PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AGENCY 1000 Sofia, 4 "Lege" street

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draft Decision

ex-ante control

for publishing

Number and date of the opinion first stage:[][][]/[][].[][].[][][][]

Decision number: RD01-380/05.04.2017 from date: (дд/мм/гггг)

І: Contracting Authority

Х public

a sectoral

I.1) Name and address:

Official name:Enterpise for management of environmental protection activities (EMEPA)

National registration number:131045382

Mailing address:4,Triaditsa, street


code NUTS:BG411

Citycode: 1000


Contact person:Mihaela Gabrashkova

Tel:02 9406251


Fax:02 9804131

Website / s:

General address: (URL)

Address of the buyer profile: (URL)

I.2) Type of the contracting authority (in case of a decision issued by a public contracting authority)

Ministry or any other public authority, including their regional or local sub-divisions

National Agency / Office

Regional or local authority

Regional or local agency / office

Public organization

European institution / agency or international organization

Another type:

I.3) Main activity (in case of a decision issued by a public contracting authority)

Public services


Public order and security


Economic and financial activity


Accommodation / housing and recreation and culture

Social Protection

Recreation, culture and religion



І.4) Main activity (in case of a decision issued by a sectoral contracting authority)

Gas and heat energy

Еlectrical energy

Water supply

Transport services

Postal services

Exploitation of a geographical area


ІІ: Opening

Opening procedure

for procurement

to concluded a framework agreement

to create a dynamic purchasing system

design contest

Create a qualification system

The contract is in the fields of defense and security: YesNo

IІ.1) Type of procedure

(Completed by a public contracting authority)

Open procedure

Negotiation without prior announcement

Restricted procedure

Contest for design

Competitive procedure with negotiation

Public contest

Competitive dialogue

Direct negotiations

Innovation Partnership

(completed by a sectoral contracting authority)

Open procedure

Negotiation without prior announcement

Restricted procedure

Contest for design

Competitive procedure with negotiation

Public contest

Competitive dialogue

Direct negotiations

Innovation Partnership

(for procurement in the fields of defense and security)

Restricted procedure

Competitive procedure with negotiation

Competitive dialogue

Negotiation without prior announcement

ІIІ: Legal cause

(completed by a public contracting authority)

Art. 73, par. 1 от Public procurement law (PPL)

Art. 73, par. 2, p. 1, b. [ ] from PPL

Art. 73, par. 2, p. 2 from PPL

Art. 18, par. 1, p. 7 withpar. 6 from PPL

Art. 79, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

Art. 18, par. 1, p. 11 withpar. 8 from PPL

Art. 18, par. 1, p. 12 from PPL

Art. 182, par. 1 withArt. 79, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

Art. 182, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

(completed by a sectoral contractingauthority)

Art. 132 from PPL

Art. 18, par. 1, p. 7 withpar. 6 from PPL

Art. 138, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

Art. 138, par. 1 withArt. 79, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

Art. 18, par. 1, p. 11 withpar. 8 from PPL

Art. 18, par. 1, p. 12 from PPL

Art. 182, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

Art.. 182, par. 1 withArt. 79, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

Art. 141, par. 1 from PPL

Art. 142, par. 4 withArt. 142, par. 1 andArt. 141, par. 1 from PPL

(Completed in procurement in the fields of defense and security)

Art. 160 from PPL

Art. 163, par. 1 from PPL

Art. 164, par. 1, p. [ ] from PPL

IV: Procurement

IV.1) Name:

“Designing with author’s supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 par. 1 p. 1 letter "b" PPL" under project "Research and development of pilot models for environmentally collection and temporary storage of hazardous domestic waste”, with the following lots:

Lot 1: "Design with author’s supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 par. 1 p. 1 letter "b" PPL" to build a large pilot municipal center - Shumen."

Lot 2: "Design with author’s supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 par. 1 p. 1 letter "b" PPL" to build a large pilot municipal center - Razgrad."

Lot 3: "Design with author’s supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 par. 1 p. 1 letter "b" PPL" to build a small pilot municipal center - Levski".

