Hi everyone
Now that the children have settled in with us, we thought we would send a little reminder of some of the things we think most important about making the most of Nursery.
- Always text, call or email to let us know if your child is not coming to Nursery. The new text system is now working so if you get a text from +44 7860 063209 it is us. Please save the number in your contacts.
- If phone numbers, emails or addresses change please let us know as soon as possible, so that we know we can contact you if your child is poorly or hurt at Nursery.
- Put down your phone- pick up your child. It is our policy at Nursery that no mobile phones are used in the presence of the children, and this applies to all staff, parents and visitors. Please put your phone away while dropping-off and picking-up your child.
- If your child has diarrhoea and/or sickness please keep them off school for 48 hours. Also please do not send your child to Nursery if you have given them Calpol (or similar) for pain or fever - if they need Calpol they are not well enough to come.
- We play outside every day, unless the weather is really bad. Make sure that your child has the right clothes for outside whether it is hot or cold. PLEASE write names in clothes, especially in coats, hats and uniform.
- If you have any concerns talk to your child’s key worker, or any member of staff - if we can help we will.Tell us when you think things can be changed or improved.
- Come to our stay and play sessions when you can spend some time at Nursery with your child. We will put a calendar in the cloakroom later so that you can choose a time to come and play.
We have two trainee teachers with us this year. They will build up their skills over the term and take an increasing responsibility for children’s learning and development.
Term dates for this school year
Autumn Term 2016: Thursday 8 Sept – Tues 20 Dec
Half Term: Mon 24- Fri 28 October.
Spring Term 2017: Wed 4 Jan – Friday 31 Mar
Training Day: Wed 4 Jan. Nursery closed.
Half Term: Mon 13 Feb - Fri 17 Feb
Training Day: Mon 20 Feb. Nursery closed.
Summer Term 2017: Tues 18 April – Fri 21 July
May Day: Mon 1 May.
Half Term: Mon 29 May – Fri 2 June.
New starters day: Mon 26 June. Nursery closed.
Training day: Tue 27 June. Nursery closed.