January 14, 2012
Maureen Hanson, Colleen Wieringa, Della Cryderman, Lisa Koshel, Robyn Paquette, Kathy Johnston, Leanne Beck, Kayla Caul, Dorothy Binguis, Jessie Godin, Carol, Angie Lappage, Tammy Paquette and girls, Sandy Drennan
Lisa called the meeting to order at 1:05pm
Minutes from last year were reviewed. Motion made Della Cryderman to accept the 2011 minutes as printed, seconded by Maureen Hanson. Motion Carried.
Robyn Paquette reported that 2011 memberships amounted to $810 which was up from $450 in 2012. It was reiterated that memberships should be bought to support the club not to just win prizes at year end. Membership prices were discussed for 2012 and it was decided that they would remain the same. $20 for Single and $38 for Family.
The membership money and $3/class is paying for the awards but it is close. We will try to fundraise and get sponsors for the year end awards
2011 Executives positions were open to nominations. Lisa Koshel, Robyn Paquette and Angie Lappage let their names stand for their current positions but we could always use new people to help. They will remain in their current positions. Motion made Maureen Hanson to accept the nominations, seconded by Kathy Johnston. Motion Carried.
Maureen Hanson volunteered to be responsible for fundraising for NSQHA year end awards. Many ideas were brought up such as 50/50, donation buckets at the Saturday night suppers - any other ideas can be passed along to Maureen.
Treasurer Report was made by Angie Lappage - Balance in the Bank was $300 after the 2010 banquet and the club had a net loss of $720, money from NLQHA was used to cover the loss and will be paid back when funds are available. Angie stated it is hard to keep track of the transfers.
We would need $150 sponsorship per division to pay for the year end awards.
Della suggested Maureen draw up a sponsorship letter ASAP and get them in the mail.
Colleen stated that businesses are constantly getting hit up for sponsorship and everyone feels guilty asking the same people for local show sponsors and then going back for year-end sponsors
Jessie stated that on Face book Champion Horse Blankets were giving sponsorship money and we just had to submit information about our show. Maureen will get our information into them ASAP.
Della can think of 2 or 3 people at her barn that would donate. Maureen will get a letter out as soon as she gets home
Colleen also mentioned that we have to keep the momentum going this year, it was suggested we have a quick NSQHA meeting at the Dryden Show.
Angie would like memberships to be paid by cheque if possible and not be added to entry fee cheques at the shows. It would be easier to track that way. We will talk to Jan and Angela and ask that they keep things separate.
Kathy stated she thinks we are communicating well; we post on face book and send emails out for important notices and reminders.
Lisa asked if we wanted to add any awards or take any away. We did add the green horse award this year because we had no select entries. We also gave gift certificates to all of the lead line entries and 13 & under walk/trotters. Jessie would like to see an overall walk/trot award but Northern Lights and Borderland would have to run the same classes. There was also a suggestion of a Congeniality Award for youth competitors as well as a most improved. Kathy Johnston liked the idea of a rookie award but Tammy Paquette pointed out that is sometimes hard to track. Lisa asked Kathy to think about how the rookie award would work. Adding awards will depend on money.
No action has been taken. Colleen said it is financially hard for our clubs to take on. We will table this for now.
Will stay a 3 day show, financially makes better sense for us.
Have added in 19 & over grassroots for adults with no points but that will added another year end if Borderland does it.
We can also add in more walk/trot classes. Walk/trot horsemanship and stake
Leanne is worried about numbers and more walk/trot will take away from other classes. Della said that the walk/trotters will eventually move into canter classes and will add numbers. Robyn stated that some people only show walk/trot and those numbers would be lost if you didn't offer the classes.
Kayla thought people should not walk/trot and go in Novice instead. Borderland is worried about long days. Maureen thinks in the long run it will all pay off.
Not adding any extra walk/trot classes but like the adult grassroots and will discuss with their club.
Both clubs are having trouble getting volunteers, volunteers also want to show and it is hard to balance. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Stake classes
Western Pleasure Stake will be split into Junior and Senior with a $25 entry. People are sometimes scared of a $50 entry.
Dryden will add Walk/Trot Stake back in - can't be the same horse and rider combo that have showed in a class with canter/lope
Dryden will offer Halter Stake, Showmanship Stake, Walk/Trot Stake, Western Pleasure Stake Junior and Senior Horse and Lunge Line Futurity.
NSBA recognized show - pay the judge an extra $75/day. NSBA Competitors will pay an extra $3/class/horse to NSBA. Lots of 50/50 horses are NSBA qualified and Cryderman's are very interested in NSBA shows. It might get more horses.
NSBA uses the same point system as AQHA.
BLQHA will try if for this year and Dryden will look into it too.
They are planning a mock show in spring to help competitors and volunteers are better prepared. Judges complained last year about their ring stewards not knowing the job. Keith Caul will be the judge.
Lisa explained how we ran our show prep clinics and will forward the info to Kayla.
It was also suggested that if the mock show didn't go, that handouts could be written up and handed out to ring stewards.
Della also mentioned the gate person is critical for keeping the show running smoothly.
Split combined
Lisa and Tammy like the 3 day shows, it is scary to have one go for 2 tries. Financially Dryden can't do it. Angie thought the 3 day show is better for beginners. Della and Colleen love the split combined horses and competitors are more rested.
Lisa adjourned the meeting at 2:20pm