Lot 4: "Design with author’s supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 par. 1 p. 1 letter "b" PPL" to build a small pilot municipal center - Saedinenie".

Lot 5: "Design with author’s supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 par. 1 p. 1 letter "b" PPL" to build a small pilot municipal center - Sozopol."

IV.2) Object of the contract:


IV.3) Description of the object of the contract: (nature and quantity of works, supplies or services or an indication of the needs and requirements). When the main object contains additional objects, they must be described here.

This procedure of public procurement is carried out to award the implementation of actions under "Designing with supervision and execution of construction within the meaning of Art. 3 ал. 3 par. 1 т. 1 буква "б" от ЗОП по проект „Проучване и разработване на пилотни модели за екологосъобразно събиране и временно съхранение на опасни битови отпадъци“ с 5 (пет) обособени позиции. 1 p. 1 letter "b" of the PPL project "Research and development of pilot models for environmentally sound collection and temporary storage of hazardous domesticwaste" with 5 (five) lots. Изпълнението на дейностите със съответното качество и ефективност ще доведе до въвеждане в експлоатация на пет пилотни общински центрове на територията на 5 (пет) общини – Шумен, Разград, Левски, Съединение и Созопол за събиране на опасни отпадъци от бита, с които центрове също така ще бъде осъществено обслужване населението на 22 български общини (5 общини центрове – Шумен, Разград, Левски, Съединение и Созопол и 17 по-малки общини – Велики Преслав, Смядово, Каспичан, Хитрино, Лозница, Самуил, Исперих, Завет, Цар Калоян, Пордим, Никопол, Белене, Марица, Калояново, Хисаря, Приморско и Царево). Implementation of activities with appropriate quality and efficiency will lead to the commissioning of five pilot municipal centers in the five (5) municipalities - Shumen, Razgrad, Levski, Compound and Sozopol collection of household hazardous waste, which centers also It will be accomplished service population of 22 Bulgarian municipalities (5 municipalities centers - Shumen, Razgrad, Levski, Compound and Sozopol and 17 smaller municipalities - Veliki Preslav, Smiadovo, Kaspichan Hitrino Loznitsa, Samuil Isperih Testament Tsar Kaloyan Pordim, Nikopol, Belene, Maritza Kaloianovo, Hisar, Primorsko and Tsarevo)..

IV.4) The contract contains requirements related to environmental protection: YesNo

The criteria relating to environmental protection are present in: (please specify number)

техническата спецификация:  technicalspecification: 

selection criteria: 1

performance evaluation of offers: 

requirements for performance of the contract (clauses in the draft standard contractual conditions): 1

IV.5) Information about European Union

The contract is related to a project and / or program financed / program financed by EU funds and programs: YesNo

Project identification:

IV.6) Division into lots

This contract is divided into lots:YesNo

Reasons for the failure to divide the contract into lots (if applicable):

IV.7) Estimated value of the contract:

Value without VAT:3 207689.00лв.

Currency: BGN

IV.8) The subject of the contract is awarded and with several separate procedures: YesNo

Total contract value, part of which is assigned with this procedure:

Стойност, без да се включва ДДС: [ ] Value excluding VAT: [ ]

Currency: [ ] [ ] [ ]

List of other procedures with a brief description of their subject:

V: Reasons:

V.1) Мотиви за избора на процедура (когато е приложимо):V.1) Reasons for the choice of procedure (where applicable):(Кратко описание на фактическите обстоятелства, които обуславят избора на съответната процедура)(A brief description of the facts that determine the choice of the procedure)

