November 4, 2014 - BME PTO Meeting Minutes
1)Welcome & Introductions
2)Presentation of June Meeting Minutes – Jennifer Childers, secretary
Past meeting minutes were presented and reviewed. Jesse Valdovinos motioned to accept minutes. Dawn Hughes seconded it; motion passed.
3) President’s Report—Dana Munn
- Reported on success of fall events and thanked all who were involved
- Reported that BME will not be doing the variety show this year
- Looking into cloud storage to make it easier to pass on documents and access already created forms—goal is to have it up and accessible by end of school year
- Also looking into PTO software to help with directory, etc.…
4)Vice-President’s Report—Dana Munn for Margaux Cannon-Green
- Landscaping project has been bid to JOBS nursery who will begin project 11/24 or 11/25. PTO is ordering two benches for now to go with project.
- 5th grade Yearbook art contest due by 11/25—has made up a panel of teachers, parents and administrators to judge
- Continue to send pictures of events and classroom events to Marguax’s email for inclusion to yearbook
5)Treasurer’s Report – Brenda Spencer
- Copies of 2014-15 budget and August income/expense presented
- JAT—net income of $20,296.29 (will change slightly with some outstanding expenses/receipts and corporate matching)
- T-shirts—net income of $1081.72
- Undesignated expenses higher than normal due to reimbursement of last year’s movie night and purchase of Publisher 2013 for newsletter chair to work with
6)Principal’s Report—Alysia Arsanto for Gail Ledbetter
- Expressed thanks for overwhelming support for our fall activities
- 3rd week of October was “Stomp Out Bullying” week—successful week of awareness
- 5th grade had “Night of the Notables” last week which was well attended and kids did a great job
- This week Kinder conferences begin and conferences will go into next week
- 3rd/4th grade teachers all attended AVID training and are excited to begin to implement strategies they learned
7)Teacher’s Report – Carin McClelland—not present
8)Old Business
- Jog-a-Thon –Tiffany Vopalensky
- Great success—Level Prizes are coming soon
- Fall Social—Dawn Hughes
- RHS key club came and ran games, which was highly successful as it didn’t tap out our school volunteers
- Parkinson/Butler came and did popcorn
- Many parents expressed amazement that it was a free event and was considered a great success
- Book Fair—Jennifer Childers
- Able to spend around $3650 scholastic dollars on books for the library and teachers and for students
- Sales up 5 %
- Don’t need to stay open as late if fall social closes earlier
9) New Business
- Parent/Teacher Conferences—will have 12:30 PM release all week for 1-5th grade
- Holiday Bazaar—December 6th--budgeted to make $9500 off of vendor registration/admission fees
- Volunteer Drive for set-up, admissions, bake sale and take down
- Posters available to distribute around town
- Coats for Kids—now through Dec. 5th—if we collect $100, then we receive $200 from KNDU/KADLEC
- Family Movie Night—1/23/15 @ 4:00 and 7:00 PM—Jesse Valdovinos—will need help with clean up between sessions and after last session.
- Announcements—reviewed upcoming events
- Added that on 11/12 is a Public hearing for the proposed RSD boundaries
- Discussion/Questions
- Hi-Cap/Quest Nominations are available now through 1/15/15
- December meeting will be a Holiday Meet and Greet December 12th @ 9:30 am at Yokes Market
Meeting Adjourned.
Attendees: Dana Munn, Jennifer Childers, Brenda Spencer, Alysia Arsanto, ChrissyMalson, Elizabeth Gutierrez, Jesse Valdovinos, Dawn Hughes, Tiffany Vopalensky, Nikki Morgan, Michelle Gotthold, Melissa Fulsom