NSW Teachers Federation 23-33 Mary Street, Surry Hills 2010. Telephone: 9217 2100 Facsimile: 9217 2470

NSW Teachers Federation Media Release

Wednesday September 12, 2012

Cuts to TAFE by O’Farrell Government

“TAFE teachers will fight the cuts to 800 jobs, and courses, and the massive 9.5% fee increases for students announced by the O’Farrell State Government”, said the Deputy President of the NSW Teachers Federation, Gary Zadkovich.

Prior to the state election in 2011, Minister Piccoli and Deputy Premier Stoner signed pledges to Invest in TAFE. This promised the citizens of NSW that the government would:

  • Guarantee TAFE funding
  • Invest in permanent TAFE teaching positions
  • Ensure affordable access to all

Whilst in Opposition during 2007, the Coalition introduced legislation into the NSW Parliament to freeze TAFE fees. At the time Andrew Stoner said:

“But for TAFE students who usually work part time and study at TAFE struggling with the normal cost of living – increased grocery prices, fuel prices and in some cases interest rates – it is a very difficult time, and the government has not helped by increasing these fees by some 9 per cent, which is well and truly above the consumer price index. The impact of the fee increases has been that enrolments in TAFE are falling, and that is a real shame because TAFE has been a great success story in this State, especially at a time when we have a skills shortage.”

Whilst in Opposition Minister Piccoli spoke against fee increases at protest meetings at TAFE colleges in his own electorate. Now the O’Farrell Government is increasing fees by a hefty 9.5%, way above CPI. This will cause a decline in enrolments, cuts to courses and teaching jobs, place pressure on class sizes and deny access for the most needy in our community to education and training.

The decision to impose full fees and loans for art courses at TAFE will deny students seeking a second chance or women returning to education, an opportunity to participate in regional and rural areas. Students participating in these programs often articulate from art into other courses and pursue successful careers in education, graphic design, photography, etc. In many regional towns and communities galleries and gift shops rely on locally produced art and craft for sale produced by TAFE graduates.

TAFE teachers will be contacting local MPs and organising community protests to overturn these attacks on TAFE.

For further information contact:

Maurie Mulheron President NSW Teachers Federation 0409 760 811

Gary ZadkovichDeputy President, NSWTF0418 422 611

Joan LemaireSenior Vice President, NSWTF0407 424 808