На основание, чл. On the grounds of Art.11, ал. 11, para.1 от Закона за обществените поръчки, настоящата процедура се провежда по реда предвиден за "Публично състезание", с оглед на факта, че - Когато обществената поръчка включва дейности с повече от един обект по чл. 1 of the Public Procurement Law, this procedure is carried out under scheduled for "public competition" in view of the fact that - When the contract includes activities with more than one object of art.3 от ЗОП, тя се възлага по реда, приложим за обекта, който характеризира дейностите - основен предмет на поръчката. 3 of the PPL shall be awarded under applicable to the object that characterizes operations - the main object of the contract. Основния предмет на поръчката е извършване на строителство по изграждане на общински пилотни центрове за екологосъобразно събиране и временно съхранение на опасни битови отпадъци. Main object of the contract is construction in construction of municipal pilot centers for environmentally sound collection and temporary storage of hazardous waste.В тази връзка, съгласно чл. In this regard, according to Art.20, ал. 20, para.2, т. 1 от ЗОП, основния предмет на поръчката (СМР) попада в обхвата на регламентираният праг за провеждане на процедура - "Публично състезание" 2 pt. 1 of the PPL, the main object of the contract (LDS) falls under the statutory threshold for conducting the procedure - "Public competition"

V.2) Persons who sent the invitation to participate in a negotiated procedure without priorобявление, договаряне без предварителна покана за участие, договаряне без публикуване на обявление за поръчка, пряко договаряне (когато е приложимо):notice, contracting without a prior call for, contracting without publication of a contract notice, direct negotiations (where applicable):

V.3) This procedure is related to the previous procedure for procurement orконкурс за проект, която е (когато е приложимо):design contest that is (when applicable):

Open a decision №:

От дата (дд/мм/гггг): By date (dd / mm / yyyy):

Публикувана в Регистъра на обществените поръчки под уникален № (nnnnn-yyyy-xxxx): Published in the Public Procurement Register under a unique № (nnnnn-yyyy-xxxx) :

V.4) Additional supply / re-construction or service is (where applicable):

Стойност, без да се включва ДДС: [ ] Value excluding VAT: []

Валута: [ ] [ ] [ ] Currency: [ ] [ ] [ ]

VІ: Approve:

Notice of initiation of disclosure

Call for participation


VII: Additional information

VII.1) Допълнителна информация (когато е приложимо) VII.1) Additional information (where applicable)

Настоящата поръчка е разделена на обособени позиции с оглед на факта, че самият предмет не позволява да бъдат реализирани едновременно от един изпълнител дейностите по изграждане на пилотните центрове в рамките на срока за изпълнение на поръчката. This contract is divided into lots in view of the fact that the object itself does not allow to be realized simultaneously from one contractor building activities of the pilot centers within the period of execution. На следващо място, спецификата на обществената поръчка налага избиране на изпълнител по отделно за всяка една от обособените позиции, за постигане на необходимия ефект и качество на изпълнение. Next, the specifics of the contract requires selecting a contractor separately for each of the lots to achieve the required effect and quality performance.

VII.2) Орган, който отговаря за процедурите по обжалване

VII.2) Body responsible for appeal procedures

Официално наименование: Official name:Комисия за защита на конкуренцията Commission for Protection of Competition

Пощенски адрес: Mailing address:бул. Витоша № 18 Vitosha blvd. № 18

Град: city:София Sofia

Пощенски код: 1000 Postal Code: 1000

Държава: България Country: Bulgaria

Електронна поща: Email:

Телефон: phone:02 9884070 02 9884070

Интернет адрес (URL):Website (URL):

Факс: fax:02 9807315 02 9807315

VII.3) Подаване на жалби:VII.3) Lodging of appeals:

Точна информация относно краен срок/крайни срокове за подаване на жалби:Precise information on deadline / deadlines for lodging appeals:

Срока за подаване на жалби е съгласно чл. Deadline for submission of applications is in accordance with Art.197, ал. 197, para.1, т. 1 от Закона за обществените поръчки. 1 pt. 1 of the Law on Public Procurement.

VII.4) Дата на изпращане на настоящото решение: (дд/мм/гггг)VII.4) Date of dispatch of this decision: (dd / mm / yyyy)

VIII: ВъзложителVIII: Employer

VIII.1) Трите имена: Ренета Георгиева Колева VIII.1) Full name: Mihaela Gabrashkova(Подпис) (Signature)

VIII.2) Длъжност: VIII.2) Position:Изпълнителен директор на Предприятие за управление на дейностите по опазване на околната среда .CEO of Enterprise Management activities environmental protection activities.