Pond, Rescopar. BESTTuna); Facilitator and Co-Chair Working Group on Recirculation Systems, European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP),Co-ordinator EU INCO-DC projects: ORGANICPond and ZAFIRA ; Co-ordinator, SOCRATES project ICP-NL-1139/01 (1989-2000); Steering Committee member of various international networks, e.g, VifiNet (Vietnamese Fisheries Network), CAFNet (Chinese Aquaculture and Fisheries Network), SustainAqua (FP6 Network on sustainable aquaculture in Europe), AquaTnet (1996-2002) (European Network of higher education in aquaculture)
Editorial BoardsConvenor and Chairman International Conferences
Invited Speaker Conferences
Review committees
Selected publications
of interest for the assignment
Academic Performance / Netherlands Journal for Agricultural Sciences; Reviews in Aquaculture; Piscaria; Aquaculture Research (2000-2003); Aquatic Resources, Culture and Environment (2003- 2004)
Chairman Steering Committee Aquaculture Europe 2015 Conference;
Steering Committee EAS Aquaculture Europe Conferences (2001; 2006; 2007;2015)
Session Chair (Recirculation Systems), WAS meeting Bali 2005.
Co-convenor Session on RAS of the Aquacultural Engineering Society (AES) and the European Aquaculture Society (EAS); Nice (2-7 may 2000)
Programme Committee “Aquaculture ‘98” (Conference of the European Aquaculture Society, Bordeaux (Fr), October 7-10, 1998)
Co-convenor and Chairman of Session A (Recirculation Systems), EAS Conference, Bordeaux ’98
Organiser and Chairman of a parallel Technical Workshop for the industry on Recirculation Systems, EAS Conference, Bordeaux ‘98
Co-convenor and member Scientific Committee, ICES Symposium on Mass Rearing of Juvenile Fish, Bergen, (N), June 21-24, 1993
Chairman/Rapporteur of Poster Paper Session at Larvi'91, resp. Larvi'95 (Gent)
Keynote speaker NordicRAS Workshop, Aalborg, October 2013; Larvi ’91 (Gent); World Aquaculture 93 (Torremolinos), ICES (93, Bergen), Larvi'95 (Gent), World Aquaculture ’96 (Bangkok), National Aquaculture Meeting Colombia (’99, Medellin); CNBT Workshop on Aquacultural Biotechnology (2000, Guangzhou), Aquaculture Millennium (FAO-NACA 2000) (Bangkok) (invited panel member), 1st Int. Fisheries Forum, Urk, 2001, Meeting European Society of Animal Ethologists, Amsterdam 2002;
* Member Selection committee Recruitment CR2- INRA – April2014* Review for AERES (France) of IFREMER (EPIC), Febr 2013
* Peer Review European Master in Biodiversity and Marine Conservation EMBC, joint master of 6 universities; review for European Consortium for Accreditation; Dec 2012
* Peer Review DTU-Aqua (Danish Technical University, Unit Aqua), November 2011
* Peer Review INRA-Dept PHASE, October 2008
* Peer Review NTNU (Univ Trondheim), Strategic Areas, October 2007
* Peer Review INRA-Unité Mixte NuAGe, St-Pée sNivelle, 2006
More than 500 scientific and technical papers published in international and professional journals, conference proceedings and books, out of which 185 papers in double refereed journals. Subjects are (larval) fish nutrition; water quality management and nutrient flows in aquacultural production systems.Journals used for publication range from PLos ONE, British Journal of Nutrition, Aquaculture Nutrition, Aquaculture, Aquaculture Research, a.o., to Ecological Modelling, Hydrobiologia a.o.--> Available on request.
N academic publications: >500
N in peer reviewed journals: 185
N Web of Science indexed:160
H-index Google Scholar: 36
H-index WoS: 25
Figure right: N citations per year-WoS
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