(Thistle, Ragwort, Dock, Common Barberry, Male Wild Hop plant & Wild Oat)

Public Report Form -2017

Completed forms should be returned by email to or by post to Crop Policy, Production & Safety Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, 2nd Floor - Block 3, Administration Building, Backweston Campus, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.

1. Person(s)/Business against whom this report is being made

(a) Name of Landowner/Occupier*______

(b) Address*______


Location of affected land(s)*______

(Please provide information that will allow the identification of the affected lands. GPS co-ordinates/Map referencing centre of lands or road reference)

Species of Noxious Weeds present: ______

Area of land infested: ____Hectares (approx)

Other information: Please provide details of any animals observed being kept on the affected lands or adjoining lands. Photographs should also be submitted in support of a report.


2. Your details*

Name: ______

Address: ______

Telephone No &

Email Address: ______

Signature* : ______Date: ______

*Mandatory information

For official use only: 2017/NW/