NTS 501: Vocabulary List
Week 1(Sep 15)kai,and
qeo,jGod, god
a;nqrwpojman, human
evgw, I
Cristo,jChrist, Messiah
a;ggelojangel, messenger
lo,goj word
pneu/ma spirit, breath, wind
ko,smoj world, universe
fwnh, voice, sound
do,xa brightness, glory
kardi,a heart
profh,thj prophet
zwh, life
avpo,stolojapostle / Week 2 (Sep 25)
avmh,ntruly, verily, amen, let it be
evk from, out of, by
e;rcomai I come, go
ti,j, ti,Why? What? Which? Why?
tij, tiCertain one/thing; anyone
eivjin, into, to
mh, not
evn in, on, by, with
avkou,w I hear, listen to, obey
h`me,ra day
path,r father
e;cw I have, hold
ei-j, mi,a, e]none
kaqw,jas, even as
ou-toj, au[th, this, he, she, it
Week 3 (Oct 9)
eivmi,I am, exist
le,gwI say, speak, tell
dia, through, with (gen.)
because of (acc.)
ouvrano,j heaven, sky
meta, with, among, against (gen.)
after, behind (acc.)
lamba,nw I take, seize, receive
gh/ earth, land
me,gajlarge, great
pi,stij faith, faithfulness, trust
pisteu,w I believe, trust
ouvdei,j no, no one, nothing
a[gioj holy, pure
ku,riojLord, lord, master
ui`o,json / Week 4 (Oct 13)
auvto,jself, same, he, she, it
kata, down from, against (gen.)
along, to, according to (acc.)
su. You
avpokri,nomaiI answer
ginw,skw I know
exe,rcomai I go out, go away, leave
e`autou/, h/j, ou/himself/herself/itself
evkei/noj, h, othat man/woman/thing
u`po, by, at the hands of (gen.)
di,dwmi I give
avnh,r man, husband
gunh, woman, wife
evpi, on, over (gen.)
at (dat.)
to, for, against, with (acc.)
du,namai I can, am able
poie,w I do, make
Week 5 (Oct 23)
o;noma name
o`ra,w I see, notice
oi=da I know
lale,w I speak, say
polu,j much, many, great
pro,j for (gen.)
at (dat.)
to, for, against (acc.)
avpo, from away from, with
under, below (acc.)
maqhth,j disciple
no,moj law, rule
para, from (gen.)
beside, with (dat.)
at, on, more than (acc.)
u`pe,r for, about (gen.)
above, beyond (acc.)
qe,lw I wish, desire, want / Week 6 (Nov 3)
ou[twj in this manner, thus, so
eivse,rcomai I enter
peri, about, concerning (gen.)
around, near (acc.)
gra,fw I write
cei,r hand, arm, power
eu`riscw I find
o;cloj crowd
gi,nomaiI become, happen
de, but, and, now
o[ti that, so that, because, for
pa/j every, each, any, all
ga,r for, so, then
i[na in order that, that, so that
avlla, but, yet
w`j as, like
Week 7 (Nov 27)
eiv if, that, whether
o=un so, therefore
eva,n if, when
h; or, either, nor
a`marti,a sin
e;rgon work, deed
basilei,a kingdom, reign
e;qnoj nation, people
po,lij city
to,te then
evsqi,w I eat
a;lloj other, another
prw/toj first, earlier
ca,rij grace, favor
i[sthmi I set, make, stand / Week 8 (Nov 27)
poreu,omai I go
kale,w I call, address, name
nu/n now
sa,rx flesh, body, person
e[wj until, while, as far as
evgei,rw I raise up
avgapa,w I love
avfi,hmi I let go, divorce, forgive
ouvde, and not, neither, nor, not even
lao,j people, crowd
sw/ma body, corpse
pa,lin again
za,w I live
du,o two
ble,pw I see, look at
Week 9 (Dec 2)
avvpostellw I send
me,n on the one hand, indeed
nekro,j dead, useless
dou/loj slave
o[tan whenever, when
aivw,n eternity, age, world
avrciereu,j high priest
ba,llw I throw
qa,natoj death
du,namij power, ability
paradi,dwmi I entrust, give up, hand over
me,nw I remain, dwell
avpe,rcomai I go away
zhte,w I seek
avga,ph love / Week 10 (Dec 11)
basileu,j king
evkklhsi,a assembly, church
i;dioj one’s own
kri,nw I judge, consider
mo,noj only, alone
oi=koj house, home, household
avpoqnh,|skwI die
avlh,qeiatruth, truthfulness
me,llwI am about to, intend
o[lojwhole, entire
parakale,wI ask, encourage, comfort
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