Audition Application
High Fidelity
Postal address:
(if same as Address, write ‘as above’)
Phone Numbers- Home: / Work: / Mob:
Email Address:
Age at time of audition:* / Date of Birth: / / /
Height: / Hair Colour
* If under 18, parent or guardian’s signature required.
Part(s) auditioning for:If not selected for this part, would you be available for other roles: / Yes No
If not selected for any part, would you be interested in a role in the Chorus: / Yes No
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Please list any shows, events, relevant classes
Year / Company / Show/EventIf you require more room please write on a separate sheet
How did you become aware of these auditions?
Canberra Times Phoenix Players mailing list Facebook Word of Mouth Other______
Audition Application
High Fidelity
Rehearsals, production week and performance dates
(see Rehearsals and Performance Schedule)
Do you have other commitments such as lessons, classes, holidays, work travel or other commitments etc.that conflict with this schedule? Yes No
If yes, please advise: ______
Are you involved in or will you be auditioning for any other show during the period 1 October 2014to 21 February 2015? Yes No
Please provide details______
Production Assistance
As a production is a team effort, you may be asked to assist in areas such as Wardrobe and Prop sourcing.
Do you have any interest in other production areas such as Lighting/Sound, Backstage, Props, Set construction or painting, Publicity, etc.?
Please list: ______
I have read this Audition Form and the accompanying pages Rehearsals and Performance Schedule and Terms and Conditions.
I agree that I am available for the periods listed in the Rehearsals and Performance Schedule and I agree to accept the Terms and Conditions outlined if I am selected for any part in this production.
(Signed): ______/ /
If under 18, parent or guardian’s signature:
(Signed): ______/ /
Parent/Guardian’s Name:______
Contact details:Mobile phone:______Home phone:______
Email address:______
Please bring these two pages to your audition.
When and where are rehearsals?
Rehearsals will run from 7 October2014 through until opening night, except for a short break from 19 December to 10 January. Rehearsals will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons in the Belconnen area. Closer to the performance dates, the Sunday rehearsals may start earlier.
When is the show on?
You are required to be available every night in Production week (this can be until quite late at night) and for every performance.
Production Week:the period from the day the show moves into The ANU Arts Centre Theatre (referred to as “Bump In”)on 1 February 2015 until the first performance on 6 February 2015.
Performance Dates:
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3Sunday 1st February, Bump In / Wednesday 11thFebruary, 8pm / Wednesday 18th February, 8pm
Monday-Thursday (2nd to 5th February)
Production Week
6pm call to the theatre / Thursday 12thFebruary, 8pm / Thursday 19th February, 8pm
Friday 13thFebruary, 8pm / Friday 20thFebruary, 8pm
Friday 6th February, 8pm
OPENING NIGHT / Saturday 14thFebruary, 2pm / Saturday 21stFebruary, 2pm
Saturday 7th February, 8pm / Saturday 14thFebruary, 8pm / Saturday 21st February, 8pmCLOSING NIGHT
Sunday 15th May, 2pm / Saturday 21st February, 11pm onwards, Bump Out
If you are chosen to be a cast member inHigh Fidelitywe ask that you make a real and firm commitment to the show. This means you will be available for and attend the required rehearsals as outlined above.
Membership: Phoenix Players has insurance to cover you in case of accidents during the rehearsals and/or production of the show. Therefore, you MUST BE A FINANCIAL MEMBER of Phoenix Players in order to participate in this show. You will not receive your complimentary ticket to the show if you do not pay your membership.
Costumes & Make-up: Unless specifically told otherwise, you will be expected to supply your own basic make-up, stockings, hair products and footwear. Some basic items of personal clothing (jeans, t-shirts) may be required. If using some of your own clothes or wigs for your costume, Phoenix Players is not responsible for the care or cleaning of these items unless negotiated prior to the event with the Production Manager.
Scripts/scores/rehearsal material:If you are cast inHigh Fidelity you will be provided with a script and score electronically. If you require a printed copy, these can be arranged for a small administrative (printing) fee.
Media Release: We appreciate your cooperation and consent in allowing us to photograph you for our use in various mediums. The photographs will be used by Phoenix Players Inc to promote and record the show. This does not apply to images taken for auditionee identification purposes - these will be destroyed after the audition process is complete. You agree to voluntarily and without compensation, grant permission to Phoenix Players Inc for full use, without restriction of any kind, of the photographic/video image(s) taken of you, or of anyone for whom you have legal responsibility, as outlined below.
• These images or footage may be used for promotional purposes by Phoenix Players Inc on their official website, any official publication, presentation, video, or other print or digital format.
• You further grant to Phoenix Players Inc full rights to republish, without time restriction, these images on the Phoenix Players Inc website and in Phoenix Players official programs, publications and reports.
• You also agree to allow Phoenix Players Inc to provide these images to the media as part of any promotion of Phoenix Players Inc or their productions.
Working with Vulnerable People Registration: We may have people under 18 involved in High Fidelity. Due to new requirements under the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011, you may be required to be registered to work with vulnerable people in order to be involved in the show. This registration is free for volunteers. You agree to obtain registration if required and to provide details of your registration to Phoenix Players Inc
Who am I auditioning for?
You will be auditioning in front of a panel made up of the Directors, Nathan Patrech and Sarah Hull,Musical DirectorLeisa Keen and Choreographer Jordan Kelly.These are the people who will be assessing your acting, singing and dancing skills. It isthe policy of Phoenix Players that a member of the committee is present during the audition process. This person worksmerely as an observer to ensure the audition process is completed fairly. The Production Manager, will also be in the room keeping track of your applications and our paperwork. The Production Manager and CommitteeMember are not involved in the casting of the show.
How many people are we casting?
There will be a total of 17roles to be cast (8 male and9 female) includingchorus members. Some roles will be doubled up.
When will I find out if I am in the show or not?
We hope to have cast the show by the end of the auditioning process on 30 September. Having said that, our decision making may carry over into the next day or two. We will contact you, whether you are successful or not, by the 1st October 2014.
When and where are rehearsals?
See Rehearsals and Performance Schedule. Also note that we place great value on your time so every effort is made to only call you to the rehearsals that you are needed for.
When is the show on?
See Rehearsals and Performance Schedule.
What are call backs?
After everyone has had a chance to audition it may be necessary to ask some people to return to sing a song from the show and read more lines. This is usually done when trying to decide between two people who are equally suitable for a role or to see how well people work together.
You will be contacted Sunday night (28 August) if you are required for the Tuesday night call backs and told what songs you will be singing and emailed the readings. It would be a good idea to familiarise yourself with the songs and reading before the call back.
If you forgot to tell the panel …
If after the audition process you realised you forgot to inform us of something, or needed to add or confirm information on your application form, you can email
Thank you so much for coming to audition for High Fidelity. We really appreciate the time and effort you have taken in preparing for your audition. If you have any other questions please ask the panel.
Tips from the directors
* Practice before your audition - it's a good idea to have a singing teacher to help rehearse the song you will be singing before you attend. Also try to establish the character you want to depict for your reading.
* There is no need to tell us if you are sick. Believe it or not our music director can tell. However, do advise of any injuries or medical conditions you might have that could affect your participation in the dance session.
* Relax and have fun - The audition panel want you to do your best and you always perform at your best when you are relaxed and enjoying the experience.
Good luck and we look forward to seeing you in the audition room!