A School, Sanctuary, Theatre and Playground for ALL Ages
Discover and Share Your Magical Self
Article 27 – 27 June 2006
By Caroline
This Week’s Quote
Thank You Teachers
June 23 was a date that was both confusing and wonderful. I have not led a sheltered life but when I entered my niece's grade school I thought I had made a mistake. Where were those young kids in their sneakers and jeans?
All around me were evening gowns and a few tuxedos!
These are only grade eights! These are only grade eights! I kept reminding myself.
WOW! Where have all the children gone? Time flies quickly enough without our young ones trying to be so grown up.
As concerned as I was about the speed we are allowing? encouraging? our children to grow, I was also thrilled to hear Emily Jean had won an award for excellence in Mathematics.
Now THAT was an unknown when I was her age. Not only for me, because the only thing I liked about numbers, then and still today, was spending them, ;o)) but it was unusual for a young woman to excel in what was considered a male dominated subject.
Way to go girl!
I guess I have to do more growing up just to catch up to my other niece who is only eight.
She was being teased by her grandfather who said she was very tall for her age because she ate too many of her favorite spicy, heart shaped candies.
A short while later my mother was noticing her eat a few more of her favorite treats. When Mom told her she shouldn't eat so many candies Kayla responded with, "I want to eat a lot so I can grow tall and become a teenager."
She is only eight! Maybe eight is a magical number? Grade eight moving into an important, challenging stage of life – grade nine. But age eight?
Who knows. Let's just encourage them to be kids a little longer.
That same evening I was very grateful to those who had touched the minds and hearts of so many of the youth – the teachers. Two of them moved me to tears when they introduced their selected award winners. I could feel their love and passion for their profession and the youth. It took me back to something I had recently read and would like to share with you.
One night at dinner a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He said: "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher? You know, it's true what they say about teachers: Those who can do, do. And those who can't do, teach." To corroborate his statement he said to another guest, "Hey, Susan, you're a teacher. Be honest, what do you make?"
Susan, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness, replied,
"You want to know what I make?
Ø I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could,
Ø I can make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall in absolute silence.
Ø I can make a C-plus feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor
Ø And feel like a slap in the face if the student didn't do his or her very best.
Ø I can make parents tremble when I call their home or feel almost like they won the lottery when I tell them how well their child is progressing."
Gaining speed, she went on:
"You want to know what I make?
Ø I make kids wonder.
Ø I make them question.
Ø I make them criticize.
Ø I make them apologize and mean it.
Ø I make them write.
Ø I make them read, read and read.
Ø I make them understand that if you have the brains, then follow your heart. And if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make in money, you pay them no attention."
Susan then paused. "You want to know what I make? I make a difference."
I couldn't agree more. Bet that CEO is sorry he asked Susan for her opinion but I also would bet that he would love to have her on his team!
Thank you teachers for all your hard work and dedication.
This is the time students start looking for summer jobs. May I suggest the following thoughts can apply to all ages.
Gordy has been working on his own for the last 20 years as a hair stylist. He has no college education, and no experience in the "corporate world", yet yearns to enter the business world. However, his lack of self-confidence and his skewed perception of what employers are looking for keep him from getting any of the jobs for which he applies. Good news for Gordy--his best chance to get the job he desires is by acquiring the practical knowledge needed for the position. The reason this is good news is that practical knowledge does not take four years and $100,000.00 to acquire.
We can categorize knowledge into three areas. Each has its advantage and use in life.
General Knowledge. This consists of the basics such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. It also includes facts and figures, dates and history, and people and places. We spend the majority of our childhood and youth learning general knowledge. It is general knowledge that allows us to function in society, build a foundationon which we can begin to acquire specific or practical knowledge, and win at Trivial Pursuit®.
Specific Knowledge. Once we have chosen a field of study to pursue, we acquire specific knowledge - specific to the chosen field. This is the information we learn in trade school or the latter years of college. Many corporations list as a prerequisite specific knowledge in the form of a higher education.
Practical Knowledge. This is the knowledge that is even more specific to the work one has chosen to pursue. This includes knowledge on the organization itself, the specific duties of the job, understanding the market in which the organization operates - basically, the knowledge needed to perform the specific job.
