NSW eTendering – Responding to RFTs

Date:November 2017

NSW eTendering – Responding to Request for Tenders

This quickguide contains information on:

  • Lodging a response
  • Uploading files
  • Multiple responses

Lodging a response

Once you have considered all the information from the tender information, including the attached documents, and developed a response in the format requested, you can lodge your tender response (in most cases) online using the following steps:

  1. Select the full details button on the required tender.

  1. Select the 'Lodgea Response' link at the bottom of the tender. You will need to be logged in to lodge a response.

  1. While the majority of tenders require an online response, there are a few exceptions that require submission of a hardcopy response. Always carefully read documentation to ascertain how your response should be sent.
  1. You will need to identify if you are submitting a response on your own behalf or on behalf of a different legal entity or organisation. If you are entering on behalf of another organisation you will be able to edit the information requested.

  1. If you need to update your own organisations information then you will need to select the ‘Edit Profile’ link under the ‘Contact Name’ dropdown at the top right of the screen before proceeding to lodge your tender response.

  1. Once all the information has been added, select the ’Submit to continue’ button to move to the next step.

  1. Ensure you read and meet the system requirements highlighted on the Lodge a Response page. There is some detailed information on file naming conventions and information on uploading tender responses.

Uploading files

The process of uploading tender responses including supporting files is very similar to attaching files to an e-mail, in that you browse for the file and then choose the correct file to attach before submitting the response.

Select the 'Browse...' button corresponding to 'File 1' and then choose the file you wish to upload. If you have more than one file in your response then repeat the process. Up to 5 files can be added as part of the tender response.

If you have more than 5 documents to upload then you can either:

  • Manually amalgamate several files into 1 file
  • Compress files into 1using a tool such as WinZip
  • Submit multiple responses

Multiple responses

An alternative way of uploading a large response or to upload an alternative bid, is to respond to the same RFT more than once by following the steps below:

  1. Number the files you are submitting. For example if your company is called 'AAA Supply', name the first file ‘AAA_Supply_file_one_of_six.docx’ and then the second file 'AAA Supply_file_two_of_six.docx’.
  1. Click the 'Lodge response' button. After a few moments you will see a message on the screen saying that your upload was successful. Please record the receipt number issued for the response.
  1. Click the 'back' button on your Web browser.
  1. The ‘Upload RFT Response’ screen will appear again for you to upload files ‘AAA_Supply_file_three_of_six’ and then ‘AAA_Supply_file_four_of_six’ and then AAA_Supply_file_five_of_six’ and then AAA_Supply_file_six_of_six’.
  1. Click the 'Lodge response' button again and wait for your receipt confirmation to appear.
  1. Record the receipt number.Your response should not be considered as being lodged unless you receive a receipt number. Should you experience difficulty while lodging a response, contact the NSW Procurement Service Centre.

If you would like to confirm that the evaluation team did receive your response in full you can contact the person named as the contact person for that opportunity.

Further information

Further information is available via email from the NSW Procurement Service Centre[1] or on 1800 679 289.

Department of Finance, Services & Innovation

P: 1800 679 289E: |

