Now’s the Time -- Get Involved in Trees for Troops
By the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation
September 2012, 820 words
Trees for Troops, which provides free, farm-grown Christmas Trees to armed forces members and their families in the U.S. and overseas, is off and running for 2012.Now is a great time to join in on this worthwhile, rewarding cause.Last year, more than 19,000 trees were delivered to bases in the U.S. and Middle East to thankful troops and military families, through the generosity of the Real Christmas Tree industry, consumers and corporate sponsors, including FedEx.
Trees for Troops is important to our military families AND important for our industry. Research from the National Christmas Tree Association shows that more 20 million households reported an awareness of Trees for Troops, and that more than 2 million households indicated they were influenced to purchase a real tree because of Trees for Troops. That is a strong statement on the positive values that prospective buyers associate with Trees for Troops and, through it, real Christmas Trees.
You can support Trees for Troops in a number of ways. You could donate trees through your participating state or regional Christmas Tree association, host a trailer drop during Trees for Troops Weekend, donate money or collect donations from consumers at your farm or retail location, help locate local and national sponsors, and more. Details on the opportunities to help can be found on the Trees for Troops website ( or by contacting the headquarters staff at the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation.
What’s coming up next? The Trees for Troops International kick-off will be November 20 at the Dull’s Tree Farm in Thorntown, Indiana. Plans are to ship out more than 300 donated trees prior to Thanksgiving to USO destinations in and around Kuwait.
Trees for Troops Weekend is set for November 30 - December 2, 2012. If you would like to host a trailer to collect donated trees, please sign up ASAP as this is a first come, first served opportunity.
The Trees for Troops online tool kit has plenty of great resources that can be downloaded from the newly redesigned website – Please make sure you take advantage of the tools, which include:
-Checklists for pick-up locations
-Sample press releasesyou can customize for your local newspaper/media
-Recognition certificates you can print and give to those who go above and beyond
-“Pin up” signs (new this year and easy to do) – just print the pin-up forms and ask customers to buy one for $1. Customers can sign their name and display their support for Trees for Troops in your retail location.
Your help is needed to get the word out about this valuable program – and the need to donate dollars in addition to trees. This year, the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation Trustees and staff are making major effort to ensure Trees for Troops is financially sustainable and can continue well into the future. About $7 in donated dollars is needed for each tree that is delivered.
Everyeffort is helpful in meeting this goal, from the annual quilt raffle to the jar collections many of you do each year(thank you!).Here are some other ways you can help:
-Join the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation Trustees in seeking out local sponsorships from the people you do business with. It’s hard to say no to such a great program, and local sponsorships can be at any price point. Download the sponsorship form from the online tool kit to get started.
-SellTrees for Troops bears (available through the online store at at your gift shop.Wholesale prices are available, and Trees for Troops receives $5 for each bear sold.
-If you know government employees, encourage them to direct a payroll donation to the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #12283).
-If you have family members whose employers offer matching gift programs (many larger companies do) – ask them to work with their companies to arrange a match for their donations. This is often handled through the human resources department.
-If you knowcontacts with a major corporation that might be a potential corporate sponsor, email the CSF staff (). We will make the “ask” – we just need the right person in the right company.
Lastly, as trees are being delivered to military bases, make sure you follow/like/retweet/pin Trees for Troops on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube to find all the wonderful messages of thanks that Trees for Troops receives. This helps enhance the visibility of Trees for Troops, and creates even more goodwill toward the Real Christmas Tree industry!
Look How Far We Have Come:
2005 / 2011 / 6-year OverallTrees Delivered / 4,300 / 19,229 / 103,186
Trees Delivered Overseas / 200 / 460 / 2,099
Participating States / 17 / 28 / 28
Participating Farms / 280 / 750 / 800
Trees for Troops Weekend Locations / 0 / 31 / 31
Trees for Troops Weekend Trees Donated / 0 / 5,856 / 20,354
Bases Receiving Trees (U.S. and Middle East) / 5 / 69 / 69
FedEx Donated Miles / 13,000 / 60,375 / 352,011