Having practical knowledge alone certainly does not guarantee you a job. There are positions that have requirements, especially those regulated by government such as
lawyers, doctors, airplane pilots, and others. In addition, public corporations may be hiring for image rather than for finding the one who can best do the job.
Of course, these allegations would be denied due to discrimination laws, but in order to please stockholders, some corporations will hire the gray haired, Ivy League degreed, racially and sexually balanced employees that have more letters after their names than in them. So unless you fit their public image profile, your chances of getting the job are slim.
Having practical knowledge really pays off when it comes to applying for a job with a smaller, more entrepreneurial organization. This isan organization in which the person doing the hiring is more concerned with the profitability of the organization, than being criticized for his or her hiring decision.Employers know that hiring employees who already know the business and the industry can save months of training, loss of productivity, and money that would otherwise have to be allocated to getting the new employee up to speed.
Here are some suggestionsto get the practical knowledge you need to increase your chances at getting the job you desire.
· Visit the organization's website. Most websites contain a wealth of information about the organization itself. Learn about the history of the organization, read any information on the principals and other members of the organization, and most of all, be familiar with what the organization markets.
· Learn about the organization's market. Who are the organization's customers? How does the organization get its customers?
· Learn about the organization's industry. How big is the industry? How long has it been around? Who are the major players? Who are the organization's greatest competitors?
It is a good idea to demonstrate some of your practical knowledge in your cover letter, or by sending an e-mail to the person in charge of hiring. A demonstration of your practical knowledge will put you at a great advantage over the other applicants. It is true that acquiring this practical knowledge takes more time and effort than just sending a resume or filling out a standard application, but it will be well worth it.
So, wise student, prepare for your future by looking at the job you want from your potential employer's position. Make it easy for him or her to hire you.
The same goes to adults who are not happy in their present occupation. Take charge of your destiny.
Next week I will share a technique that will help you get the life you want and will also show you why each and every person, place and thing is in your life.
You are busy. The kids are home for summer holidays and everyone is in such a rush. Heating food in the microwave is convenient but make sure you and your young ones not only know but practice the following sent out by Johns Hopkins Centre.
Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies
Ø No plastic containers in micro.
Ø Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxin from the plastic.
Ø No plastic wrap in microwave.
Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.
He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.
Instead, he recommends using glass, Corning Ware or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.*
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Also, he pointed out that Saran wrap is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.
Cover food with a paper towel or use wax paper instead.
This is an article I believe you should forward to your family and friends--anyone who is important in your life!
We want you to have a healthy happy safe summer…and life!
I am still looking for people who have medical problems that traditional medicine can’t seem to find the answer to.
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I traveled to Oakville to do a voiceprint for a friend who has been sick for over three years. She had spent thousands of dollars with traditional testing, medicines, alternatives healings, counselors, and was finally sent to a psychiatrist.
VoiceBio™ revealed she had Lyme’s Disease. She told me she was scheduled to see a Lyme’s disease specialist in two weeks. Guess what he told her she had … Lyme’s disease.
VoiceBio™ achieved in 5 minutes what traditional medicine took over 3 years to do.
I do VoiceBio™ Sessions at my home office at 94 Alma in Hanmer. I also make house calls for an additional fee.
Are you ready for your FREE 1 Hr Voice Bio Session? Just host a home show.
Ancient Sufi Chant that creates mini miracles whenever shared.
Sing it to your loved ones as they go to sleep.
All I Ask of You is Forever to Remember Me As Loving You.
The Magical Question That Gives You the Perfect Answer – Every time
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L.C.TM LOVE’s Cheerleader -:¦:-
Celebrating the Highs and Lows of Life with You!
Is a School, Sanctuary, Theatre and Playground for All Ages
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A not for profit club for all from schoolyard to graveyard
What would LOVE do?
I, Caroline, am an author, speaker, healer, teacher, minister, and am trained, as I jokingly say, ‘up the yin-yang’ in so many disciplines, I can talk about many subjects. I conduct workshops, home shows, and speak on a variety of subjects such as …
Soul’s Purpose
Soul Mates
Life After Death
Indigo Children
Crystal Children
Troubled/Gifted Children
Free e-Course … Now a
108 Page E-book
The ABCs of Spirituality ~ 101
Awaken! Be! Co - Create
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