November 2017Students of the Month


Mohsin came to America just over a year ago. Not only has he had to learn a new language but our history as a country in my class. He is always ready to answer questions and has a positive attitude at all times. Great job Mohsin!

Mr. DeAugustine

Jayden Baines

Jayden is a very respectful and well-behaved young man, both in class, and throughout our building. He works hard academically and always tries his best. He is very conscientious and a pleasure to have in class. I enjoy listening to his perspective on current events that we discuss in class. Overall, he is a great kid. Thank you Jayden.

Mr. Marano

Robert Beachner

Robby is a very nice young man that is a pleasure to have in class. He is willing and eager to participate in the class. Robby asks and answers many questions throughout the class also helping his classmates when they are in need. Robby is always striving to do his best. If he gets a bad grade on an assignment, he is quick to correct the assignment to raise his grade.

Mrs. Jerose

Kate Capone

In addition to being a rock star on the Cross Country team, Kate has been a delightful member of our Accelerated Algebra class. Kate does a wonderful job of asking questions as she continues her pursuit of understanding complex math topics. She consistently helps other students and is well-liked by her classmates. And while she currently denies any relation to the famous gangster Al Capone, Kate is doing everything she can to clean up the reputation of the “Capone” name. With a great attitude and a terrific work ethic…she is well on her way.

Mr. Mekker

Corey Cartier

Corey is an awesome student in my class. He demonstrates such a positive attitude at all times. Corey is a kid that is willing to participate in class discussion and lend his perspective no matter what the conversation is that we are having. Corey is a pleasure to have in my class this year!

Mr. Heinrich

Delaney Casey

Delaney is one of the hardest workers in our Global 9 class. In addition to working hard and being an active participant in class discussions, she is always willing to help out with organizing the classroom. Her hard work and every day smile help make Block 2 a success!

Mrs. Hill and Mr. Schlotzhauer

Hanna Deinhart

Hanna is a very sweet young lady. Even though she may struggle with math at times, she is an extremely hard worker and strives to do her best. Hanna is always prepared for class with her work done completely and all steps shown clearly. She asks questions when she needs clarification and helps others when they are struggling as well. If she gets a grade that she is not happy with, she is quick to do the corrections and to improve her grade. I am glad to have Hanna in my class this year.

Mrs. Jerose

David Delore

David has improved his self-advocacy skills and always asks important questions when he needs clarification or help. He is a pleasure to have in class. He is helpful and always willing to lend a hand to his teachers and classmates.

Mrs. Hill

Neely Donegan

Neely is a very sweet young lady. She is an extremely hard worker. Neely is always prepared for class with her work done completely and all steps shown clearly. She asks questions when she needs clarification and helps others when they are struggling as well. Neely is always willing and eager to participate in class. If she gets a grade that she is not happy with, she is quick to do the corrections to improve her grade. I am glad to have Neely in my class this year.

Mrs. Jerose

Lauralee Dunn

Lauralee is a positive young lady who smiles and compliments others. She is kind and always does her best. She is diligent about work and stays after school frequently to better her skills. She is a pleasure to teach!

Mrs. Spencer

Delia Fedele

Delia is such a sweet, kind, hard working girl! She not only plays her own percussion parts well in Band but quietly helps out others. She is self motivated and talented. Keep up the great teamwork and excellent focus and performance

Mrs. MacDerment

Daniel Gaffaney

Dan is a dedicated Band student that works very hard to do well. He is in a section of many talented students and this creates some pressure to keep pushing forward. Through all of this, he keeps a positive attitude and never gives up!

Mrs. MacDerment

Josiah Hickey

Josiah has been off to a great start and working hard in Band. He switched his instrument from a trombone to a baritone (because we needed one) and stands out in his section as being the leader! Keep up your excellent efforts!

Mrs. MacDerment

Edwin Hirsh

Edwin works very hard in orchestra as well as academic classes. He’s always willing to go the extra mile! With a smile on his face!

Mrs. Bowden

Alyssa Kimber

I nominated Alyssa for Student of the Month because she is kind and has a positive attitude. She is a hard worker and gets things done! She also graciously put up with her Spanish teacher’s failure to call her by her correct name! She got a lot of Allyson’s and Ally’s from me before I got it straight!

Ms. Yannascoli

Trace LaRobardiere

I nominated Trace because he always comes into my class with a positive attitude. He is cooperative and works well in groups. He is kind to everyone in the class, even if he doesn’t know them well. He is a good guy all around and deserves to be S.O.M.

Ms. Yannascoli

Taylor McGlocklin

Taylor always comes to Band her lessons with a beautiful smile. She is always attentive and ready to participate. She is working hard and has a wonderful personality to staff and her fellow students.

Mrs. MacDerment

Dakota Rayne Ostrander-Bradley

Rayne came to NSJH as a new student to the district in 8th grade. She has overcome many obstacles and is always putting forth her best effort. I have seen a huge growth in her confidence between 8th and 9th grade and I am proud of her. Always believe in yourself and keep up the good work!

Mrs. MacDerment

Arianna Pappa

Arianna is kind and helpful. She tends to be a leader and positive role model in science class. She participates often and has a great smile and style. She makes my day brighter!

Mrs. Spencer

Celine Picard

Celine has come out of her shell over the last ten weeks and has started to speak up and participate more often in class discussions. She always walks into Global Studies with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. Celine is always willing to help out a few of her classmates by explaining ideas in a different way or offering to be their partner and we know they appreciate her help as much as we do.

Mrs. Hill and Mr. Schlotzhauer


Giorgio is an asset, not only to Orchestra class, but to our building!! He’s always positive, works incredibly hard and is very involved in many building and district activities.

Mrs. Bowden

Chloe Smeader

Chloe is a hard-working student with a positive attitude. She works hard, asks good questions and contributes to our class often. She also works well with her classmates. She is an important part of our classroom community. Keep up the great work, Chloe!!!

Mrs. Klem & Mrs. Weatherup

Kaylie Sullivan

Kaylie is an exceptional student with an excellent attitude towards other students and teachers. She cares a great deal about being a success in school. Kaylie is an amazing artist as well. Way to go Kaylie! Keep up the great work!!

Mr. Short

Zachary Sweeney

Zach has consistently worked hard in math class. He stays focused in class and works well with his classmates. Keep up the great work, Zach!

Ms. Rapp and Mrs. Weatherup

Savannah Topor

Savannah has been working hard in math class and is very successful in her work. She is very good at helping her classmates by explaining what we are doing. Her patience and good attitude is helping others learn too! Thanks, Savannah!

Ms. Rapp and Mrs. Weatherup

Joanna Vincent

Joanna consistently stays to complete responsibilities in the kitchen area after a lab. It is very appreciated that she, along with some group members, put the effort into thoroughly cleaning the kitchen after a lab. It shows respect for my classroom and to me that she takes the time to make sure her area is ready for use by the next group of students.

Mrs. Bower

Brandon Vona

Brandon has an excellent attitude especially towards music and trying new instruments. He just asked to try the baritone and within a week is ready to play it in Band. Keep up the excellent motivation and hard work!

Mrs. MacDerment

Dylan Wise

Dylan is a very responsible student in our Algebra I class. He is always polite and kind and offers to help other students who may need assistance. Dylan completes all of his work and asks for help when needed. He is a positive role model for all students and is a great asset to our class. We truly enjoy having Dylan in our class.

Mrs. Klem and Mrs. Weatherup