Name ______School ______Date ______

Indicator 13 Checklist – Facilitated Self Assessment

Circle one: PRE POST

“Percent of youth aged 14 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transitionservices that will reasonably

enablethe child to meet the postsecondary goals” Indicator 13

1. Is there evidence of age-appropriate transition assessment(s)? §300.320(b)(1) / Y N
Locate where information relating to assessment and the transition component on the IEP (either in the IEP, ER or the student’s file)
• If there is evidence that age-appropriate transition assessments were conducted and provided information on the student’s needs, taking into account strengths, preferences, and interests circle Y
• If there is no evidence that age-appropriate transition assessments were conducted and provided information on the student’s needs, taking into account strengths, preferences, and interests, circle N
2. Is (Are) there a measurable postsecondary goal or goals that covers education or training, employment, and, as needed, independent living?
20 USC 1414 614(d)(1)(A)(i)(VIII)(aa)
Note: the term “postsecondary goal” and “post-school goal” are synonymous. / Y N
Locate the transition component of the IEP
  • Are there post-school goal(s) for this student that address Education/Training, Employment, and (if applicable) Independent Living after high school? (Y or N)
  • Can the goal(s) be observed? (Y or N)
  • Will the goal(s) occur after the student graduates from school? (Y or N)
• If yes to all three, then circle Y
• Otherwise, circle N
3. Are there transition services in the IEP that focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child to facilitate their movement from school to post-school? 20 USC 1401 602(34)(A) / Y N
Locate where transition services/activities are listed on the IEP (the grid).
• For each post-school goal, if there is (a) instruction, (b) related service(s), (c) community experience, (d) development of employment and other post-school adult living objective, (e)if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skill(s), or (f) if appropriate, provision of afunctional vocational evaluation listed in association with meeting the post-schoolgoal,circle Y
• For each post-schoolgoal, if there is no (a) instruction, (b) related service, (c) community experience, (d) development of employment and other post-school adult livingobjective, (e) if appropriate, acquisition of a daily living skill, or (f) if appropriate, provisionof a functional vocational evaluation listed in association with meeting the post-schoolgoal, circle N
4. Do the transition services include courses of study that focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child to facilitate their movement from school to post-school?
§300.320(b)(2) / Y N
Locate the transition component of the IEP (the grid).
Find the courses of study under each post-school goal.
• Do the courses listed align with the student’s identified post-schoolgoal(s)?
If yes, circle Y. If no, circle N.
5. For transition services that are likely to be provided or paid for by other agencies, is there evidence that representatives of theagency(ies) were invited with parent consentto the IEP meeting? §300.321(b)(3) / Y N NA
For the current year, is there evidence (may be located in the IEP, ER,invitation, or the student’s file)that representatives of any of the following agencies/services should be invited to participate in the IEP development: postsecondary education, vocationaleducation, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adultservices, independent living or community participation for this post-schoolgoal? (Y or N)
Was consent obtained from the parent? (Y or N)
• If yes to both, then circle Y.
• If it is too early to determine if the student will need outside agency involvement, or no agency is likely to provide or pay for transition services, circle
• If agency should be invited but parent did not consent, circle NA.
• If no invitation is evident and a participating agency is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services and there was consent to
invite them to the IEP meeting, then circleN.
6. Is (are) there measurable annual IEP goal(s) that will reasonably enable the child to meet the post-school goal(s)? Indicator 13 language / Y N
Locate the transition component of the IEP (the grid).
  • For each post-schoolgoal on the grid, is there an indication that at least one annual goal is included in the IEP for that goal area? (Y or N)
Now locate the annual goals pages in the IEP.
Locate the specific annual goal that relates to the transition goal (as indicated on the grid).
  • Does each annual goal contain the following components: (circle Y if all four are present)
  • A condition
  • Student’s name
  • Clearly defined behavior
  • Performance criteria
  • For each post-schoolgoal, if there is no annual goal included in the IEP that will help the student make progress towards the stated
goal OR if the annual goal does not contain all four required components (and therefore, is not measurable), circle N
Does the IEP meet the requirements of Indicator 13? (Circle one)
Yes (all Ys or NAs are circled) No (one or more Ns circled)
• If all Ys or NAs for each item (1 – 6) on the Checklist, then circle Yes
If one or more Ns are circled, then circle No

Developed by the PA Training and Technical Assistance Network, June 2008

Based on the Indicator 13 Checklist developed by the NationalSecondaryTransitionTechnicalAssistanceCenter (NSTTAC) – September 8, 2006