To the Family in Faith at St. John’sLutheranChurch.
Greetings in the name of Christ! I have a brief note. As of Sunday, May 3rd, I have spent three weeks in the Army. I have only four weeks to go.
Thus far in my time at FortEustis, I have had the privilege of serving the soldiers of the 7th Transportation Brigade. These are some amazing Americans. The 7th is the most deployed unit in the United States Army. They have gone around the world in service to our nation in times of war and peace. Yet, even as they have their strengths they have weaknesses as well.
In my time at FortEustis, I have had the honor to provide comfort and the promise of Christ in the Word of God to those who feel lost and those who have experienced loss. In addition, I have had the opportunity to celebrate in the joy of these troops. Some of these include: the birth of a new child, the announcement of a daughter’s engagement, and the safe return of mothers, fathers, children, sisters and brothers from the dangers of serving on the front lines in the current war.
This is a great thing that we at St. John’s are doing. This is ministry that plants the seeds that God will one day harvest in the lives of people of great faith and some who have never heard of Christ Jesus. We are growing the Kingdom of God in Farmville, here, and places that we might never know.
Praise God! Until He brings us together again, may God grow faith everywhere and guard and keep you along with all of those in your care.
Pastor Giese
The following article is an email from Sally Hiller: Prayers for the first week of May…
God’s blessing on this day of your life.We have two mission congregations who have significant events taking placeon Sunday (May 4). I encourage you to lift them up in prayer during these
hours prior to Sunday as well as during the week when they will be in themidst of follow up activities.Crossway Mission is located in downtown Norfolk. They have been gathering inMacArthur Mall, in various coffee shops and meeting rooms for Bible studyand gathering events. They currently have a team enrolled in the MissionDevelopmentAcademy. On Sunday, May 4th, they will have their first worshipservice at 11 at the Granby Theater in the Mall. Pastor Timothy Utton is themissionary serving this new outreach. He has gathered a leadership team towork with him in developing the mission. You can learn more about them at You can email Pastor Utton . Let us pray for the work of the Gospel in the lives of those who live andwork in downtown Norfolk, that those who do not know Jesus as Savior, willbe drawn to this ministry. We pray for all who are providing leadership inthis outreach that God will continually refresh and encourage them as theybear faithful witness to His grace. And we pray for all who will gather inworship Sunday, that they will know the presence and joy of being in theLord.Chesapeake Community of Hope has their very first community gathering at theStation. The Station is a former gas station that they have rented so thatthey may provide a space and place for Bible studies, outreach activities,
youth meetings, and a host of other events. The Station is located on 3acres and tomorrow (May 4) they are having a community event to let everyoneknow that Hope is there...the Hope that we have (with great assurance)because of what Christ has already done for us. You can learn more aboutthis mission at Pastor Jeff Wuertz can bereached at us pray that the Son shine in a glorious way on this Sunday after theAscension as people are drawn to the Station where Hope is available in thewarm welcome of the members of the congregation. Let us pray that thepresence of this congregation in the community strengthens each member ofthe community and that God works through this One last prayer invitation, I am giving all praise to God who has led 22pastoral candidates and vicars to be placed in the ministries of ourDistrict. We pray that as they finish up the school term and makearrangements to move to the missions and congregations of the Southeastern
District, that joy will overflow and they will be warmly received. I¹llshare more about who is coming and where they are going. Perhaps together,we can organize an prayer welcome through email and cards.Thank you for your partnership is this ministry of prayer. It is trulymaking a difference and in the lives of those who are being reached withthe Gospel an eternal difference. Blessings on your days.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us,too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim themystery of Christ. Colossians 4: 2-3
10:02 Prayers for the Harvest and Workers
Don¹t forget to set your cell phones alarm/alert to 10:02 a.m. And prayduring these days of Lent for the Harvest and Workers.
Luke 10:2 Jesus toldthem, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.²
Sally J Hiller
Mission and Ministry Executive, Southeastern District, LCMS
6315 Grovedale DriveAlexandriaVA22310-2501
voice: 703.971.9371, Ext. 205 or 800.637.5723, fax 703.922.6047, web